Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 339 MK1 Tactical Fearlessness

Everyone on the bridge could see the Red Corsair fleet getting closer and closer to Macragge's Glory, until it surrounded the Primarch's flagship.

Then there was a violent storm of bombardment, light spears, torpedoes, macro cannon shells, all of which were intercepted by the void shield. The only ones that could pass through the void shield were the slower boarding torpedoes, which were aimed at the Macragge's Glory. Flying past the bottom, the Red Pirate Jump Gang carried on it was eager to try.

At the forefront of the boarding torpedo group is a heavy breakthrough torpedo produced by the Tyrone system. This was found along with the bridge of the USS Path of Glory. Knowing the breakthrough performance of this torpedo, Huron ordered it to be Converted into a boarding torpedo.

Among the boarding torpedoes was Vengar, the second in command of the Red Corsairs warband and a strong contender for the position of Red Corsairs Chaos Lord.

"Surge into Macragge's Glory and chop off Guilliman's head!"

Veengar roared loudly from inside the boarding torpedo, giving pre-battle encouragement to the warband brothers who followed him.

At this time, Weingar was wearing MK1 Terminator power armor, and he could occupy the space of three people by himself.

Veengar was originally unwilling to participate in this gang-hopping battle, but Huron was so generous that he even gave him the MK1 Terminator Armor that the war gang had obtained in the subspace.

With the MK1 power armor, Veengar is fearless, and he is very happy to participate in the first wave of gang-hopping battles, because if he can kill Guilliman, it will bring him unparalleled prestige in the Red Corsair war gang, which is enough Compete with Huron for the position of warband lord.

"Be ready for battle."

Veengar turned around awkwardly and stared at the screen directly in front of him.

The Macragge's Glory's weapons are firing at the three leading warships in the fleet. Even if this flagship faces a fleet alone, it will not be at a disadvantage in a short time.

Wyngar, who was inside the boarding torpedo, could only see the sky full of light spears and cannonballs, as well as the sky full of barrages above the Macragge's Glory.

After discovering the cluster of boarding torpedoes, the flagship crew immediately stopped intercepting the carrier-based aircraft and focused on intercepting the boarding torpedoes coming from below the ship.

Even if the flagship cannot aim all its guards weapons downward, the defensive barrage fired from all parts of the ship still looks very dense and terrifying.

Every second, more than ten torpedoes were intercepted by the barrage, and the crew members on them were blown into pieces, and their flesh and torpedo fragments were splashed into the dark void together.

This is why Veengar is unwilling to participate in gang-hopping, but if it is not certain whether he can enter the Macragge's Glory, then he will not participate in gang-hopping no matter what Huron gives him.

"Activate defenses and let this baby send us in!" Wengar turned around and yelled at the Black Mechanicus personnel standing at the end of the torpedo.

This torpedo is a Tyrone Navy heavy-duty breakthrough torpedo that was found by Huron along with the Path of Glory. Although some equipment must be dismantled in order to be loaded with people, the torpedo still has the functions it should have.

The modified Tyrone ship's heavy torpedo activated its energy shield when it detected an interception barrage. The energy supply equipment installed by Huron's engineers on the torpedo could only keep the shield running for five seconds, but it was enough.

The interception barrage hit the shield, and the people inside heard the same thud as the knock on the door.

This was followed by interceptor missiles launched from the right side of the Macragge's Glory. After flying near the torpedo, these missiles were detonated one by one by the guard weapons raised above the torpedo.

Wiengar began counting silently from five.

Five seconds later, at the count of one, the torpedo hit the bottom shell of the Macragge's Glory. The Guards weapons began to cut through all obstacles in its path, and finally stopped on the way to the bridge before the fuel was exhausted.

There is only one torpedo of this kind, so only Weingar and his cronies can enjoy the safe boarding process. Eighty percent of the thousands of boarding torpedoes launched by the fleet with them were intercepted, and in the end only Twenty percent of the torpedoes successfully reached the bottom edge of Macragge's Flare.

"Kill!" Wengar kicked open the gate, rushed out and opened fire on the Ultramarines who came to intercept, killing six people with artillery fire in less than two seconds.

The huge MK1 armor not only has powerful attack power, but also has top-notch defense power.

A series of plasma hit Veengar's shoulder armor, leaving only a scorch mark.

Vengar slowly turned around, covering the Ultramarines with plasma weapons as they attacked him.

At the same time, the forty cronies brought by Veengar used the MK1 armor as a bunker, exchanging fire with other Ultramarines while avoiding it.

The battle lasted less than ten seconds, and the Ultramarines near the boarding point were cleared away.

Weengar dropped a teleportation beacon and led his cronies to move forward. At the same time, he checked the data displayed by the MK1 armor sensor, which showed that the nearest gang jumping team was two kilometers away.

Wearing the MK1, Weingar felt that he was omnipotent, so he simply did not join the friendly forces and went straight to the bridge.

There is no need to twist and turn from his position to the bridge, it is a straight corridor one kilometer long.

The Ultramarines have set up fire emplacements one after another in the corridor, trying to prevent Veengar from going to the Gene Father.

Weengar himself is an experienced veteran, but he does not need to use any tactics. He only needs to turn his body sideways to point the MK1's shoulder armor against the enemy, and then move forward slowly.

Raindrops of explosive bombs and plasma balls hit the shoulder armor of MK1. Veengar inside could not even feel the shock. The only thing that could threaten him was the melta weapon, but he was not fighting alone.

The three men behind Veengar who used the Terminator as a cover were specifically responsible for dealing with those armed with melta weapons.

"I feel like a fucking Dreadnaught!" Veengar laughed, shooting at the enemies in front of him.

On the battlefield, it is difficult for even a Space Marine to feel omnipotent, but at this time Veengar felt what it means to be omnipotent. He could even kill the enemy in front of him while taking the time to attack the bridge gate one kilometer away. Fire a shot.

When the portcullis was blown apart, Vengar saw Guilliman, who was arranging the Space Marines to defend against the gangsters.

When the two men's eyes briefly met, Weingar faced the incoming bomb and stopped attacking, raising his hand to make a gesture of wiping his neck.

Guilliman glanced at Vengar expressionlessly, and then said something to Caul beside him.

Vengar didn't hear what Guilliman said. He didn't care at all. He just wanted to rush into the bridge quickly and use his omnipotent MK1 Terminator to open a hole in Guilliman's head.

I took leave this morning and went to the hospital for an infusion. I don’t feel uncomfortable now, just sleepy. I won’t write as much today and I’ll go to bed early.

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