Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 334 Different paths lead to the same destination

Five hundred worlds.


Guilliman spent a week rushing back to the capital world of Ultramar.

News of the return of the Primarch has spread throughout the Five Hundred Worlds, but only in the form of gossip. People in the Five Hundred Worlds discussed the return of the Primarch after dinner, which they could not believe at all.

This is all because Guilliman ran to Tyrone without appearing in front of his people after he woke up. Now that he is back, he doesn't have much time to spend on the return ceremony. He must immediately organize a fleet to go to Tyrone. Ra, announce to the High Lords the return of the Primarch.

As a result, a total of one thousand ships of various types were assembled and gathered outside Macragge to receive the dimensional engine transformation of the Friendship industrial ship.

This was a massive fleet the size of two Sector Fleets, capable of not only asserting the Primarch's authority upon his arrival on Terra, but also protecting him on his way there.

Guilliman would not stay in Macragge for too long. While waiting for the industrial ship to refit the dimensional engine for the fleet, he called his descendants, the mortal commanders and officials of the five hundred worlds, and asked them to stay with him in Hector. Meet in the Sanctuary of La Fortress.

This large-scale meeting began with the Primarch praising each participant for adhering to their duties and acknowledging their honor.

The Ultramarines had long known of the Primarch's awakening, and most of them had even interviewed Guilliman.

Mortal officials and commanders only heard the news spread in alleys or taverns in their own world. They couldn't believe it, but now after seeing Guilliman with their own eyes, they would silently thank those who spread the news to their own world.

After praising everyone one by one, the Primarch announced what he was going to do next.

"As you can see, the fleet has gathered outside Macragge, and I will be traveling with them to Terra."

Among those attending the meeting were members of the Navigator family.

These people did not know that the original body went to the Talon system, nor did they know that he had brought back industrial ships that could mass-produce dimension engines. Of course, they did not know that the fleet was gathered outside Macragge, and every ship was What is the purpose of taking turns approaching that huge blue battleship?

But these navigators heard a rumor when they came to Macragge, that is, the reason why the original body has awakened and has not announced his return is because he ran to the Tyron star sector... This means that he may The dimension engine was introduced.

The people present are all smart people, and some things can be known just by talking about them.

"Wise Lord of Ultramar!" A white-haired navigator stood up in the corner and saluted Guilliman with great respect. "During these ten thousand years, every member of the Allen family has been fighting for Navigation of the Ultramarines Chapter..."

The navigator first talked about his family's merits, and then asked Guilliman: "Please grant us the honor and responsibility of your navigation."

Guilliman looked at the navigator.

Like all navigators in the empire, he has an eye patch on his forehead, and underneath it is the navigator's third eye.

Navigators are indispensable people on the ship. They can see the light of the star torch and use it to guide the ship's navigation direction in the subspace where there is no time and direction.

This navigator underwent special genetic modification in order to better perform navigation duties. His head was so big that he was deformed. He could not do anything except navigate the ship.

The same goes for his family, which cannot produce any value or do anything else except being navigators.

Mortals cannot play tricks on the Primarch, and Guilliman instantly realized that the Navigator's so-called request for honor and responsibility was just a temptation.

He wanted to judge whether the fleet needed a navigator to determine what sailing method the fleet would use to reach Terra.

"Thank you for your family's contribution to the Five Hundred Worlds and the entire empire." Guilliman said calmly, "Your ancestors were the ones who navigated me ten thousand years ago. They were the first ones when I woke up from the stasis field. What I am asking for is news about your family. I am very happy and grateful to know that you have adhered to your duties for ten thousand years."

"Praise the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar! Praise the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds!" The Navigator raised his scepter and shouted loudly.

Then the members of House Navigator who came with him also praised Guilliman loudly.

But compared to the gratitude of the original body, what they wanted to know more was about the dimension engine.

It was obvious that Guilliman was being careless, which would allow the navigators to determine what he had brought back from Tyrone.

"Continue to stick to your duties, stick to your duties." Guilliman glanced at each navigator, "Considering the storms around the Five Hundred Worlds, I will rush to Terra on a ship equipped with a dimensional engine."

"Wise decision!" Calgar looked at the Navigator, but loudly echoed to the Gene Father, "Considering your safety, I plan to advise you at this meeting to use the Dimension Engine to prevent you from being caught in the storm. Unexpected things have happened...but you are obviously wiser than all of us!"

After hearing Calgar's words, the navigators who had just tried to persuade Guilliman swallowed their words.

If there is any objection to the original body's decision to use the dimensional engine at this time, it is suspected that he wants the original body to take risks in the subspace storm and encounter unexpected events... This subspace storm did not rise before, but it happened now.

After gagging the Navigator, Guilliman did not give the Astropath a chance to express his eloquence, and changed the subject when an old Astropath from Macragge was about to speak.

The next step is to make arrangements for departure to Terra. The Five Hundred Worlds only need to operate as usual until the original body comes back from Terra. Anyway, this is not the first day that the Five Hundred Worlds are without the original body.

After explaining everything, Guilliman motioned for all the participants to leave, leaving only Calgar alone.

The original body looked unnatural, first asked some things about the Four Heroes, and then remained silent for a moment, as if nothing had happened.

Then the original body asked after silence: "Does our fleet have to pass through the Maelstrom on its way to Terra?"

"Sage Caul is more professional than me on this question." Calgar was stunned for a moment when asked, and then nodded thoughtfully, "But it should be true, even if the dimension engine is activated at the edge of the maelstrom, I am afraid that it will not be able to directly cross the maelstrom... …”

"Oh." Guilliman nodded and fell silent again.

When Calgar was about to leave, Guilliman seemed to suddenly remember a small thing and asked him: "By the way, there is one more thing. What is the situation in the Great Library now?"

The Library is a huge building on Macragge that stores the history of five hundred worlds.

From the moment the Five Hundred Worlds were founded to the present, all history, all.

Hearing the genetic father mention the library inadvertently, Calga did not respond immediately and thought about what to say.

"Close it first," Guilliman said. "Then I will personally lead a renovation project and reopen it after the renovation project is completed."

"Yes." Calga saluted and accepted the order.

Seeing Calgar's series of reactions, Guilliman understood that a certain document in the library was well protected even when he was sleeping.

For example, in the library, those documents about the establishment of the Second Empire during the Great Rebellion...or something else...but the key is the documents about the Second Empire.

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