Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 333 Go to the Maelstrom!

"I just hurried to get here."


"Really... okay, it's fake. I want to come to Tai Lung to deal with something."

Uslan couldn't do anything to Qin Mo with his psychic powers, and now that he was caught in action, he could only tell the truth.

In front of the Burner, Uslan talked about why he came to the Tyrone star sector.

With the Talon star system as its core, and beyond the western edge of the star sector, there is a star system called the Hideout in the Eldar language. An ancient Eldar warrior is practicing in an underground temple on a planet in the star system.

This ancient Eldar warrior did not enter the temple voluntarily, but was imprisoned. The Crystal Prophet is required to open the temple.

"That ancient warrior is not powerful and poses no threat to you, but his mission is to join the Death Army and block Eveleni's sword." Uslan asked Qin Mo, "Let us go over and kill this warrior. Pick it up. You can send people to follow us, and if what I say is false, let your kind burn us to death."

The Burner had long wanted to burn Uslan to death, but it felt that this guy seemed to have a good relationship with Qin Mo, and killing him directly might be bad.

Burners are cruel, but there is a difference between cruelty and stupidity.

"Okay." Qin Mo nodded in agreement.

Uslan didn't expect Qin Mo to agree so readily. Could it be that Sal had helped him before, and Efreni came again, causing this star god who hated psychic creatures to change his attitude?

"I have a battleship lost in the subspace. You have to find a way to help me bring the battleship back to the real universe." Qin Mo said.

"Sure enough..." Uslan's illusions about Qin Mo were instantly shattered.

However, after thinking about it, this kind of deal was quite good. Everyone got what they wanted, so they agreed without hesitation: "Tell me the details of that battleship, and I will help you find it."

Uslan tried to make a deal using prophecy. He asked Thrall to arrange various trinkets made of spiritual bones around himself, which could protect his soul.

Moreover, Uslan is now in a hole-free network, and using psychic powers is not a particularly dangerous thing. It is not difficult for him to help him.

"That battleship is a cruiser, the Path of Glory."

"The battleship seemed to have self-awareness. It detected strong subspace energy during the Battle of Cartier and did not automatically jump away... A captain named Sain teleported it to Abaddon's Vengeful Spirit and perished together."

Qin Mo was talking about battleships.

Uslan listened quietly, searching in the sea of ​​souls with his eyes closed.

Soon he found the Path of Glory.

"It's not in the Sea of ​​Souls." Uslan opened his eyes and looked at Qin Mo doubtfully, "Maybe the information you gave is wrong."

"Impossible." Qin Mo shook his head.

Uslan had no choice but to tell Qin Mo what he saw.

"I saw a battleship. It's not in the Sea of ​​Souls, nor in the Eye of Terror that was compressed in half by you. It's in the Maelstrom."

"Only the bridge part of this battleship is left. If it is what you are looking for, then I congratulate you. After the restoration of this battleship, your fleet will not be negatively affected by the sinking of the original ship."

"There is also a living person on the bridge."

After listening to what Uslan said, Qin Mo felt that it was the Path of Glory he was looking for, but why was it not in subspace but in the maelstrom?

The Maelstrom is similar to the Eye of Terror. It is also a subspace rift in the real universe, but its scale is not as large as before the Eye of Terror shrank.

If Terra is used as the coordinates, the Eye of Terror and Cadia are to the north of Terra, while the Maelstrom is far to the east.

The Badab Sector is located near the Maelstrom.

After Guilliman returned to Ultramar, he had to pass through the Maelstrom before heading to Terra.

The red pirates are probably entrenched inside the maelstrom now.

After recalling what happened about the Maelstrom, Qin Mo asked Uslan: "I saw the Path of Glory entering the subspace with my own eyes. Why is it not in the subspace?"

"Maybe it was spit out, like a space hulk, or maybe a god sent it out." Uslan speculated on various possibilities.

"Watch them until they leave." Qin Mo said to Burner, "I have to organize a fleet to go to the whirlpool and bring my ship and my people back."

At the moment of entering the subspace, the Vengeful Spirit was blown into several large and small pieces by the Path of Glory from the inside.

The special bridge of the Path of Glory opened an energy shield at the moment of the explosion, and the tank cabin where Saiin and other crew members were sleeping also opened a small shield in an instant.

The crew survived, observing the outside world through the bridge's portholes.

The scene inside the subspace is like a purple hell with no logic in sight or hearing.

Just when Captain Sai felt lucky that the crew and himself were all alive, a creature that looked like a block with tails on all sides floated into the bridge and swam to the crew's tank. The tail easily Breaking through the tank, taking out the crew members one after another and eating them.

In just two minutes, Sain watched his crew members being eaten away until it was his turn.

The creature swam over. The metal-like cube had fangs and sharp teeth, and it easily got into the cabin.

Sain closed his eyes and waited quietly for death to come.

Bang bang——

The sudden sound of gunfire caused Saiin to open his eyes suddenly, and he saw a scene that he had never imagined or dreamed of in his life.

In the subspace environment that seemed to be a vacuum, a huge black ball floated over and stretched out its tentacles to tightly bind the cabin where Sain was located.

The sphere carries many soldiers, wearing shining power armor and holding rifles that can shoot golden beams.

They quickly clear away nearby block mobs.

One of the soldiers jumped onto the bridge, sat on top and looked up.

The black sphere projected a starry phantom over the soldiers' heads.

"Regiment...Captain?" Saiin banged the cabin hard and shouted to the soldiers outside the bridge window, "Captain Albert, is that you?!"

Before entering the fleet school for training, Sain was a soldier of the 31st regiment. Since the regiment leader Albert was captured by the gene stealers, he became the regiment leader...

Sain never thought that he would see Albert one day.

But no matter how much Sain shouted, Albert was still sitting on the bridge. As long as he turned around, he could see the cabin where Sain was located through the porthole, but he made no move.

Sain kept banging on the cabin until he found that his flesh and blood had merged with the cabin and he could do nothing.

Until Sain couldn't even open his mouth to speak, he could only listen passively.

At this time, many personal voices reached Sain's ears.

"Why do we continue to this day?"

"Because of the victims."

“Why do we enjoy prosperity?”

"Because of the victims."

"What is a victim?"

"For humanity, for the sector, we will fight to the death and never give up."


The sound of these countless people gathering together to recite is not unfamiliar to Sain. It is the sound of the memorial ceremony.

Every month, everyone in the moon star area will gather in the square of the planet to watch the orbital dock itself or the dock projection to pay homage to the fallen in previous wars.

Close your eyes, imagine each ashes with names engraved in the mezzanine of the orbital dock, recite, observe silence...sincerely hope that they can have a place in the world after death.

The black ball in front of me looks very similar to the orbital dock.

But it doesn't look as powerful as it is in reality. More and more subspace creatures are surrounding it, biting it full of holes. No matter how hard the warriors who emerge from the shipyard fight, it's to no avail.

Sain did not see the end of the dock.

Just as the space engine was turned on, the bridge of the Path of Glory and the fragments of the Vengeful Spirit were pulled out of the subspace together.

More and more ships gathered around and began to salvage the wreckage of the Vengeful Spirit, and one ship noticed the complete bridge of the Path of Glory and immediately drove over.

On the hull of that ship, the Black Hand logo printed in a red background circle is clearly visible.

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