Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 335 The Black-Hearted King Huron

Maelstrom area.

As the intersection of subspace and the real universe, the situation here looks like half of subspace, full of demonic worlds and supernatural phenomena.

In the Blackstone Fortress named the New Eternal Will, the Blackheart King Huron and his Red Pirates war gang are cleaning up the messy equipment and cables inside the Blackstone Fortress.

Those areas that had been cleared were used as warehouses, taverns, or entertainment venues.

This Blackstone Fortress, which originally belonged to Huron and was occupied by Abaddon but was intercepted by Huron, has now become a temporary stronghold of the Red Pirate Warband. There is a rumor circulating in the warband that Huron plans to move the new The Eternal Will is named New Badab.

"So, the Lord of the Black Legion paid the price for his recklessness. What is his condition now?"

Huron advanced in the passage of Blackstone Fortress.

Every mortal busy in the passage would look back at Huron, salute him respectfully, and then be frightened to stop breathing after seeing what was next to Huron.

A blue bird-man with two heads and a scepter.

Kalos, the great demon of Tzeentch.

"All is well with the Warmaster. He is planning his next expedition."

"Abaddon has disappeared. As far as I know, his Vengeful Spirit was destroyed, and he himself is missing. He is probably dead."

Carlos's two heads speak contradictory words of self-denial.

Huron could guess which of Carlos's words was true.

Abaddon was apparently missing, at least not when the Red Corsairs salvaged the wreckage of the Vengeful Spirit.

Even before, when the Black Legion retreated from the Cadian Gate in embarrassment and did not return to the Eye of Terror, but rushed towards the Maelstrom, the Red Pirates joined them halfway to defeat the Imperial Navy and demanded the New Eternal Will as reward. At that time, Didn't see Abaddon.

"Abaddon doesn't seem to be a person who dies easily." Huron recalled what he knew about the Battle of Cartier. "But after being stabbed eighteen times by the living saint and the mechanical cyborg, I estimate that within eight hundred years I I can’t see him.”

Carlos nodded with one head and shook his head with the other.

"Now tell me your purpose." Huron continued to lead Carlos forward in the passage, "Why did you suddenly appear to find me?"

Carlos still said two contradictory words, but all the sounds made by the head that did not tell the truth were automatically filtered out by Huron as farts, and he only listened to the truth.

"The corpse on the Golden Throne, his thirteenth descendant may pass by the Maelstrom... If he is lucky, he will stop at the southern edge of the Maelstrom. This is a good opportunity."

"I hope the Red Pirate can assist me, and I will give you a generous reward."

After listening to what Carlos said, Huron recalled the moment when he became a Space Marine on his first day.

The Dauntless Chapter of the Star Claws tells the chapter's history, stating that the chapter's parent chapter is the Ultramarines, and that Guilliman is the genetic father of every Brother Astartes of the parent and child chapters.

Huron felt that he had indeed inherited a bit of the Gene Father's talents - if the gene seed could change the thinking of a Space Marine.

Huron wanted to go to the Hall of the Holy Sepulchre in Macragge to worship the Gene Father. If the Gene Father's mind still existed, he also wanted to ask himself whether he could make him proud.

An unknown, one of many sub-bands of the Ultramarines, fighting off the enemies of humanity in the Maelstrom in the Badab sector, would have made the Genefather proud.

But after the Badab War, after the death of the fearless man who told the history of the Chapter, Huron no longer cared about this. If there were benefits to be gained from killing Guilliman, he would do it without hesitation.

At least that's what he thinks.

"The Dark Gods should want to prevent Guilliman from going to Terra." Huron said as he walked, "Why can't they think of other ways, such as using plagues and wars to delay him..."

"The current situation of the material universe is not good for us." Carlos explained, "The emergence of certain factors has affected the overall situation. The entire material universe is changing. In addition to the unprecedented increase in the power of the Lord of Changes, other supreme heavens have The divine power exerts less and less influence on the material universe, and pestilence and war may not be able to hinder the Primarch."

Carlos' other lying head continued to tell lies, but Huron was used to it.

Huron continued to move forward in silence, taking Carlos to an arena.

Cheers reached the ears of the Black-Hearted King and the Demon Lord.

In the arena, there was a space warrior who had his armor removed and whose warband he belonged to. He faced a heavily armed warrior of the Red Pirates warband.

Carlos saw both the past and the future of the unarmored Space Marine.

He once wandered into a semi-demon world when entering the Maelstrom. He was almost killed by a giant beast mutated by the corruption of the warp. It was the locals who showed up to save him and told them how to hunt the giant beast more easily.

Then he killed three red pirate warriors who went to collect taxes, which is why he appeared in the arena.

He wants to atone for his mistakes and bring a feast of blood and fighting skills to the Red Pirates warband.

This warrior is very skilled in the use of psychic powers.

As for the future...

"The Red Pirates War Gang is a useless war gang that only dares to bully the weak!"

The unarmored Space Marines dodged around the arena, taunting the Red Corsair warband warriors in front of them, as well as the onlookers.

"The three guys I killed were like tyrants when facing the mortals in that half-demon world, but when they faced my spiritual power, they were as fragile and cowardly as ants!"

"Their souls beg me for mercy as they are about to be torn apart!"

These words undoubtedly angered all the red pirates present. They shouted angrily and asked the battle brothers in the arena to cut this psychic arrogant into a stick.

But it backfired.

After some sarcasm, the unarmored warrior opened his palms to the enemy wielding his sword in front of him. The temperature in the arena dropped sharply, and white lightning appeared in the hands and eyes of the unarmored warrior.

His psychic talent is so strong that his armor hardly protects him.

In front of Huron, and in front of all the onlookers of the Red Pirate Warband, the Unarmored Warrior used psychic lightning to smash the body of the Red Pirate Warrior in front of him into ashes.

"Continue this wheel battle, cowards!" the unarmored warrior shouted to everyone, "use your lives until my psychic energy is overloaded, and then chop off my head!"

Onlookers raised their weapons and prepared to rush in and fight.

But before they could act, Huron silenced them with a shout.

"Aren't you embarrassed enough? Stand back, everyone!"

Huron had authority in the Red Pirates warband and the entire Maelstrom region. No one would object to his words, so he did not rush to attack the unarmored warrior.

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