Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 330 Evaluation

Tyrone Sector 1 University.

Guilliman stood outside the door of a classroom, leaning against the wall and listening to the sounds coming from inside.

Anreda looked at the original body helplessly.

Only now did Guilliman know why Anreda was unwilling to bring him here, because what the school taught today was really a bit...taboo.

This is not knowledge about the subspace. In fact, even in the Tyrone Sector, only a very small number of people and the soulless can learn the knowledge about the subspace.

What they are teaching is about ten thousand years.

From the beginning of the Great Crusade to the Forbidden Rebellion.

I won't go into too much detail, it sounds more like a summary.

"We have talked about the Emperor before. No one knows what the Emperor's real name is. When the human forces were falling apart, he suddenly appeared to unify Terra and organized an expedition to integrate the human forces in the galaxy. "

"The National Religion claims that the Astartes are all angels sent to the world by the Emperor, but in fact they are not. They are the creations of biotechnology invented by the Emperor. They were transformed from ordinary people by implanting gene seeds and undergoing a series of transformation surgeries. Superhuman warrior.”

"The Emperor destroyed many humans or alien forces during the Great Crusade. Some of the methods were not very glorious, but the Great Crusade still had a liberating and enterprising nature."

"During this period, the superhuman warriors were still a legion. As for the reason why they were later adapted into a smaller chapter, it was the thirteenth Primarch Robert Guilliman who wrote the Codex Astartes. The lives and battles of the Astartes warriors and many other matters were arranged."

"I want to mention something here. I have talked about part of the information about the Great Rebellion before. The Codex Astartes can effectively prevent the Legion from becoming an organized rebellion in the Great Rebellion from happening again. But today, as the intensity of the war is getting higher and higher, the Codex Astartes The rules are no longer appropriate."


Guilliman heard about the Codex he had written, but he was not angry. Instead, like the teacher who gave the lecture, he believed that the Codex Astartes was inappropriate.

The intensity of wars in the galaxy is indeed getting higher and higher now, just like the Battle of Baal. If the Blood Angels had not gathered under Dante's call and fought like an entire legion instead of a war band, Baal would have been gone by now.

Guilliman continued to listen.

The teacher began to tell in detail some of the things the Emperor had done, such as how he only cared about whether a planet belonged to the Empire during the Crusade, and it did not matter what the ruler of the planet had done and whether it was good or bad.

Then there is the evaluation of the emperor.

When he heard this, Guilliman was attentive, listening with some expectation and some worry. He didn't know what the Tyrones would think of the Emperor.

A tyrant who once left the Tyrone sector struggling in darkness?

A savior who saved humanity?

An ambitious conqueror, a slave owner who doesn't care about the people of the empire?

"The Emperor is undoubtedly a tyrant."

"He doesn't love any specific person, but he should love the race called humanity."

"The Golden Throne is like a torture machine specially prepared for psykers. The Emperor sat on it and suffered torture, using his psychic powers and star torch to guide the navigation of human ships. He endured ten thousand years of torture. , just so that the empire can continue to stumble in the cruel and cold universe."

"If the Emperor had not made sacrifices, the Empire would not be able to survive until now, and humanity would be completely swallowed up by the cold void. The Emperor of Mankind deserves his title."

Anreda looked at Guilliman nervously, worried that he would be dissatisfied with the evaluation in Talon's textbook, but he was completely overthinking it.

Guilliman just lowered his head and was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head and smiled at Anreda: "This is the kindest comment I have ever heard... One of my brothers said that the Emperor is a cruel executioner. It is a damned thing." of slave owners.”

"Do you agree with that assessment?" Anruida asked curiously.

"Me?" Guilliman suddenly thought of many things.

The Emperor's incomprehensible cold attitude towards certain of his heirs.

The room the Emperor prepared in the palace for all his heirs.

The Emperor's appallingly low emotional intelligence allowed a Primarch who struggled to maintain brotherly love to lead his Legion to destroy Lorgar's perfect city.

Guilliman thought a lot and for a long time, and finally just shook his head: "I can only say that he is not a good father."

Andreda didn't know why Guilliman spoke so highly of the Emperor, but he knew that no matter how much he knew, he definitely didn't know as much as the primarch who had lived for ten thousand years.

"Do you agree with what Angron said? Do you also think that I am a slave owner and executioner?"

A deep voice reached Guilliman's ears.

Guilliman suddenly raised his head and found Anreda standing stiffly in place. The sounds in the classroom no longer came out, and time seemed to have stopped.

The person who spoke was a blonde woman, but the aura and spirituality exuding from her body convinced Guilliman that the woman was just a carrier, and that it was the Emperor who was talking to him.

"Father... how could that happen?" Guilliman couldn't believe that a mortal could withstand the Emperor's spiritual power.

But a piece of information flooded into Guilliman's mind, making him understand everything.

What came to him was just the faintest will of the emperor.

That part of human will.

This part of the will is fragile and small, and has forgotten many things. Because of this, it is enough to allow a gifted psyker to endure the pain caused by possession in a short period of time.

Guilliman can also probably understand the current situation of the Emperor. The Emperor sitting on the Golden Throne, tortured and distorted by his beliefs, is completely different from the Emperor ten thousand years ago.

"I don't agree with what Angron said." Guilliman shook his head, "But his resentment towards you is obviously not without reason."

"What's the reason? I personally went to his planet to find him, I competed with him in blacksmithing and hunting salamanders, I talked to him, I had high hopes for him, and then he betrayed me, and you still defended him?" the emperor asked .

"Are we talking about the same person?!" Guilliman said, "An... well forget it."

Angron had never been highly expected by the Emperor, and when the Emperor found him, he was fighting alongside his gladiator brothers and sisters against the slavers.

The situation was so embarrassing that everyone relied on Angron's blood to satisfy their hunger.

Angron valued his brothers and sisters very much. Even in that embarrassing situation, even if he had to share his blood with others, he would still talk and laugh with those brothers and sisters.

Then the Emperor showed up, took Angron away, gave him a bunch of strange warriors, and sent him off to join the Great Crusade. Angron's gladiator brothers and sisters are dead, and the only thing that hasn't changed is that the slavers still rule the planet.

This is the past story about Angron's resentment against the Emperor. The weak Emperor's will in front of him can't even figure out the past. No wonder he didn't help Qin Mo promote the dimension engine.

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