Early next morning.

When Anreda knocked on the door and walked into the primarch's room, she saw him sitting on a chair reading.

"If you want to spend today reading, I'll make sure you won't be disturbed," Andreda said.

Guilliman closed the book and looked directly at Anreda: "Please take me to the agricultural world."

"Of course." Although he didn't know why he wanted to go to the agricultural world, this was not a place that the Lord of Tyrone said he couldn't let the original body go, so Enreda immediately made arrangements for Guilliman.

The frigate dedicated to Anreda came to the orbit of Tyrone 1.

Guilliman put on the teleportation protection device and went straight to the ship with Anreda.

The frigate began to sail to the Ivan system, where Ivan VII was the closest agricultural world to the Tyron system.

After two jumps the frigate reached the orbit of Ivan VII.

The teleportation device was activated, and Guilliman and Anreda were teleported to the surface of Ivan 7 together.

When he came, Guilliman noticed two large void buildings in orbit, which looked like some kind of weapons. But when he came down in person, he discovered that they were not weapons, but an orbital device that accumulated star energy and projected it to the surface. .

"Evan Seven, like most agricultural worlds on Tyrone, is responsible for the production of crops and livestock."

"The installation on the track will keep the agricultural area covered in sunlight."

"The starch in our staple food has a more efficient way to synthesize it, but people cannot rely on starch alone to satisfy their hunger."

Anruida introduces this agricultural world.

Guilliman listened and watched.

The surface of the entire planet is covered with large fields. The soil here is yellow, but it seems to be some kind of synthetic soil rather than natural soil.

Large, ten-meter-tall bipedal agricultural machinery trudged through the fields, harvesting crops with the harvesting machine on its left arm and then tying them up with its fingered right arm.

There are these bipedal machines everywhere.

Guilliman thought that these things might be armed during wartime and turned into war machines similar to knight mechas.

"Pastoral. The people living here should be quite happy." Guilliman said with emotion.

"Not necessarily." Anruida shook his head, "There are no industrial facilities on the planet, so industrial products can only be delivered by ship, and the price is three times higher than in the industrial world."

"Yes." Guilliman nodded and asked, "Where does the meat come from?"

Anruida pointed to the towering tower due north: "Come from there."

Inside the Tower of Ivan VII.

Guilliman and Anreda took a transport plane to the entrance at the top of the tower and walked in together.

Guilliman smelled the strong smell of blood.

Inside the tower is a spiral production line from the top to the bottom.

At the top is a row of large machines with pillows that store some slime under their transparent casings.

When the eggshell-like artificial substance flows through the production line, the machine injects mucus into it.

Then the eggshells were fed into a larger machine. When they came out of the machine, they were broken. Inside were deformed monsters with three heads, ten arms and ten legs.

These deformed creatures do not have the ability to bark or even move normally. The only value of their existence seems to be to be eaten.

Malformed creatures flow near the scanner on the production line. Those with unhealthy scan results will be picked up by the robotic arm and thrown into the crusher. Healthy creatures will continue to flow on the production line.

They went inside a machine and came out even bigger.

Only then did Guilliman realize that those large machines were used to accelerate the growth of living things, which reminded him of a ray weapon he saw ten thousand years ago that could accelerate the aging of living creatures to death.

"These creatures are a food race created by biotechnology, integrating the genes of ant bulls and goro beasts."

"Their bones and skin can be used to make industrial products, and their meat can be eaten. There are no useless parts in their bodies."

Anruida introduced the deformed creatures.

The creatures accelerated to their juvenile state continued to flow on the production line, being scanned again and again, accelerated to grow again and again, and finally arrived at the bottom of the tower.

At the bottom is a machine the size of a hangar. Grown-up creatures are sent in and come out as pieces of meat.

The meat is packaged and sealed by workers, sent into an unmanned transport aircraft equipped with a cold storage, and then the transport aircraft flies into the sky.

The skies of Ivan 7 are filled with such unmanned transport aircraft.

"The whole life of these deformed creatures is flowing from one end of the production line to the other?" Guilliman looked down at the bottom of the tower, "This is quite in your style, very efficient."

Anruida nodded: "It may be a bit cruel. But the proteins of these creatures are much better than synthetic proteins, taste better, and are easy to digest. There will be no mutant genes absorbed by humans that will cause human offspring to become deformed... to some extent. Talk about perfect biotechnology creations.”

Guilliman approves of this production method, and the reason why he wants to come to the agricultural world is to introduce better food production methods to the Five Hundred Worlds.

There is no need to introduce orbital devices and modified soil to produce vegetables. Just introduce starch synthesis and this kind of organism.

"Are synthetic starches and the process of producing meat complicated?" Guilliman asked.

"It's not complicated." Anruida shook his head, "But training on using the machine still needs to be done."

Guilliman nodded.

He has made the decision to have more exchanges between Ultramar and the Tyrone Sector, such as academic exchanges and the like.

In this empire that has become corrupted and crazy after 10,000 years, the two areas that still have reason must stay together for warmth.

"Please convey to Lord Tyron my intention to introduce synthetic starch and meat production." Guilliman said.

"Okay." Anruida nodded.

After doing another business in the Tyrone sector, Guilliman suddenly wanted to satisfy his curiosity, that is, how the Tyrone people received education.

Do they learn from the Empire's past? Learning about the warp?

With these questions in mind, Guilliman made this request to Anreda.

Of course Anreda said it was okay, but he thought of something else. Before leaving with Guilliman, he checked what courses the schools in the sector had today.

Every matter in the schools in the star district is arranged uniformly, including curriculum.

After checking the course, Anreda suddenly said to Guilliman: "Today is a holiday, let's go again tomorrow."

Guilliman instantly realized that Anreda was deceiving him, but he couldn't figure out why. Could it be that the schools in the Tyrone sector taught some ulterior things?

If a person wants to become rational, he must receive education. Without looking at things about education, it is impossible to determine whether there is only a small group of people in the Tyrone Sector who are more rational and advocate science, or whether everyone is rational and advocates science.

For Guilliman, this was a very important matter, so he asked again with great persistence: "Please take me there."

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