Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 331 Heavy Heart

"Guilliman, you are my most trusted and beloved son."

"No father wants his son to suffer. Some things I did not do well 10,000 years ago because of the circumstances, but you can understand me, right?"

said the Emperor.

Guilliman was moved and slowly sat down against the wall, burying his head between his arms. He looked anxious and painful, like a helpless child.

“Everything we fought for has failed and dissipated.”

"Suffering and ignorance are like the gangrene that attaches to human bones. Because of the brutal rule that has been maintained by the authority you granted to this day, people are in hell. The truth of the empire has been replaced by the state religion. Those things that are burned, killed and slaughtered in your name are all happening as I speak. It keeps happening.”

"After I woke up and learned about the current situation of the empire, I tried to maintain a calm appearance. Those elves, those my descendants... they don't know how much I hate the filth and ugliness of the empire ten thousand years later. It is better to destroy such an empire. .”

"Why should I be resurrected?"

"What else do you want me to do for you?"

Guilliman spoke with increasing grit.

The Emperor listened quietly, neither scolding nor scolding, nor comforting, but he felt very sad to see Guilliman in such pain.

"You are the will that belongs to human nature." Guilliman dropped his hand holding his hair and turned to look at the Emperor. "This is your human nature. Although you didn't say it directly, I understand that you want me to hurry up. Shut your mouth and do the work for you honestly."

"No." The emperor shook his head, "I hope you can cry loudly, and then I will comfort you. But when you get to Terra and see me on the throne, don't complain so much, otherwise I will probably be cruel Give you a slap."

Guilliman was very worried when he thought about going to Terra next.

What has become of the Emperor on the throne? Wouldn't the will in his body really become one tyrant and slave owner after another?

"Father, come with me to Terra," Guilliman said. "At least this part of you is sane."

The Emperor nodded: "Then, because a girl went around shouting that she was the Emperor, the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition teamed up to send the girl to the stake. Let's forget it."

Guilliman thought about it and felt that this was true.

It would be nice if the two high lords representing the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition could not say that they were the primarchs in disguise when they saw themselves arriving on Terra with the Ultramar fleet.

"Swallow your complaints back into your stomach, then stand up and face everything like the thirteenth Primarch, Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar."

"At least you still have the dimension engine available, and having a powerful human force as an ally is much better than the situation I faced back then."

Upon hearing these words, Guilliman sighed and stood up from the ground.

"Father, have you been observing the Tyrone sector for a long time? What is your attitude towards this sector?" Guilliman knew that it was dangerous to cooperate with the Star God, and he could not confirm whether the dimension engine was absolutely safe.

As a leader, he must consider more possibilities, such as Talon suddenly going to war with the Empire. This possibility seems slim now, but it is indeed somewhat possible.

The emperor was silent for a full minute before speaking: "It is indeed the Star God who rules this sector, but he is very special. He uses the power of a god but firmly believes that he is a human being..."

"Like you?" Guilliman asked.

The Emperor rolled his eyes at Guilliman and continued.

"My only complaint about the Lord of Tyrone is that he showed up too late."

"If he could have appeared ten thousand years ago, I would probably be a soldier of the Tyrone Empire Army, driving construction machinery on a construction site somewhere in the Tyrone Empire... Who would be willing to stand up and face this idiot if he wasn't forced to do anything else? universe."

After listening to these two sentences, Guilliman felt that the emperor in front of him was indeed very humane, but his humanity was so pure that he had some thoughts of escaping.

If it were the emperor with a unified will 10,000 years ago, he would have bravely stood up to face the cruel universe no matter what. And if the Tyrone sector was a human force at that time... it was nothing more than a two-headed eagle with another head. thing.

At least the Tyrone Sector is more reliable than the Adeptus Mechanicus. They have a celestial engine, so they won't be planning to break up when they see the approaching War Moon.

"Face what comes next, but don't embarrass yourself too much," the Emperor said.

"How can I not embarrass myself? I may have to clean up these messes for hundreds of years without sleep."

"Then what else can I say to you now besides a word of comfort and instructions to tell you not to sleep in the future, otherwise the mess will not be cleaned up?"

Guilliman wanted to talk to the emperor's human will again, but the mortal girl in front of him seemed to be unable to bear it. The light in his eyes sometimes dissipated and sometimes appeared, and time began to flow.

After everything returned to normal, Vanessa saw Guilliman.

She couldn't believe what she saw. She was breathing heavily and wanted to say hello or say hello, but she couldn't say a word even after opening her mouth for a long time.

"Don't be too excited." Guilliman patted Vanessa on the shoulder. "The person in front of you is only the Primarch No. 13."

It was impossible for Vanessa not to be excited. She had seen the return of the original body in the past prophecies. The descendants of the gods she served had returned and were standing in front of her.

Guilliman didn't like fanatics very much, so he thanked Anreda for bringing him to school and turned to leave.

Guilliman stayed in the Tyrone sector for another three days, applied for a small ship, and drove the ship around the Tyrone sector.

He helped a group of colonists destroy a giant beast.

Participated in a scientific seminar and helped scientists in the sector solve some sociological problems.

Help an old lady bring her strong-brained cat that has drifted into the void back to the surface of the planet.

He even went on an ancient ruins adventure with bounty hunters from Hive City No. 1 in Beijuku.

The happy time is always short-lived, until now three days later, Guilliman must leave the Tyrone sector to clean up the mess.

The Friendship detached from the orbital dock, and Caul arranged for the controllers on the ship to drive the ship to the side of the Explorer King.

Guilliman and Qin Mo said goodbye to each other on the bridge of the Explorer King.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly feel heavy." Guilliman said, holding Qin Mo's hand.

"Similar to the feeling of students going back to school after vacation?" Qin Mo asked with a smile.

"We are the same kind of people. You can even express my difficult-to-express emotions accurately."

"But Primarch, you can't stay in Talon forever. You still have your own Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, and the Empire."

"And the Imperium and a whole lot of shit... just call me Guilliman."

Guilliman doesn't want to leave Tyrone, but as Qin Mo said, he still has five hundred worlds and empire matters to deal with.

"The celestial engine has turned on the beacon five hundred light years away." Qin Mo glanced at the location of the fourth planet outside the bridge. There was nothing there now. "Sail there, at least it can save you a little." time."

Guilliman nodded, turning to Caul.

"The Dimension Engine begins to charge."

When the broadcast sounded, Qin Mo let go of Guilliman's hand and took two steps back with the guards, and the protective barrier opened around them.

Until they were teleported out of the ship that was about to set sail, Guilliman was still looking at where Qin Mo was standing.

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