Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 307 Past Events in Beisu

"I know what you're thinking."

Having said this, Yaoen suddenly realized Chen Ye's real purpose of finding him and bringing him to the bottom nest.

Chen Ye didn't want to catch up with old friends, nor did he want to save poor relatives in his hometown while performing tasks for the war group. He wanted to persuade a guard to let the person he thought become the governor of this hive. Become a Governor.

Maybe the person Chen Ye said is more qualified to be the governor is indeed a talent...

There is a high probability that a superhuman warrior who has lived for more than a hundred years should have such judgment.

But no matter who the governor of this hive city is or who the people loyal to him are, they are actively making Beisu No. 1 a defense zone in the Gate of Tyrone. There is no need to add extraneous branches to the star zone.

"Like you, I believe that the position of governor should be occupied by those who are capable." Yaoen said calmly, "But as a guard, I cannot create extraneous problems and make things that were originally smooth become unsatisfactory."

Chen Ye shook his head and organized his words in his mind, intending to say something more convincing to Yao En.

Yaoen continued to persuade Chen Ye to stop trying: "The attitude of the governor and nobles of Beisu No. 1 is very positive, just like the previous integration plan of the Tailong sector. If they would not resist the integration, they would not secretly support it. If Yang violates it, then they can maintain their original status."

"No... no... you don't know the past of this hive city at all." Chen Ye still insisted.

"Let me ask you two questions." Yaoen held out two fingers. "First, is the current governor of this hive city legally worthy of succeeding as governor?"

"Yes." Chen Ye didn't want to admit it, but if he told the truth, it was indeed reasonable from a legal perspective, if he only looked at it logically.

"The second question is whether this governor is hopelessly absurd and cruel, and whether he has committed unforgivable crimes against the people of the hive city in the past."

"Not as far as I know."

"Then with all due respect, I can't help you."

When Yao En said the words "I can't help you," Chen Ye lowered his head in despair, filled with a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The war group didn't know what Chen Ye was doing in the Beixiu Galaxy. They thought that their good brother just came to the Beixiu Galaxy to give a piece of parchment to the Tailong people.

Chen Ye can't get the support of the war group, nor the support of the empire. If he wants to get rid of the current governor, he can only start with the imperial guards, but Yaoen doesn't support him at all.

This sense of powerlessness even made Yao En feel it, but he could only think of other ways to help Chen Ye: "How about you try to convince Anruida that he is the guard responsible for the Tailong Gate project? His opinion It can greatly affect the attitude of the star region towards the North Star Galaxy."

"That guy is even more of a bastard who only acts on the orders of Lord Tailong." Chen Ye said with a wry smile.

"There's nothing I can do." Yaoen shook his head slowly, "I'm sorry."

Chen Ye was silent for a while, then motioned for Yaoen to sit in the back seat.

Yaoen was confused. He couldn't help Chen Ye at all, so why did he let him get on the motorcycle.

"I picked you up, so I have to send you back to the next nest." Chen Ye patted the back seat.

It's still the same street we came from.

It's still raining acid from the sky.

Yaoen was sent to the street by Chen Ye, who didn't say much and immediately drove his motorcycle back to the bottom of the nest.

At this time, the advertisement was still playing on the street.

"You were framed by a bald man and then reported him to the Ministry of Justice, but because this bald man behaved like a model citizen of the empire, the people in the Ministry of Justice chose to believe him instead of you?"

"I am Thor, and I fight for you."

Yao En had a different feeling when he saw this advertisement again. He realized that this hive city had obviously been seriously infiltrated by gene stealers. The residents here still didn't know that those bald heads were not actually human beings...

So the question is, how did the people in District 100 know about the gene stealers?

What's their motivation for clearing out the Genestealers?

Just as Yaoen was thinking, a communication request from Anruida appeared in the visor.

"You bastard, you can still take the time to chat with me while enjoying yourself?" Yaoen rolled his eyes at Anruida.

"No kidding, man, I have business."

In the communication image, Anruida is not in a magnificent banquet hall, but in a dark and dark library. His electronic eyes are scanning the books in front of him, and then the contents of the books will be transmitted to the biological processor, and then there will be a message. The effect of a book.

An Ruida kept scanning, and at the same time took the time to talk to Yao En: "I looked up the history of Beisu No. 1."

"The history of the governor's family in this hive city is quite interesting. They were originally the governor's family in the hive city. They have ruled here for more than three thousand years. Their management level is so bad that it makes people angry..."

"Then about a hundred years ago, the governor's family was overthrown by the rebels from Xiachao. The new governor was named Ta'an. After he became the governor, he found a new surname in the ancient classics passed down by the family. This governor's management level is quite good. Good things, like he designed a process for conviction and defense, which is really extremely rare.”

Hearing this, Yao En recalled the last time he stood on this street to read an advertisement. Chen Ye said that it was the afterglow of the sunset.

As for why it is Sunset, it is obvious that the descendants of the new governor have become crotchless, and the hive has returned to ignorance and darkness.

The Saul in the advertisement, which no one saw at all, is just a remnant of past glory. The current governor may not have time to destroy him and his colleagues.

"Isn't this a common story? Heroic and glorious ancestors, descendants of crotchless people." Yao En sighed. In the books he read when he was a guard, this kind of thing was very common.

Even Tyrone Nest had a kind and capable governor, but just like Beisu No. 1, everything returned to the way it was after the death of that kind and capable governor.

"No, the current governor is not a descendant of the new governor, but a descendant of the former governor's family, who took back their position."

"It doesn't matter...the key is that when the former governor's family regained their position, the book showed that their new governor died in an assassination. The new governor had a psyker who could predict the future, as well as an elite guard built by him for personal protection. But he died anyway, inexplicably."

Anreda didn't care about the past of this hive, he was just confused about the assassination.

A governor who was closely protected, he was also protected by a psyker who could predict the future, and then he died inexplicably.

This is somewhat fanciful.

"What does it say in the book?" Yaoen asked.

"I didn't write it in detail. They regarded it as an example of the usurper being punished by the God Emperor, and they just wrote it in the book to warn others." Anruida shook his head.

Yao En was silent and began to think.

It is not particularly unbelievable that the new governor who is protected by psykers and guards who can predict the future is assassinated. Even if psykers can predict the future, then send an assassin who is extremely good at assassination and let the psykers and guards respond to the death of the new governor. Nothing can be done.

So the question is, where can you find an assassin who is extremely good at assassination?

"Man." Anruida stopped scanning and stared at Yao En in the image. "In your impression, what creature is particularly good at assassination?"

"No need to ask, of course it's a gene stealer." Yao En answered without hesitation, "When we were fighting in the bottom nest, an officer was assassinated by a pure blood gene stealer under my eyes. I just Look away from the officer for half a second."

"So." Anreda said, "I suspect that the current governor's family has connections with the gene stealers."

"This is just a possibility. In fact, there are many capable people and strangers in the hive. Maybe a psyker from eight hundred miles away crushed the head of the capable new governor." Yao En shook his head.

Anruida nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it's just one possibility. There are many other possibilities. Maybe it was an assassination caused by witchcraft, or maybe the new governor ate something bad, vomited and had diarrhea, and died suddenly... But I have to put this to death. Once this matter is found out, the Tyrone Army will come to clean up the gene stealers, but if this governor has contact with the gene stealers, he will have to die instead of continuing to be the governor under our protection and laying a hidden mine."

"I will investigate this matter." Yaoen realized that this was a very necessary thing.

No matter what method the Governor's family used to assassinate the usurper back then, whether it was cooperation with gene stealers or witchcraft... If this matter is not clear, they are likely to give the Tyrone sector a surprise in the future.

There must be no instability in the Tyrone's Gate defense zone.

The next important supporting role is provided by a book friend. If you guys want to get a supporting role, you can post it in the book review.

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