Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 308 The Righteous Person

After making the decision to investigate the past history, Yaoen ended the communication and immediately went to the 100th District of Xiachao.

If you want to investigate the mystery of the death of the so-called usurper in the mouth of the current governor's family, that is, the former new governor, the best way is to ask Chen Ye.

One hundred years is enough to distort records and rumors, just like it has only been ten years since Klein retired as a rogue trader, but he has already become a rumored speculator.

But as a space warrior, Chen Ye should clearly remember what happened in his childhood.

Yaoen went to investigate, while Anruida stayed on the top of the tower to scan the library for more information about the hive city.

The work he has to do is not only to eat, drink and have fun at the top of the tower, but also to figure out the relationship between the noble families in this hive. If they have any deep grudges, it is best to resolve the grudges before Beisu officially becomes part of Tyrone's Gate.

"What are you looking for?"

A lazy voice reached Anreda's ears. He turned his head and looked at the door. A fat middle-aged man was standing at the door with a kind smile on his face.

He is the governor of this hive, named Anton.

"I'm looking for the history of the hive city." Anruida continued to scan the books, "I have a question that I need the Governor to help me answer."

"It's my honor, please tell me." Anton smiled and nodded.

"How did your father kill Ta'an?" Anreda asked.

Anton was stunned for a moment when he heard the name Ta'an. After thinking for a long time, he didn't know who this person was.

Until Anruida reminded Anton that Ta'an was a so-called usurper in the mouth of the nobles.

"Oh, I remembered it." The governor replied with a smile, "I am more familiar with the name that the usurper found in the ancient books passed down by his family for generations after he became the governor, He Zheng. Haha, noble families generally have their own names that they stick to. Culture or traditional customs, this bitch from the lower nest also followed the same example after he defiled the throne of the hive city..."

"No matter what his name is, how did you kill him?" Anruida asked.

Antonpi remained silent for two seconds without a smile, and then bowed slightly to apologize: "I'm really sorry. I don't know much about these past events. My father knows it very well, but he returned to the God Emperor twelve years ago. Gone around."

Anruida nodded silently. His electronic eyes scanned Anton and found that his physiological data showed that he was not lying.

When answering the question just now, the governor's brain nerve tissue and brain cells were not active for the act of "lying".

Anton's father was the governor who was deprived of his position by Ta'an, and then regained his position seventy or eighty years later. Maybe he didn't want future generations to know about his humiliating experience, so he didn't tell his son.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Anton asked respectfully.

"No more for now." Anruida shook her head.

But Anton did not leave immediately, but reported something: "I plan to launch a long-planned military operation against the 100th District of the Lower Nest. Out of the kindness of the glory of the great Lord Tailong and his Out of respect from my servants, I decided to report this matter to you, after all, Beisiu 1 will soon be part of the Tyrone sector."

Anruida felt that this governor was particularly wise. He and the nobles under his command tried their best to show a positive attitude towards the merger with the Tyrone Star Sector. This was not common.

"What is the purpose of the military operation?" Anruida asked.

"Cleaning out an evil sect called the Salvation Insect God in the nest. This military operation was prepared seventeen years ago, and now is the time to start." Anton answered calmly.

Anruida did not respond immediately, but suddenly something came to mind, that is, the higher-ups in the hive city have never given up on hunting down the descendants of the so-called usurper, and history books have speculated on where their descendants may go.

District 100 is one of the speculated results.

So Anruida responded to Anton: "I suggest you put this military operation on hold for a while."

Anton still had a smile on his face, but after thinking for two seconds, he nodded and agreed: "It's up to you."

After saying this, Anton said goodbye and left, leaving Anruida alone in the library.

Anruida once again sent a message to Yaoen, informing Yaoen of the Governor's intention to carry out military operations in the 100th District.

Whether it was in the previous integration plan of the Tyrone sector or the current Tyrone Gate plan, Anruida had seen many local governors who were acting treacherously and treacherously. Neither he nor Yao En believed that military operations would really be suspended.

So Anruida only gave one sentence: "If they really start military operations, give them some color."

Next to the 100th area of ​​the nest.

Chen Ye and a psyker with his eyes sewed shut walked through the streets, with the urgently assembled militia following behind them.

Whenever the psychic stops and points to the wall and says that the enemy will break through here, some militiamen will separate from the team and stand on the wall, and some old people and children will hold iron sheets to strengthen the wall.

"That's it for these places."

After walking for two hours, the psyker stopped and looked at Chen Ye: "Sir, these are the only walls I saw that the enemy could rush in. We have reinforced them. Do you think this will be effective?"

Chen Ye glanced at the psyker, then turned to look at the wall, and then nodded.

The militiamen and the people in the neighborhood immediately cheered excitedly, full of confidence in the coming battle.

But Chen Ye was not happy because what he just did was just a physical lie.

The psykers who could see into the future predicted that the Governor would launch a military operation in the 100th District. During the battle, several sections of the wall that were in disrepair would be breached, which is why they came out to strengthen the wall.

But as someone who has participated in high-intensity wars, Chen Ye does not believe that this reinforcement method will have any effect.

However, in the face of a formidable enemy, it is better to do something to boost morale than to make everyone feel that death is imminent.

"You and the guards are going to protect your master." Chen Ye pulled out the power sword from his waist. "The next battle will be extremely easy for me, but I have no skills at all. If the enemy attacks from east to west, I will definitely not be able to protect you and you." Your master."

"My real master is a knowledgeable scholar. He helped me learn to use prophecies and pinch other people's heads more skillfully in one hundred and twenty years. And this master obviously does not need my protection." Ling Ling The able man said slowly.

The psyker in his impression was so talkative. Chen Ye didn't know where the psyker's real master was and why he never appeared. He didn't care and left the psyker to go to the wall to the north.

The psykers predict that this is where the battle will be fiercest.

"somebody is coming!"

As soon as Chen Ye reached the wall, he heard someone shouting a warning, and he looked in the direction of the person.

It can be seen from the black power armor and the iconic shoulder cannon that it is not an enemy, but an old friend who has just left but returned.

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