Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 306 Special One Hundred Districts

"It's the angel of the God Emperor!"

"The angel has arrived!"

When the soldiers on the human side saw the cool motorcycles speeding on the plains and the people sitting on them, they immediately cheered.

Chen Ye calmly drove his motorcycle around the gene stealers, and at the same time pulled out the bolt pistol from his waist and fired at them.

The speed of the motorcycle is too fast, making it difficult for the gene stealers to attack it, but Chen Ye riding on it will not be unable to aim due to the impact of speed. His marksmanship is as strong as his sword skills, and every shot will hit the mark without missing a single shot.

A war of this intensity is still a bit too risky for Space Marines. Under normal circumstances, even if the thieves at the bottom of the nest have moved to the nest, no Space Marines will come over to personally support them, unless there are people on this planet. Something very important needs to be protected.

Yaoen sat quietly on the back seat of his motorcycle. He discovered that Chen Ye seemed to be deliberately driving the gene stealers to gather together.

As the genestealers died one after another, those who were still alive were no longer scattered on the ruins, but had to gather together.

Seeing this, Yao En knew what Chen Ye wanted to do.

When most of the Genestealers gathered together, Yao En controlled the shoulder cannon and fired into the sky.

Mortar, anti-infantry mode.

The red ball of light drew a perfect arc in the sky, and when it landed a hundred meters above the heads of the gene stealers, it split into a rain of beams like raindrops.

None of the gene stealers survived, and all died.

It is worth mentioning that Yaoen discovered that these gene stealers were the same as those that had appeared in Tailong's nest before, with their unique spirit of unity and sacrifice... Among the gene stealers who were pierced by the beam rain, there was a young man. Before being shot through a sieve, all the nearby elders pounced on him, using themselves as human shields to keep the younger individuals alive.

"The battle is over!" A ragged officer from the human side stood up and waved his arms to the crowd, "Combine the aftermath."

These patchwork militiamen began to reload each enemy corpse, and then took everything available from them.

The officer also participated in the aftermath. He found a laser pistol. After trying it, he found that it was penetrated by the beam rain. However, he did not throw away the weapon. Instead, he turned around and called one of his soldiers. .

The soldier was very young, about fourteen years old, and he was holding an iron rod used by Justice Department police officers to maintain law and order.

"Here you go." The officer handed the unusable pistol to the soldier.

The soldier was very happy, saluted the officer with a non-standard military salute, and then admired the gun with a hole in his hand.

He didn't even know it didn't work.

"Aren't you letting him die?" Yaoen couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward and snatched the pistol. After checking it, he repaired it with the printing device that came with the guard's power armor, and then handed it over to the soldier.

"Don't worry, he won't participate in the battle. He will just follow the officers and do some chores." Chen Ye stepped forward and explained.

"But he is a soldier, and he is here." Yao En still insisted on giving the soldier the pistol.

In the end, neither Chen Ye nor the officer stopped him, and the two discussed more important matters.

"How long has this cleanup been going on?"

"Three days."

"Is there fighting elsewhere?"

"Of course, my lord."

"Transmit the coordinates of those places to me, and I'll go there right away."

After a conversation, Chen Ye obtained the coordinates, entered them into the navigation software hanging on the motorcycle, and then drove Yaoen to the next battlefield.

The gene stealers have not yet launched a rebellion, so the intensity of the war in the bottom nest is not high. All the human war participants are militiamen who don't even have military uniforms. The way they distinguish between ourselves and the enemy is to see whether the enemy has hair.

After going to one battlefield, resolving the battle, and then rushing to the next battlefield more than a dozen times, there was only one battlefield left in the cleanup operation against the gene stealers.

This battlefield was the site of the most intense fighting, with nearly 50,000 troops deployed by both sides.

Chen Ye must prepare before going to this battlefield.

After parking the motorcycle in a building that was built and abandoned at an unknown time, Chen Ye began to clean his sword and sort out the remaining ammunition on his body.

At the same time, Chen Ye explained to Yaoen everything he saw after arriving at the bottom nest of Beisu No. 1.

"Those militiamen were not organized by the Governor of the Nest City, but the residents of the 100th District of Lower Nest City."

"This district is the only place where you see order."

"Children and old people in District 100 produce ammunition in earthen workshops. Young and middle-aged men and women participate in voluntary military training in their free time. When the ammunition is enough to fight a war, they will come to the bottom nest to clean up the gene stealers."

Hearing Chen Ye's story, Yaoen suddenly recalled that after Chen Ye rescued a girl before, he gave her a gold coin and asked her to go to District 100.

It seems that this is not to let the girl go further away to avoid her enemies, but to allow her to live in a more stable residential area.

Yaoen thought about the militia for a while, then frowned and shook his head: "I don't understand. There are many gangs in the nest under the nest. Non-gang members may work together out of need for food, fresh water and oxygen, but the scope of cooperation is only It is limited to the people on the street where they live, because if there are too many people in a civil organization, they will inevitably have to fight among themselves for limited resources.”

Chen Ye nodded with a smile and continued to clean the gun.

Yao En continued: "In this kind of environment, it is unlikely that the entire residential area will unite and cooperate, not to mention that the purpose of unity is not to grab more resources and fight against gangs, but to get to the bottom of the nest. Fighting against gene stealers...from an individual point of view, what does the gene stealers have to do with the people in District 100? The Legal Department is not even worried."

"You are right, but what makes me proud is that the Xiachao where I was born has such a residential area where everyone in the area is very united." Chen Ye put the polished gun back into his waist and stood up. Get on a motorcycle.

"You didn't answer my question." Yaoen didn't get on the motorcycle this time. He felt that something was wrong, "The people in the entire residential area are very united... I have reason to suspect that all the 100th District are gene stealers. Otherwise there is really no way to explain it.”

Chen Ye smiled and asked Yaoen: "If there is such a person in the hive city, he has advanced sewage and air purification equipment, a group of people who are willing to follow him, and he also has some personality charm... If there is such a person Do you still find it strange that the order and unity of District 100 exist even though people exist?”

"I just met the Lord of Tailong yesterday." Yaoen smiled and shook his head, "He is not on Beisu No. 1."

"Unfortunately, Beisu No. 1 does not have another Tyrone Master, but there is a young leader worthy of people following." Chen Ye stared at Yaoen very seriously, raised his hand from the motorcycle accelerator and pointed to the top of his head, "He is better than Ta That shameful loser is more suitable to be the governor of Beisu No. 1."

I went to bed at two o'clock last night and woke up in the afternoon

Let me update a little less today. Let me adjust it.

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