Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 299 One Ring Within Another Ring

Ain was surrounded by two soulless men and an iron man. His whole body was shaking and his face was pale.

Yaoen didn't think that this psyker could still maintain a normal mental state, so he was ready to capture Ain and take him back to the Tyrone Star District to use as psionic research material when he was too weak to fight back.

But Berante dispelled Yao En's naive idea: "This little bastard's resistance is frighteningly high. Didn't you see that he can release psychic energy less than two steps away from me?"

Yao En really didn't see it. It was Heat Death who saw Ain releasing his psychic energy.

"I propose to obliterate him." Heat Death analyzed the best plan and proposed.

"No!" Berante stopped playing with the throne coin, "He is just a poor guy who was controlled by Bellona's psychological means. He shouldn't die here."

Yaoen narrowed his eyes and looked at Berante.

This person of the same kind does not look like a serious person, and he even killed his own inquisitor. He actually proposed to let Ain live?

Berante is indeed surprisingly kind, but he is a soulless person after all, and he is still alert to possible malice.

Every soulless person lived a miserable life, including some Silent Sisters and Assassins who ate the royal food.

These people who make ordinary people feel uncomfortable or even vomit are difficult to win the favor of others. They will be marginalized in society, and even soulless people with powerful talents will be killed and then quickly.

In order to deal with the malice from the outside world, Berante always makes two preparations.

It is now.


"Bellona is a stinky cousin who uses emotions and psychological suggestions to control you. She is not worth your life at all."

"Listen to me, leave here, forget all this, find a new world and start a new life."

Berante was saying all kinds of comforting words, but his hand was already holding the pistol tightly. If Ain lost control and ran rampant, he could shoot immediately.

Ain lowered his head and didn't say a word. He didn't know what he was thinking, and others couldn't see his expression.

"You know that I never speak pleasantly to others." Berlant continued to persuade, "Don't make me kneel down to beg you."

Ain finally reacted. His mouth moved, as if he had swallowed something he had put in his mouth in advance.

Then Ain slowly turned his body towards Berante, and then his lowered head suddenly raised, and purple light erupted from his seven orifices.

"It's Saint Zan! That cousin used the medicine refined by psykers!" Berlant yelled to remind Yaoen and Heat Death, but although the latter two didn't know what Ain had eaten, they knew the dangers of psykers. The two have already taken action.

Yao En activated bullet time and slashed at Ain with his sword at an astonishing speed.

Heat Death's body turned into a fluid state, and the skeleton and shell rushed towards Ain from the left and right directions.


During the approach, Yaoen stepped on a piece of ice. The sound of the ice breaking attracted Ain's attention. The latter slowly turned his head and raised his hand. An invisible force restrained Yaoen's body.

Yaoen's metal skeleton made a crisp sound, and his three reactors entered overclocking operation. The scalding heat burned through his skin, but he still couldn't get rid of control.

The gun in Berante's hand had just fired, and the bullet flew out and stopped in the air.

At this time, Heat Death approached Ain, and the shell and skeleton used a sword to cut off the latter's arms, helping Yaoen, who was about to be crushed by psychic energy, to escape.

The pain caused by the broken arm drove Ain crazy. His target was completely focused on Heat Death, and then Yao En, who escaped from trouble, stabbed his sword into his spine.

The psychic energy exerted by Ain on the surrounding area was instantly released, and the psychic door opened by strong survival instincts and emotions at the second before death was teleported out of the trading station.

"He's dead." Heat Death's shell merged with its skeleton, projecting an image to others.

In the image, Ain is floating in space, and his body has frozen.

"If we weren't robots and soulless people, our souls would have been taken away when he screamed out of control just now." Yaoen sat down, looked at his crushed bionic skin, and then looked at Berante, " Well done, Soulless.”

Berante was left speechless by the irony.

In his mind, there were two soulless men around Ain, and he would be easily killed even if he lost control.

But Ain's psychic talent was too weird and powerful, and the situation was a bit out of control.

I have never seen Ain use offensive psychic powers in anything other than reconnaissance before, so the prediction failed...

"He is a poor man." Berante recalled Ain, "He was emotionally manipulated by Bellona and did things he didn't want to do at all. He didn't deserve to die here."

Yao En wanted to say something, but Berlant didn't give him a chance: "This universe is so cold and cruel. If we marginalized people don't help each other, we will die in the smelly ditches of the hive sooner or later."

"Okay." Yaoen nodded, and then asked about a crucial matter: "Why did you betray me?"

"Betrayal? No, I have never betrayed." Berante took out a token of a mark from another inquisitor, "I am the undercover agent of the Purity Inquisitor who was inserted next to Bellona. My mission is to think There was no way to kill her, I just did what I had to do."

"So, it's another standard drama of internal fighting within the imperial organization." Yaoen leaned against the wall tiredly, feeling helpless.

There are many factions within the Inquisition, and the relationships are complex, but all Inquisitors can be roughly divided into two types, namely the Purists and the Radicals.

Purists do not have high moral standards, but they are conservative in their behavior and do not want to take too many risks.

Radicals, on the contrary, believe that as long as they can achieve their goals, they can do whatever it takes, including using alien weapons or even directly cooperating with aliens.

It’s no surprise that the Purist Inquisitor wants to kill Bellona.

"Why did you kill her?" Berante asked.

"I have some conflicts with her." Yaoen didn't tell the truth.

Although he did not get the real answer, Berante had a look of enlightenment on his face. He continued to turn the throne coin between his fingers and reasoned out the correct answer: "Bellona's plan will have terrible consequences for the Tyrone sector. So you guys came here. The businessman named Klein helped you set up a trap to lure Bellona over and kill her, right?"

"That's right." Seeing that he had been exposed, Yao En did not hide it, "But I am very curious about one thing. Originally we planned to kill Bellona on the ship of the Tribunal, but Klein told me that he could Help me set up a game, this guy is not from the Tribunal, how did he get in touch with Bellona?"

Hearing this, Berante smiled: "I turned out to be the boss of a gang, and I had some contact with the Rogue Traders... So guess who asked me to help with the matchmaking, and who issued the report on Klein?"

"Bellona just told Ain about going to the Tyrone Star Region, but I already knew it. From her notebook...she actually trusts me more. I am closer to her than Ain." Bairang Te continued.

Yao En thought for a while and suddenly realized that this was a chain of events.

The Purity Inquisitor wanted to kill Bellona, ​​and learned from Berante that Bellona wanted to go to the Tyrone sector next, so he instructed Berante to introduce Bellona to Klein.

The reason is simple, Klein is a Tyrone.

The Inquisition has always suspected that every person in the Tyrone Sector has a control chip in their brain... Anyway, the Tyrone Sector has a way to know through Klein what Bellona wants to do next, and then it will take action.

In order to trick Bellona, ​​the inquisitors also conducted a decent investigation and issued an investigation report on Klein to dispel Bellona's suspicion.

In short, the final result is Bellona's death.

I’ll update two chapters in a while

I finished the outline last night and will update it as usual tomorrow

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