Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 298 The Death of the Inquisitor


"Mr. Barrent."

Bellona and Klein saluted each other.

Then Bellona looked at the girl next to Klein: "She must be your daughter, right? She has amazing beauty."

After flattering her, Bellona took out a bolt pistol inlaid with inscriptions and handed it to Klein's daughter: "I heard that you like weapons very much? This is my meeting gift. Be careful with it, it can kill a lot of people. traitor."

"Thank you, Lord Inquisitor." Klein's daughter took the bolter and admired it.

This is a bolt pistol used by mortals. Although not as big as the one used by Space Marines, it is powerful enough to shatter human bodies.

"The gun I gave my daughter was not payment," Klein said.

"Of course." Bellona nodded, "As we agreed before, you take us into any galaxy within Tyron's sphere of influence, and then I will give you a ton of black stone."

"Can I ask, how did you get the black stone?"

"Using my connections in the Mechanicus."


When Bellona and Klein were talking, Ain kept observing Klein.

This middle-aged man has a scar on his face, his hands are covered with calluses, and his mouth is wider than that of a normal person.

This made Ain suspicious of Klein's past.

According to the intelligence that Bellona obtained from the high-level officials of the Inquisition and believed deeply, Klein was a speculator. He was a Tyronian who found the Lord of Tyron before he unified the Tyron galaxy and provided him with a large number of weapons and ships.

However, Klein feels more like a soldier who has killed many people than a pampered speculator.

"Sorry to interrupt." Ain interrupted and asked Klein: "I have heard your story, and I admire you very much. I don't know if the rumors about you investing in the Tyron System Unification War are true. of?"

A smile appeared on Klein's face, and he raised his eyebrows and shook his head: "Any big shot has a lot of rumors. If anyone comes to ask, he will have to clarify and confirm it. He will definitely be exhausted."

Ain didn't get an answer, but when he wanted to continue asking, he saw Bellona's eyes, so he gave up immediately.

It happened that Bellona and Klein were almost done talking.

The former handed Klein the key to open the cargo hold of the transport plane, and the latter told Bellona where the merchant ship prepared for them was.

The transaction was successfully completed and both parties enjoyed the cooperation.

"Looking forward to our next cooperation." Bellona saluted Klein.

"If you can still do it, of course." Klein also saluted, turned around and led his entourage back to the elevator.

Bellona took Ain and Berante and walked to the port together.

If you want to go to the port, you have to go through a tunnel. After walking into the tunnel, Ain found that there was still no one here.

Logically speaking, there should be a lot of people in a place like the trading post.

"I feel like there's something wrong with this transaction." Ain took Bellona's arm. "There's something wrong with that Klein. I don't think he is a speculator."

Bellona stopped and looked at Ain indifferently: "It's good to be observant. Then the question is, should I believe you, or should I believe the investigation results of many colleagues in the Tribunal?"

"Believe your colleagues?" Ain asked, "Have you ever considered that the investigation of Klein only started after you applied? Under the circumstances that the entire Tyrone star sector is airtight and difficult to penetrate, the accuracy of that intelligence How high is the rate?"

"I understand you, but we have invested too much and cannot just give up." Bellona continued to step forward firmly.

Ain looked at Berante, who looked indifferent, and had no choice but to follow Bellona's footsteps.

The dim lights in the tunnel with no end in sight made Ain feel nervous. He didn't know whether his feeling was because of the dim lights or because of his psychic talent.

When the three of them reached the middle of the tunnel, the lights suddenly went out.

When the dim light appeared again, Ain saw a metal man standing in front of him.

This metal man has many mechanical arms and is standing in the center of the road holding a power sword.

At this point the lights started flashing.

As the three observed heat death, heat death also observed the three.

Although the construction time of the trading post is very short, it is not enough to rush the work on the facilities. The lights in the tunnel will not flicker on and off at all. All of this is the atmosphere deliberately created by Heat Death. It thinks it is cool to appear like this.


Just as Bellona opened her mouth to ask a question, her right arm fell off completely, and blood spattered on the wall of the tunnel.

Before the severe pain reached her brain, Bellona recalled what happened in less than a second.

The metal man stood twenty meters away, leaned forward, and then almost instantly came to the front and swung the power sword.

When Heat Death was about to swing its next sword, two sparks appeared on the surface of its body.

Berante held a pistol equipped with special armor-piercing bullets and fired at Heat Death, but the two armor-piercing bullets could not even be polished.

When Bellona felt that her death was coming, Ain stood in front of her and roared, pushing his arms forward.

A repulsive force spread from in front of Ain to the end of the passage, and Heat Death was blown away.

Ain, who used his spiritual power to save Bellona, ​​had no time to take credit, and ran in the opposite direction with his mentor who had lost too much blood on his back.

"We were set up by the salesman!"

Ain complained loudly as he ran.

"Why can't you give up?"

"You are too eager for quick success!"

Bellona listened to the apprentice's complaint. She felt that it was more like a scolding from a superior who had seriously overstepped her authority, but she was losing blood now and had no strength to refute Ain.

Just when Ain was thinking about trying to persuade Bellona after leaving the trading post this time, another figure appeared in front.

That's a soulless person.

Ain felt strong discomfort and was forced to stop. He could no longer even carry Bellona on his back.

Bellona looked hard at the person coming and found that this person she had seen on Cadia before was actually a guard of Lord Tyrone.

Then it is obvious who the person who wants to kill him is.

Yaoen slowly approached with his power sword in hand.

Ain protected Bellona, ​​staring at Yaoen nervously and fearfully.

Yaoen was getting closer and closer, and there were two soulless people beside him. Ain felt that it became difficult to breathe, but he still stood in front of Bellona to protect her.

When the distance between the two sides gradually shortened to about five meters, Ain, who was concentrating on preparing to deal with Yaoen, heard a gunshot.

A bullet hole appeared in Bellona's forehead.

Ain turned around in horror.

"You have no idea what terrible consequences she will bring." Berante said coldly, and shot Bellona twice more.

Yaoen was stunned by the scene before him. He never expected that Bellona's subordinates would rebel.

Ain did not expect that his survival instinct and experience of hanging around in the hive city would make him immediately make the decision to escape, but his escape route was blocked by the metal man from before.

"Their psychic powers are not as strong as those of the brain worms." Heat Death looked at Yao En, "If I had known, I would not have listened to you. It would have been easier to cut her head off with a sword."

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