Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 300 Soulless Heaven

"The Purist Inquisitor who hired you." Yaoen pointed to the mark in Berante's hand, "Does it even sell its own people?"

"Isn't this normal?" Berlant was confused by the question.

"Okay, okay." Yaoen nodded helplessly, thinking that it was indeed normal. This was indeed the case in imperial institutions.

Yaoen recalled that even the fleet that came to the Tyrone star region to collect taxes was like this.

The tax official gave Anruida a price, and if he met the price he wanted privately, he could charge less tax.

The tax officer's colleagues offered a lower price to Anruida, and revealed that the price offered by the tax officer was higher than that offered in other sectors. They even said on the ship that people in the Tyrone sector were stupid and had too much money.

Betrayal and betrayal are quite common in this 41st millennium.

"I have a question." Heat Death, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke.

"Ask." Berante nodded in agreement.

Heat Death asked: "I met Klein when I came here. That guy didn't look like a speculator. Why would Bellona trust him? And didn't Ain already doubt Klein's purpose? Even an apprentice started to Suspicious, but Bellona is indifferent? Or is this the first time he met Klein and he has never met him before?"

"A robot good at thinking, huh?" Berlant looked at Heat Death with interest, "The reason is very simple. The person who sent me has a special relationship with Bellona. Bellona was a fifteen-year-old little bitch. Since then, the two have worked together for more than two hundred and seventy years."

Heat Death still didn't quite understand why Bellona had such trust, but when he thought that Bellona was a human being, he understood instantly.

Human beings are always distracted by emotions or other things.

Ain, who was used like a dog and whose relationship with Bellona was not even as close as Berante, wanted to protect Bellona until his death.

Bellona used everyone as a tool, but she never thought that she would die at the hands of her only true friend.

"Anyway, it's over." Yaoen took out a teleportation protection device and handed it to Berlant.

Berlant knew that this was a teleportation protection device, but he didn't know why Yaoen gave it to him.

"My ship is just outside the trading station." Yaoen glanced at the floor-to-ceiling porthole of the trading station. "The soulless can register their identity by going to Tailong."

Berante smiled and shook his head: "As an untouchable, I am the same wherever I go. I am just a tool to be used and a marginalized person."

"Don't call yourself that lowly, we are soulless people." Yaoen shook his head, "It is true that anyone who sees us is disgusted, but at least there is a town with only soulless people on Tyrone One."

Berante hesitated.

The judge who hired him was more human than Bellona. She had already given herself a reward for her work, and she could take the reward and go back to being the gang leader... But what Yao En said was too tempting.

A town filled only with soulless people.

There are no police officers from the Ministry of Justice who wait for the soulless people to make mistakes every day at their door and then justifiably kill them. There are no normal people who pinch their noses in disgust whenever they see the soulless people.

Berante even began to imagine himself living like a normal person in that town, eating in a restaurant, and the waiters were all female soulless people.

It was heaven.

A paradise for the soulless.

After thinking for a while, Berante grasped the throne coin flipped between his fingers: "Okay."

Black Hole of the Soul.

A blue light flashed in the bridge, and three cracks opened. Yaoen, Heat Death, and Berlant appeared in the bridge.

The Soul Black Hole is not a frigate destroyer or any other type of warship. This kind of warship is specially built for the Praetorian Guard. When the Praetorian Guard needs to leave the Tyron system to do something, they will take this kind of warship to reach their destination.

The warship is not big, only seven kilometers long. Three heavy energy shields are installed on the front, middle and rear sections of the ship. There is a rolling sphere in the center of the ship. This sphere is an omnidirectional light spear that can attack the enemy. Shoot from the surface of a ship or planet.

In addition, the biggest difference between this type of special-purpose Guards warships and conventional Tyrone naval warships is that they do not need to lie in a tank to drive.

There are many people on the bridge.

The crew had seen Heat Death before, but not Berante.

Berante was very restrained when he emerged from the rift. He didn't even play with the throne coins because he was afraid that the crew would immediately speak harshly to him and ask him to get out of the battleship.

It must have been an awkward scene.

But the reaction of everyone on the bridge was normal. Seeing that they didn't feel any discomfort, Berlant realized that these crew members were all his own kind.

"A new person?"

The crew stood up and looked at Berante.

If a normal person entered a bridge full of soulless people, they would vomit, have diarrhea and become dehydrated on the spot, but Berlant had no reaction at all, and they knew that this was the same kind of person without Yao En's introduction.

"He looked very thin and frail."

"We were still weak when Klein sold us to the Tyrone Sector. He just needed to go to Aunt Lina's restaurant for a few meals."


The crew members were buzzing around Berante.

Berante was still standing there awkwardly. He felt that these people did not look like soulless people and were a little too enthusiastic.

"Ahem." Yaoen cleared his throat, "Enter sailing mode."

The crew members immediately became serious, returned to their seats, operated the computer with one hand and plugged the connecting cable into the back of their head.

Yaoen arranged a seat for Berante, helped him fasten his seat belt, and then sat on the command throne in the center of the bridge.

After everyone was ready, Yao En ordered: "Destination, Tyrone Galaxy."

"The Dimension Engine self-test is completed and everything is normal."

"The dimension engine is being charged, the progress is 10%."


"Start the backup navigation engine." Yaoen suddenly ordered again.

The crew members looked at each other in surprise after hearing the order, and then immediately obeyed.

A drone flew behind Yaoen with a cable and connected the cable to his spine.

The three fusion reactors began to output maximum power, and billowing heat waves spread from the command throne to the entire bridge.

Berante didn't know what he was doing, so he was still playing with the throne coin.

After everything was ready, the ship did not enter the dimensional space, but instead pulled out dimensional energy and attached it to the whole body of the ship.

In the next second, the entire ship sailed forward at twice the speed of light. Berante was pressed into the chair unable to move, and the throne coin in his hand flew backwards and was embedded in the wall.

The crew members shouted excitedly, enjoying this rare excitement.

The Guard's ships are equipped with backup dimensional engines, which can be activated when the Guard uses itself as a battery. Its advantage is that there is no process of jumping into the dimensional space, and it is faster.

The ship continued to sail forward, and Baal was right in front of the route. It was about to hit Baal. However, the ship did not enter the atmosphere and collide with the surface. Instead, it passed directly through the middle of the planet, and then passed through the star. .

The dimensional energy attached to the hull makes the ship virtual, preventing the ship from hitting celestial bodies when sailing at high speed.

"Trouble stops at galaxy number 83123." Heat Death walked to Yao En, its legs integrated with the bridge floor to stabilize its body.

"Why?" Yaoen asked.

"Because I have to go back to my dark mothership and talk to myself to my cold kind." Heat Death replied angrily.

"You have to come back to Tailong with us, because the Lord of Tailong ordered me to take you there during the last communication." Yaoen said.

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