Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 297 Wise Speculator

A week later.

The Blood Angel Chapter and its sub-groups are still carrying out the aftermath work. Some Rogue Traders came to Baal immediately after learning the news of the victory in the defense battle of Baal, selling materials or machinery that can help the planet rebuild.

Rogue Traders from House Barent established a trading post next to a gas giant called Set.

This is a small void building, fifteen kilometers long and ten kilometers wide.

The name is the same as Seth, the lonely gas giant in the Baal system.

The half-light-second distance from the planet Baal to the trading post was lined with transport planes.

A transport plane printed with a feather pattern was locked by a tractor beam after approaching the Set Trading Post. The staff of the trading post inspected the transport plane as usual.

A security officer recruited in Bar saw the feather pattern on the transport plane and immediately thought it was a native of Bar and let it go.

The transport plane was pulled into the 4466th apron by the beam. After landing, the hatch opened, and Bellona and two people stepped off the transport plane.

One of these two people is Bellona's interrogator apprentice, and the other is a subordinate.

This subordinate was very eye-catching and was stared at by passers-by as soon as he got off the transport plane.

He has a pale complexion and no hair on his body. He is always turning a throne coin in his right hand.

Everyone who passed by him felt uncomfortable, which showed that he was untouchable.

"Remember your names."

Bellona looked at her apprentice: "Ain."

The apprentice who was given a temporary name nodded.

Bellona's habit is to give temporary names before tasks. No one knows why she has this habit, but as an apprentice and her subordinates, they have to listen.

Bellona looked at another follower: "Berante."

Berante nodded silently, the throne coin still flowing between the fingers of his right hand.

There was no need for the three of them to plot anything in public, because they were all implanted with special communication devices that allowed for short-range but extremely covert communication without the need to use their mouths.

"Let's go." Bellona led the way.

Ain and Berante followed immediately.

The three of them shuttled through the trading station, passing by a shop that recycles abandoned spaceship parts, and then passed by a stall that bought Baer's local specialties. They took the elevator up, took the train down, and finally came to a secluded corner.

It's like a hollow building. Standing next to the railings, you can see every floor of the trading post.

The entire trading station is very three-dimensional, maximizing the use of the small space.

"Who built this place?" Ain asked curiously.

"The Barent family." Bellona raised her head and looked above her head, where there was a shining Craftsman Hammer family emblem, "The head of this Ronin family is called Barent Klein."

"Klein? The businessman who was rumored to have funded the Lord of Tyrone to unify the Tyrone galaxy?" Ain asked again.

Bellona nodded: "The rumors are most likely true. Without material printing technology, it is difficult to build such a large void building in a short time."

"He's quite good at investing." Ain nodded thoughtfully, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, leaning against the railing and waiting.

Berante was as silent and expressionless as usual, and the only part of his body that moved was his hand playing with the throne coin.

The three of them waited for a solar hour.

Ain was not very patient. He looked around and found that no one came here from beginning to end.

"What are we waiting for?" Ain asked Bellona, ​​"Besides, I'm wondering, why are we here?"

This issue was obviously also of concern to Berante. The soulless man's eyes rarely turned to look at Bellona.

"Wait." Bellona just said two words.

Ain already knew about this mentor's eccentric temperament, so he didn't ask any questions and let her continue to wait.

Another solar hour has passed.

Bellona seemed to be bored with waiting. She lay on the railing and looked down at the bottom of the trading station. She suddenly said to Ain: "We can't give up the plan. The Eye of Fear has been shrunk, but it has not been completely closed, and it is intruding on fear." There are more and more traitor activities in the systems around the Eye..."

Hearing this, Ain's face immediately turned gloomy: "I thought we had given up long ago."

"For anything, it's not easy to make the decision to give up, because we have invested too much." Bellona said calmly, "Do you still remember how much we paid?"

Ain nodded silently.

Of course he remembers how much he paid, and how many dirty things he did in the process of giving.

In order to obtain a drug that can cause psykers to lose control, Bellona assassinated the governors of every world in a remote galaxy, causing the worlds to become chaotic.

Then nothing could stop Bellona from using the psykers and populations of those worlds.

Iron doesn't feel innocent, because without his psychic gift of being able to read even the minds of soulless beings, nothing they do would go well.

"Do you still remember what the director of the think tank said when we first arrived in Baal?" Bellona asked again.

"I remember." Ain nodded, "He said our plan would have terrible consequences."

Bellona continued to watch the people coming and going at the bottom of the trading post, and said in a deep voice: "Now that I think about it, it does make sense, so I plan to change the place to test it."

"Where to go?" Ain turned around and asked.

"The Tyrone Star Sector." Bellona said something that shocked Ain to the extreme. "The reality structure there is very stable. Let's go to the Tyrone Star Sector and do what we have done before again."

Ain's hand holding the cigarette was shaking. He couldn't believe that Bellona had made such a decision.

There are indeed reports claiming that the reality structure of the Tyrone Sector is less susceptible to psychic erosion, but going there to do what has been done before...is it for a safe test, or to test the power of the psychic plan ?

"Do you believe me?" Bellona stood up straight and looked at Ain.

Ain frowned and didn't know how to answer.

Believe it, but not quite believe it.

But Ain will not give up his allegiance to Bellona, ​​because without her, he will always be an illegal psyker at the bottom of the hive.

"When this matter is over, I will write a letter to my mentor to promote you to a formal judge, and then you can leave me." Bellona said.

"Okay." Ain nodded, "Then how do we get to the Tyrone Star District? Their management methods are not very clever, and it is difficult for people from the Tribunal to sneak in."

Just as he was talking, a group of people took the elevator and came to Bellona and the others.

Two Ogryns wearing power armor, a very young-looking girl, and a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked majestic, wearing a golden fur windbreaker and holding a golden cane in his hand.

The head of the crutch looks like a flat hammer, held firmly by the middle-aged man.

Ain didn't know where they came from, but he could tell from the marks on these people.

Craftsman hammer family crest.

Barent family.

That middle-aged man must be Klein, the head of the Rogue Trader family.

"The wise investor is here." Bellona continued the confidential call and walked toward the visitor with an enthusiastic look, "The Lord of Tyrone may not have expected that in the eyes of a businessman, there is nothing that cannot be priced. "

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