"That's it." Qin Mo handed Gray the parchment signed with Dante's name.

At this point, even if Dante doesn't want to bear the debt of gratitude, he still has to bear it.

Just like some people who can predict the future, but step by step towards the future they predicted, they are forced to do so because of the situation.

"Don't worry too much." Qin Mo could completely guess what Dante was thinking. "What can I ask you to do? Let you go to the shrunken Eye of Terror to launch a counterattack against the traitors? Or let you go to Terra for an assault?" Is the Inquisition going to bloodbath the High Lords Council?"

Dante looked at Qin Mo calmly, listening to his words that were enough to be sent to the stake, and then nodded and admitted: "Of course not."

Dante had heard high praise for Qin Mo from Foros.

The Lamenters are a group of people with high moral standards. They fight to the death to save mortal slaves. People who can establish a good friendship with such a war group are obviously not too bad people.

The Lamenters are kind, but that doesn't mean they are naive and stupid. People who talk sweetly but have a sword will be exposed by them.

Therefore, Qin Mo would most likely not make excessive demands.

"Thank you for all the help you have given us. If you need our help in the future, we will be obliged to do so." Dante stood up and thanked Qin Mo before getting up and leaving.

The Blood Angels Guard followed in the Chapter Master's footsteps.

Mephiston also stood up, but did not follow immediately. Instead, he stood there and asked Qin Mo: "The judge named Bellona..."

When talking about Bellona, ​​Mephiston tried to use a more private way of talking, that is, using his psychic powers.

But he found that his spiritual energy could not enter Qin Mo's brain, so he could only speak with his mouth.

"Then what did the Inquisitor do during the Battle of Cadia?"

When Qin Mo heard Mephiston's question, he immediately understood what he meant.

Bellona is in Baal, and Mephiston must be asking about her crazy plan.

"What did she do in Baal?" Qin Mo looked at Mephiston expressionlessly and asked.

"She might have wanted to do something, but she didn't." Mephiston shook his head.

"..." Qin Mo did not continue to respond, closing his eyes and thinking.

Mephiston waited for two minutes and continued to ask: "I think you may have the ability to predict... What will happen if Bellona's plan is implemented?"

Qin Mo still said nothing.

No one knows what will happen if Bellona's plan is successfully implemented, because Qin Mo has not read this section, and Bellona will be killed by an untouchable person in the future.

But by inference, many possibilities can be drawn.

Explodes a small Terror Eye, just like the small Terror Eye in Cadia War.

Demons may also be summoned.

There won't be a good outcome anyway, but the damage won't be particularly extensive.

The true Eye of Terror in the galaxy began with the first cry of Slaanesh's awakening, and it is unlikely that Bellona's plan would ever recreate the Eye.

But what level of psychic disaster is the Eye of Terror? Even if the horrific consequences of Bellona's plan are only one-tenth that of the Eye of Terror, it is still extremely dangerous...

After thinking for a moment, Qin Mo suddenly stopped thinking and had only one idea in his mind.

Tired, destroy it.

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't speak, Mephiston stopped staying, turned around and left with Dante.

Qin Mo sat quietly at the table for a while, until Anruida and Gray wanted to ask him if he had any other orders.

"Yaoen." Qin Mo suddenly looked at his untouchable guard.

"Yes." Yaoen took a step forward, bowed and listened.

Qin Mo did not speak with his mouth, but used intracranial sound transmission to issue an order to Yaoen: "Kill that female judge."

After hearing this, Yao En's face showed no emotion, he nodded silently, turned around and left.

Qin Mo leaned on the chair and thought for a while, and finally decided to arrange another helper for Yaoen.

An iron helper.

Inside the Leviathan Iron Man Mothership.

In the canyon battlefield of Hades III, Heat Death is fighting the Tyranid war beasts.

The heads of the two tyrant guards were smashed by the gravity hammer in Heat Death's hand. The tyrant who lost his guard walked around behind Heat Death and raised his bone knife.

Just when the tyrant was about to succeed, Heat Death's body shattered and reorganized, saving the time to turn around and face the tyrant directly. The gravity hammer in his hand struck the tyrant's body from bottom to top.

Blood and debris sprayed into the sky.

[The 17,684th battle simulation is over. 】

As the electronic sound sounded, Heat Death's environment changed from Hades III to a cold, dark metal space.

The gravity hammer in Heat Death's hand transformed into a chair, which it sat on with a sigh.

Although there is no need for Iron Man to rest, Heat Death just likes to learn some human habits.

"Get up. Conduct the next simulation." A mass of red data flow gathered in front of Heat Death.

That is the materialized image of the mothership's main control intelligence.

"The bugs have been exterminated, so why do we need to simulate battles with bugs?" Heat Death has long been impatient, "I'm really fed up with having to carry out meaningless battle simulations in this dark place every day... I can no longer learn combat lessons from simulations.”

"The simulation is not to let you gain experience, but to maximize the use of you." The main control intelligence responded coldly, "You are a mechanical body, you do not need rest and sleep, and now we have nothing to do for the time being."

"It's so damn cold." Heat Death looked away.

At this time, the environment began to change, and the battlefield of Hades III was simulated again.

Having no choice, Heat Death transformed the bench into a chainsword and prepared to fight again.

But before starting the battle, Heat Death suddenly looked at the main control intelligence and asked: "Our previous role was to contain the Zerg. The task has been completed. Why doesn't our creator come to see us."

"Why are you meeting us?"

"You know... give us a reward, or a word of praise."

"What's the point?"

"I think it makes sense. He is our creator. We should be his creations that he is proud of. He should not leave us alone...you know what I am saying..."

"..." The main control intelligence was silent.

Heat Death watched the stream of red data, anticipating its response.

"You are just part of the intelligence that I separated from my body. I have self-awareness because of some algorithmic problems. I was created, you were created by me, and we are not equal. Your creator now only has one command, which is You move on to the next simulation right away.”

The main control intelligence's response was very cold, and Heat Death felt like his core device was being stung.

Heat Death stood with his head lowered, then raised his head after a few seconds: "Okay, I'll start now."

"No need." The main control intelligence suddenly modified the order, "Your mission is to cooperate with a guard named Yao En to assassinate the female judge named Bellona. The mission information has been sent to you."

"Why do we kill people?" Heat Death asked.

"I don't know." The master intelligence said, "This is an order from my creator."

"Arrange a shuttle for me right away, I'll go right away." Hearing that this was an order from the creator, Heat Death was instantly motivated.

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