Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 295 The most valuable thing is a debt of gratitude

"Between being controlled by others to become more complete or continuing to remain incomplete, I choose the former." The flame in the Burner's hand floated towards Qin Mo.

"You are really not ordinary determined..." Qin Mo felt that he could not understand the Burner, who handed over part of his essence just to become more complete.

Qin Moke never promised that the Burner could help it regain the fragments held by the Necron leader Silence King, but the Burner still made such a decision, which is enough to show how much "completeness" means to the Star God. important.

Burning Man reluctantly glanced at the essence that was sent out, and asked: "Now you are not afraid that I will kill people on a planet on a whim, are you?"

Qin Mo nodded and turned to look at Mimic.

The mimicry remains hostile to the Burner, due to its confused memory.

After feeling Qin Mo's gaze, Mimic shook his head: "I know I'm a madman, just ignore what I say."

"You're just not as complete as it is, but it doesn't matter, I'll help you." Qin Mo shook his head.

Looking at the mimicry, Qin Mo could suddenly empathize with the Burner's idea that he would rather surrender his essence to become complete.

A powerful creature born from the Big Bang became crazy and confused because it became a pile of fragments. It couldn't even figure out whether its own memory was true or false.

Theoretically, every fragment of the Star God has earth-shaking power, but because some small fragments have forgotten who they are and what they can do, they will even be frightened by a Space Marine using a bomb.

That's the difference between being complete and not being complete.

"When can you begin research?" Burner asked.

"When we return to the star area, I will give you a home in a galaxy with a harsh environment for humans. Then I will start researching and finding ways to help you fuse the two found fragments." Qin Mo said.

Qin Mo has no idea about the fusion of two fragments of the Burner for the time being, but like many things in the past, it can still be solved as long as he is willing to work hard.

"Then when will we return to the star area?" Burner couldn't wait.

Qin Mo wanted to go back right away, but Gray's communication sound made him change his mind.

"The Blood Angels Chapter Master wishes to meet with you."

"Okay, connect him to the celestial engine."

After a while.

Dante and his entourage jumped into the Hades galaxy on a Tyron naval ship and slowly approached the celestial engine that was charging the dimensional engine.

Since Dante and the others were on the observation deck of the ship, they could see the celestial engine through the portholes without being connected to the ship's system.

It's like traveling from one planet to another, except the destination planet is made of metal, so the experience is completely different.

"Miracle project." Mephiston looked at the celestial engine getting closer and closer, "Miracle."

"This is much bigger than the Phalanx." Dante nodded with raised eyebrows.

In addition to Mephiston, Dante was accompanied by the Holy Blood Guards. They also looked at the Celestial Engine in amazement. They felt that what the think tank director said was absolutely correct. This was a miraculous project.

Even more surprising than the existence of this marvel of engineering is the intent of its creators in creating it.

Maybe it’s to have a home that’s always ready to go, or maybe it’s to ensure 100% control of a galaxy, or maybe it’s just to show off… Anyway, it was created.

The ship stopped outside the shield along with other warships heading to the planetary structure to replenish supplies. As more and more warships gathered, the shield was closed for a while, allowing all ships to pass through the energy shield and enter orbit.

Guests board a transport plane and fly to the surface. At this time, they can see the giant buildings on the planetary structure through the portholes.

There are cities, military camps, and shipyards all available, and they are all extremely large.

The transport plane flew into a tall tower-shaped building whose apex could touch the track, passed through the indoor flight channel specially reserved for aircraft, and finally stopped on one of the tens of thousands of landing pads.

Qin Mo and the guards on the ladder engine were waiting outside the transport plane.

There will be no danger in this meeting, but Dante and Qin Mo both brought their own guards just because it would make the meeting more formal.

The transport plane door opened, Dante and his team came out, saluted each other, and then walked into the building together.

Dante observed the guards. He saw Gray, who had spoken to him before, and then carefully observed their weapons and equipment.

"Their skeletons are made of metal, armed to the...brain."

Mephiston's words echoed directly in Dante's mind.

The two made an agreement that if they wanted to discuss anything, Mephiston would do it with his psychic powers instead of his mouth.

Everyone quickly came to a teleportation device, the protective barrier automatically raised, and the next second everyone appeared in a hall with a long black metal table.

Everyone sat down around the table and started talking about business.

Dante didn't beat around the bush, didn't say polite words, and went straight to the point: "We hope that the Tyrone sector can help rebuild the fleet."

This is what Dante is for.

The Gate of Heaven fleet is gone. The strike cruisers of each battle group have been almost destroyed before, and there is an urgent need to add a new batch of battleships.

If anyone can help rebuild the fleet in a short period of time, it must be the Tyrone Sector.

Qin Mo did not immediately agree or refuse, but began to think about it.

At this time, Dante was looking at Qin Mo, but he was actually communicating with Mephiston.

"I think the Lord of Tyrone will most likely agree, so the worst outcome of this meeting is that he agrees but doesn't indicate what kind of reward he wants." Mephiston said.

Dante nodded in agreement.

His biggest hope for this meeting is that Qin Mo can agree to help rebuild the fleet and make a clear request.

For example, the Blood Angels and their sub-groups will help fight in the future, or do other things.

This is the best, because no matter how high Qin Mo's request is, as long as he is satisfied, then nothing will be owed to him.

On the contrary...

"Of course." Qin Mo nodded with a smile.

Dante also nodded, expecting Qin Mo to continue, but Qin Mo said nothing next.

"What are the conditions of Lord Tyrone?" Mephiston took the initiative to break the silence.

"What kind of reward are you talking about?" Qin Mo shook his head, "It's just some battleships."

"How generous...ha..." Mephiston smiled dryly and turned to look at Dante.

Dante thought about it carefully and finally decided to agree.

Although this will undoubtedly make the entire Chapter bear a debt of gratitude that is difficult to repay, there is really no other way.

Some sub-regiment's warships were completely destroyed, and they could only borrow other people's ships to leave Baal.

Dante nodded slowly to Mephiston, who pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill.

The required warships had already been written on the parchment, but Dante just signed his name on it and handed the parchment to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo originally thought that Dante would ask him to make clear conditions, or at least waffle for a while, but he agreed very readily. One can imagine how much the angel's descendants suffered in this war.

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