Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 279 The Talented Apprentice

The main control intelligence of the Leviathan Iron Man Mothership began to prepare for cross-system combat.

A small fast ship was designed and printed to travel through the dimensional space, go to Baal's corresponding coordinates in the dimensional space, and then leave the dimensional space.

Dante and others, who were fighting against the swarm of insects, saw a meteor falling towards the surface. The meteor started its recoil device a hundred meters above the ground, slowed down and fell steadily.

That thing looked like a tall tower, with engines and weapons, and should have the function of a ship.

The ship landed in the sea of ​​insects, and all the weapons it carried immediately opened fire on the surrounding insect swarms.

The ship was not used as a turret. The long-range dimensional teleportation device inside it was charged and activated within three seconds after landing, teleporting some of the iron men who came to support Barr.

A thousand conventional Iron Man units.

Twenty agility iron men.

The extermination machine, which would passively cause great damage to biological allies of both the enemy and ourselves, was not teleported.

Iron Man immediately joined the battle.

Each arm of Heat Death holds a melee or long-range weapon. It is like an agile and deadly killing machine, shuttled among the insect swarms specifically looking for difficult bugs such as warrior bugs to deal with.

Those conventional iron men, on the other hand, fired at the bugs while advancing. They used melt instead of arc weapons that could kill friendly forces.

The Agile Iron Man is faster and can kill a large swarm of bugs in almost the blink of an eye.

The performance and combat power of these mechanical bodies far exceed those of Tyranid war beasts.

"Who asked for that?" Foros, who was fighting side by side with Dante, took a moment and rushed to the technical sergeant in the center of the team to ask him.

All the technical sergeants in the combat team gathered together, and Foros asked the technical sergeants of all regiments questions.

"I don't know." The technical sergeant gave an accurate answer.

The other technical sergeants shook their heads as well.

Ironmen are rare in the 41st Millennium, but things resembling Ironmen are not uncommon, such as the Castellan droids of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

But these sudden arrivals did not appear to be Castellan droids in appearance, at least the technical sergeants of the Blood Angels and Lamenters did not recognize them.

But one thing is certain, that is, these robots are not hostile, they are here to help.

At first, everyone was shocked when they saw a large group of machines appearing, but when they saw the double-headed eagle logo hanging on the machines, they immediately lowered their guard and thought they were one of their own.

"They should not be sent by the Adeptus Mechanicus." said the technical sergeant. "They do not have the emblem of the Adeptus Mechanicus, nor do they have data craftsmen."

The technical sergeant of a sub-regiment suddenly reminded everyone.

Since the use of Abomination Intelligence is prohibited, the various mechanical warriors used by the Adeptus Mechanicus are accompanied by a data craftsman, and the machines will act according to the data chips inserted by the data craftsman.

It is equivalent to brushing aside intelligence.

Machines without a datasmith at their side are suspicious, even if they wear the Imperial double-headed eagle.

However, the doubts were quickly dispelled. Among the machines that suddenly appeared, there were vague figures of several members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. They wore the iconic red robes and transformed themselves to look nothing like humans.

The double-headed eagle logo and data craftsman have complete elements.

In the eyes of the Space Marines, whether these guys are joint forces between the Empire and the Adeptus Mechanicus, or something else, they are absolutely trustworthy allies.

The fragments of the Burning Star God, the first companies of each battle group, and the newly joined iron men... they don't cooperate in fighting, but together they are a powerful fighting force that cannot be ignored.

The Tyranids' synaptic creatures are being killed at an extremely fast rate.

Whenever a Tyrant or other synaptic creature dies, the Burner will burn a path, and then the Space Marines and Ironmen will trek along the road through the worm sea to kill the next synaptic creature.

The Hive Mind gains wisdom every time it suffers, spreading out and hiding its synaptic creatures to prevent them from being easily found.

This behavior is simple but effective, because Zerg individuals can really execute any order without compromise and go all out, and no synapse creature will rush to the enemy with great success.

Synaptic creatures are getting harder and harder to find, but soon help is coming on the human side.

"Chapter Commander Dante, you have to thank me."

Bellona's voice appeared in the communication channel.

This was not an encrypted communication, so Foros and others also heard it.

Dante didn't understand what Bellona meant. At least Bellona didn't contribute much in the current battle. If she was talking about cooperating with the guy who burned the flame...then she should really thank you. You have to admit that Bellona Lorna has a little credit.

"Next, your think tank director will point you to the location of the synaptic creature." Bellona said.

"She's right." Mephiston agreed, "Six o'clock direction, seven hundred meters, ten underground pipes."

Dante and other chapter leaders received the specific coordinate information, and Burner also heard it through unknown means, and the group immediately rushed to the location of the coordinates.

On the ground floor of the meeting hall.

The Chapter's Think Tanks and an Ecclesiastical personnel following the Inquisitor are standing here. They have arranged many ritual items in the stone crypt.

The Librarians collaborated with each other psychically to grant soul protection to a man at their center.

This man is Bellona's apprentice.

As early as when Bellona arrived in Baal, Mephiston discovered that her apprentice was not simple.

This apprentice is a psyker. His psychic talent is not focused on attack or defense or biological abilities, but on exploration.

From the mouths of Bellona and the apprentice, Mephiston learned that the apprentice could even probe the brains of untouchable people.

This is amazing talent.

Mephiston planned the ritual, using the psychic powers of the Librarians to protect the apprentice's soul from being easily detected by the Hive Mind, and then to detect the location of the synaptic creatures on the battlefield.

Bellona leaned against the pillar and watched coldly.

The apprentice felt as if his soul was being burned by the think tanks. He was in great pain. When he couldn't bear it anymore, he would open his eyes and look at Bellona.

At this time, Bellona would put away her cold face and give him a gentle smile, and the apprentice would continue to close his eyes and grit his teeth to endure.

When his teeth were about to be bitten, the apprentice's will wavered a little. He felt that his vision was out of control. He was no longer outside the inner wall of the Angel Fortress on Baal, but instead went to the driest and barren mountain range on Baal.

There is a crashed ship there.

The horizon keeps getting closer.

Get inside the crashed ship from outside.

A uniquely colored and larger Tyrant is standing in a pile of scraps.

The tyrant was roaring toward the north, but then it stopped roaring and looked towards the empty south.

That's where the apprentice is.

"That thing saw him!" Bellona was not generally experienced in psychic powers. She could tell what was happening to him just by the shaking frequency of his apprentice, so she immediately shouted to Mephiston: "Stop. !”

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