What the Burner said was conveyed to Karaon, and then to Dante, who was always sitting in the council chamber.

The operation to retake the areas outside the fortress walls officially began.

Blood Angels, Lamenters, Vermilion Angels, Blood Drinkers...the first companies of a total of five chapters, as well as the chapter leaders except the Vermilion Angels, all participated in this battle.

The reason why the Vermilion Angel Chapter is an exception is because their chapter leader refused to come to protect Baal. Only some warriors in the chapter defied the chapter leader and came to protect Baal. These warriors, regardless of whether they were elite or not, and regardless of their years of participation in the war, were Formed into the first company of the Vermilion Angels Chapter.

This is what Dante did deliberately.

Regardless of whether Baal can be defended, at least the official record is that the Vermilion Angels participated in the defense of Baal, and the entire chapter will not be subject to moral condemnation by the survivors or the victors after the war.

In addition to ordinary Space Marines, there are fifty Dreadnoughts, some armored vehicles, fighters, and transport aircraft used by Space Marines.

Of course, Burners are also indispensable.

When the people participating in the recapture operation were assembled and ready to set off, an unexpected person joined the operation.

That was Dante who was injured when Likart destroyed the void shield.

Dante showed his old but real face to others, holding a mask and walking to the front of the team.

Everyone was surprised when they saw the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels appearing in front of them in his true colors. Whether he wore a mask or not had a deeper meaning.

As a hero who was ordered to lead the battle group to fight for a thousand years in times of crisis, he must always maintain his strong and majestic image in front of outsiders.

in front of outsiders.

At this moment, there is obviously no difference between the Blood Angels parent group and other sub-groups. All Space Marines are descendants of the angels and fight for the same home planet, Baal.

"The plan is very simple." Dante said to everyone, "Look for and destroy any Zerg synaptic creatures. If we go well, the bugs besieging the inner wall will fall into chaos. We can take the opportunity to take back even the entire Baal outside the inner wall." soil of."

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"

The city gate opened amidst Dante's shouting, and artillery fire was fired from various artillery positions in the inner wall. Most of the insect swarms outside the inner wall were cleared, and the combat team was immediately dispatched.

With Dante personally leading the battle, the morale of the combat team was extremely high.

The artillery positions in the rear that are no longer harassed by biological airdrop pods can fully provide fire support to the combat team, and the existence of the Burner greatly enhances the combat capability of the combat team.

This battle is a tense and thrilling battle for those who have experienced it firsthand, because even if they have the support of artillery and burners, they must personally fight against warrior bugs or other more powerful bugs.

But tactically it was a boring but effective fight, they were just synaptic creatures beheading the Zerg one by one.

The swarm of insects directly separated the combat team from the inner wall. The inner wall was still under attack, and the combat team seemed to be trudging through a swamp composed of bugs.

Fortunately, this tactic was effective after being implemented for a period of time. The number of Zerg attacking the inner wall did not decrease too much, but some individual Zerg began to become chaotic.

Some Zerg individuals were even in a daze on the battlefield, obviously on the verge of losing control.

While the defense battle of Baal was fiercely underway, the Battle of the Hades Galaxy was also fiercely fought.

The war has progressed to Hades III, which is the hometown of Foros.

The other two planets in the galaxy have been completely captured by Iron Man. For Iron Man, the war is getting smoother and smoother.

The number of Zerg has been reduced a lot. Although the quality of Zerg individuals has been improving, the replacement time is not as fast as that of Iron Man.

If you stand in orbit and look down at the planet's surface, you will see two colors of oceans colliding with each other on the sucked-dry seabed.

On one side is a sea of ​​insects, and on the other side is a sea of ​​iron men who have more people than insects.

Every ten minutes, the weapon in Iron Man's hand or itself may be updated.

For example, the weapon magazine becomes larger, the shooting time is longer, and the mobility is strengthened or weakened... all just to be able to better deal with each evolved Zerg.

Any moving Iron Man on the battlefield will be an unstoppable terror killing machine when faced with the Planetary Defense Force on other planets.

Even in the iteration of the Iron Man Army, some extremely terrifying Iron Man were created.

Just like the "hitchhike" that Heat Death is riding on at this moment.

This is a super large iron man with six mechanical legs, about thirty meters tall, with four arms carrying four different forms of weapons, and hundreds of small automatic turrets all over his body.

The iron man named the Exterminator advanced slowly on the plains, pouring firepower forward with every step he took.

A heavy cannon that can blast a kilometer into a field of lava with one shot.

A spherical artillery shell exploded two kilometers above the target, releasing a rain of small bombs.

A slender beam can shoot through the biochemical titan and the mountains behind it.

And the most important main gun.

When the main cannon fired, Heat Death standing on the extermination machine could feel the sharp increase in radiation. A flash of light that disrupted its visual equipment condensed in front of the muzzle, and then a ball of light shot out of the barrel.

The ball of light flew slowly in the air for about two minutes, spanning dozens of kilometers, and then landed on the ground.

For the first second nothing happens.

Until one second later, a blue dome of energy rose from the ground and covered everything within five kilometers.

When the light dimmed, no matter what creatures or terrain there were before in the blue dome, there was nothing in it now, except for an extremely smooth and extremely standard pit with a radius of five kilometers.

But even this level of attack cannot cause a large-scale cleanup effect on the insect swarm on the visual level. However, outside the visual level, the insect swarm has indeed been severely damaged. Hundreds of millions of bugs may have been killed in the dome, but It was filled by later insects.

But that's not all the Exterminator's combat capabilities are.

The body and surroundings of the extermination machine, as well as the land it passes through, contain a large amount of toxic residues and high-intensity radiation. Before the insect swarm evolved resistance to radiation, the knife insects would undergo genetic dissolution within one kilometer of the extermination machine. , but now they will not easily approach the extermination machine to avoid losing their combat effectiveness.

Heat Death, who was on the extermination machine, saw his compatriots killing through the swarm's front line, getting closer and closer to the node creatures at the rear.

A tyrant has appeared within Heat Death's field of vision.

The distance is seven kilometers.

Heat Death looked at the Tyrant. Its limbs and part of its body gradually melted and reorganized into a four-meter-long fixed cannon. Its head detached from its body and flew high into the sky. It scouted everything on the shooting route and grabbed some resources to convert into cannonballs. .

The shells are printed and loaded into Heat Death's body, pushed into the back of the barrel and fired.

The roar was like thunder and spread far away. The cannonball was first pushed two kilometers by the power of the exit, and then the booster device was ignited to fly towards the tyrant at a faster speed.

This powerful creature didn't even see what the enemy looked like before it was blown up by the cannonball into a pile of pieces of flesh that spattered around.

The insects around him didn't care who killed the tyrant, but rushed forward immediately, eating the tyrant's flesh and blood before the nano-swarm arrived.

[Urgent mission: Go to Baal. 】

A message appeared in Heat Death's sight. It knew that this was an order from the mother of all iron men, and as an iron man, it should execute this order.

Heat Death immediately prepared to go to Baal, and before leaving, it made an extremely effective and necessary disguise for itself - printing an Imperial double-headed eagle symbol for itself and hanging it on its chest.

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