Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 280 Subtle Relationship

Mephiston stopped before Bellona could say anything.

Bellona and her apprentices are not Baal, and they have no duty to sacrifice for Baal.

The psychic energy exerted on the apprentice was released, a wave of psychic energy spread in the room, and the think tanks were knocked against the wall.

These think tanks are all psykers among the Space Marines, and they have not failed in any of the transformation surgeries, which shows how powerful the psychic fluctuations that can shake them away are.

The temperature in the room had dropped to freezing point.

The frost-covered apprentice got up from the ground, wiped the blood from his eyes and mouth, and looked at Bellona: "I'm fine."

Bellona breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for everything you have done for Barr." Mephiston stepped forward and patted the apprentice on the shoulder, and then asked him what he was more concerned about: "What did you see?"

"A bigger bug." The apprentice tried hard to remember, and explained the appearance of the bug to Mephiston clearly.

Mephiston and the Think Tanks immediately understood that it was a tyrant, a strange tyrant.

Why is this tyrant hiding in the wreckage of the crashed ship?

What is its strategic significance to the Zerg?

Various questions are popping up in Mephiston's mind, but this is not the most important question right now.

"Can you continue to explore?" Mephiston asked.

The apprentice didn't answer immediately, he wanted to refuse.

"He can," Bellona said.

Mephiston felt that the relationship between the two was a bit subtle, but using psychic powers was not an easy task, so it would be better to verify it with the psyker himself.

"I can." The apprentice nodded.

Think tanks are coming together again.

The Anglican priest who had followed General Durst's troops to Baal walked in from outside the room and smeared the ancient holy oil on the floor.

The apprentice sat down on the grease and looked at Bellona.

Priests wandered around carrying incense.

When the ceremony was ready again and the priest left the room, Bellona nodded to her apprentice.

The apprentice also nodded.

Psychic energy was exerted on the apprentice, and he saw the situation on the battlefield again.

The non-stop beheading operation outside the inner wall lasted for three days and three nights, and all members of the combat team stayed awake.

This kind of high-intensity and sleepless fighting is very tiring.

The Burner didn't care at all. It had already eaten its fill of the star's energy before it came to Baal.

Iron Man doesn't matter, they don't need to eat anyway.

As for the Space Marines, they were a little tired.

Just fighting for three days without sleep is nothing. The uncomfortable part is that there is no time to eat at all, because the liquid splashed when the surrounding bugs are hacked or exploded are full of viruses, so you can't even take the time to stuff yourself with carbohydrates and protein. The compounds that make up the rations are not acceptable.

The battle for the combat team was somewhat difficult, but all their efforts paid off.

When another Zerg tyrant was strangled, the communication from the rear reached everyone's ears.


"The bugs on the inner wall are completely in chaos, and the inner wall defense forces can participate in the battle to regain the outer area at any time."

Everyone except Iron Man was relieved when they heard the news, even Burner.

During this period of time, the Burners were burning very happily, but there were too many bugs, and there was no one at the top who looked like a leader...or there was, but they just hadn't been discovered yet.

The Burner feels that this war seems to have no end, otherwise he only needs to know where the enemy's leader is and teleport directly to kill him.

"Chapter Commander, you have to come back. I have something to report." Mephiston's voice sounded, this time in encrypted communication.

"Let's wait until the battle is over." Dante was already a little tired, but he still chose to continue fighting.

Now that most of the insect swarms besieging the Angel Fortress have become chaotic, now is the time to counterattack and retake the outside of the fortress.

Dante felt that he should not be absent now under any circumstances.

"Drive the swarm out of the fortress," Dante said to the others.

It is conceivable that there will be a long battle ahead, but everyone is full of energy.

Fighting side by side with the hero of the parent group, Dante, is not a good opportunity that everyone can get at any time.

The defense forces on the inner wall attacked outward with all their strength, sweeping away all bugs and biological structures such as digesters that could be seen along the way.

The combat team led by Dante continued the long and endless beheading battle.

When the battle lasted for another five days, most of the insect swarms within the Angel Fortress were in chaos, and subsequent insect swarms were slow to fill in.

While the blood slaves and the second and third companies of each battle group were advancing in full swing, the combat team led by Dante was finally able to stop and rest.

On the way back to the core area, the group took a short rest.

The Space Marines took off their helmets and ate.

No one celebrates the success of the battle, because now everyone's thoughts are eating to replenish their strength.

Dante gnawed on a bar-shaped food composed of carbohydrates and protein, and his eyes swept over the iron men who came to support him.

There's something strange about these "people".

Dante recalled that during the battle, the robot datasmiths were as dull and cold as his mechanical warriors, and they didn't eat.

When the fighting gets hot, the data craftsmen are nowhere to be found.

When the battle became less intense, the data craftsmen appeared out of nowhere.

But the people of the Adeptus Mechanicus were very strange to begin with, so Dante didn't ask any further questions. His eyes turned to the Burner, and he took out a piece of food and handed it to it: "Replenish your strength."

It is conceivable that the Burner does not need to eat, but this is a necessary etiquette. Whether to eat or not is the Burner's business.

"Keep it, I don't need it." The Burner looked down at Dante and responded coldly, but he also felt the kindness of this mortal.

The Burner looked into the distance and appeared on the horizon in the blink of an eye.

The flames fell on the heads of the swarm again.

Just like before, the Burner only needs one attack to clear out a large area of ​​​​Zerg. At this time, new zerg are no longer coming, and its attack is more effective.

However, such a powerful creature cannot decide the outcome in a short time on the battlefield, which shows how huge the Zerg population is.

"What exactly are we fighting against?"

Dante looked away and lowered his head, looking worried.

This war was going too hard.

The brave descendants of the Gene Father have been on the verge of destruction many times.

When will this war end...

Dante suddenly felt extremely tired when he thought of this, and raised his head to look at Baal's sky.

The sun is dazzling.

The saintly and handsome face of the father of genes seemed to appear on the halo around the sun.

Dante stared at the sky until Mephiston's voice sounded.

"Chapter Commander, I have something to report."

Dante's consciousness returned to reality, and he saw that there was no sun or halo in his sight. The sky of Baal was still obscured by the insect swarm's biological battleships and flying creatures.

"I'll go back right now." Dante swallowed the last bite of food, sat on the ground and took a few breaths before putting on his mask and getting up.

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