Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 277 Operation to recapture the outer wall

Burners join the fight.

Although this Star God fragment cannot annihilate all visible Zerg by itself, it does provide great help to the defenders.

First, the void shield was repaired, and humans no longer had to face enemies from the air.

Then the Burner personally participates in the battle as a combat unit. Its mere existence can reduce the pressure on the defenders, because although this powerful creature is not considered a god by anyone present, it does possess the power of a god and can increase its own confidence. and morale.

When the sea of ​​insects swept towards the core area of ​​the fortress again, Burners roamed outside every inner wall, killing any Tyranid war beasts that the defenders were unable to deal with.

As for other Zerg individuals that are easier to deal with, humans are responsible for handling them, so that the Burners can focus more on dealing with powerful war beasts.

It first came to the inner wall, which Foros was responsible for defending.

Even the inner wall in the core area of ​​the fortress is several kilometers long, with hundreds of defense points on each section of the wall.

The Zerg's attack can "take care" of every defensive point, that's why they are so huge.

In front of the vast sea of ​​​​insects and the tall inner walls, the Burner seems a little small, but it is by no means powerless.

When Foros used the plasma pistol to open holes for the samurai bugs in the swarm, the Burner flew near the biochemical titan, spraying out blazing flames from his hands that could be felt by people hundreds of meters away.

A massive bio-titan can only scream and burn to death, whether reduced to charcoal or reduced to ash, depending on the desires of its burner.

Those samurai bugs, which are covered in chitin carapace and are stronger than those that evolved at the beginning of the war, are difficult for humans to deal with, but they are just conceptual bugs that are burned to dregs after being affected by the flames.

This powerful flame was only seen on two occasions by Foros.

One moment is now.

A moment passed in the past. During the Battle of Cadia, the Weeper Chapter also participated in the battle with the demons. When the untouchables charged towards the crystal area, Qin Mo suddenly appeared and burned all the demons.

There is no doubt that this is a force far beyond human understanding.

"That guy got caught by a big bug!"

While Foros was marveling at the power of the Burners, the Weeper Captain ran up to Foros holding a missile launcher, pointed at the Burners and said loudly.

Since they didn't know the name of this uninvited guest, everyone called him that guy.

Foros stopped firing and watched the battle between the two powerful creatures.

The Burner was bound by the tentacles of a biochemical titan. That biochemical Titan seemed to be here specifically to deal with it. Its tentacles were wrapped in a layer of black material and would not be burned by the flames on the surface of the Burner's body.

The biochemical titan began to drag the Burner backwards, and the swarm of insects that came later quickly submerged the Burner's figure in a sea of ​​insects.

The First Company Commander tried to launch a missile to help the Burners escape, but the missile, like all previous missiles, was destroyed by the bioelectric field when it flew near the Titan.

"Call artillery fire to cover them." Foros turned around and ordered to the first company commander, "Call artillery fire!"

The people in charge of controlling the artillery in the fortress are the blood slaves of the parent regiment, and anyone is qualified to call for artillery fire.

The first company commander immediately contacted the Blood Slave Commander on the artillery position, but just as he was making contact, a dazzling flash of light erupted from the center of the insect swarm, and a crimson ball of light rose from the ground.

It was an explosion covering a kilometer, followed by a flash, a roar, then a shock wave and fierce winds.

The Burner cleared a clean area among the insects and stood in that area.

"This is definitely much better than what we have seen before." Karan's voice appeared in the communication channel.

Karan had seen it in the Hades system.

But Foros hadn't come yet at that time, and he didn't understand why he didn't recognize anyone at first if the guy in front of him had appeared in the Hades galaxy.

Are there many of them? Only one of them appeared in front of me?

Just as Foros was thinking like this, the Burner instantly crossed a kilometer distance and came to Foros.

The temperature rises sharply.

Burner stared at Foros.

Foros also stared at it, looking at the two things on its head that looked like eyes.

"It seems that you are not someone's slave." Burner said, "A slave will not look like this when it sees its master's kind."

"Are you a vision?" The first company commander looked at Burner in confusion. He didn't think this guy could see the look in his chapter leader's eyes.

See the eyes through the helmet of Seiko power armor? What a joke.

But Froth knew the Burners could see it.

"You know the person who gave you the missile, right?" Burner suddenly asked.

"No." Foros shook his head.

The Burner received a negative answer, but looked at Foros for less than a second before nodding thoughtfully.

Foros asked: "Who is the forger in your mouth? A powerful person? Or... someone of your kind?"

Burner did not answer, but thought for a while.

The man in front of him was unwilling to tell anything about the caster, and he asked about the word caster, indicating that he did not know who the caster was.

If the missile was indeed not dug up, then the person who forged it must have deliberately concealed his identity.

Whatever the reason for hiding one's identity, there is a reason.

Considering what he was going to do next, the Burner didn't want to tell the mortals in front of him about the Forger.

"It is a grave sin for you not to answer my questions honestly. You are still alive now, so you should kneel down to me and thank me for the patience and tolerance that I rarely give to mortals." Burning Man looked down at Foros, "You are even less qualified to ask me questions. "

Foros was silent.

"I am not your friend or ally." Burner continued, "There is only one reason why I stay here to help you relieve the siege, and that is I hope you can take me to the Tyrone star sector after the war, otherwise I would have I burned you and those bugs to death on a whim.”

Foros felt that the creature in front of him was hostile. If it went to the Tyrone star region, it might cause unimaginable damage to the star region.

Thinking of this, Foros secretly cursed Bellona as a bitch.

I don’t know what benefits this bitch could gain by betraying the Tyrone Star District at that time, but that’s what she did. Maybe she just likes to harm others without benefiting herself.

"Don't worry, I have no hostility towards that Tyrone star sector."

When Foros's nervousness was palpable, the Burner saw his expression under the helmet and easily guessed what this mortal was thinking.

"I just have something to deal with, something that doesn't need to be solved through fighting." The Burner said, raising his hand and releasing flames at the swarm of insects that came up behind him again.

Foros continued to stare at Burner.

That was until a communication from Karaan broke the silence.

"New battle orders."

"Can you try to communicate with that guy and let him cooperate with us to retake the outer area of ​​​​the fortress."

After hearing Karaon's words, Foros was ready to refuse, because he did not think that the Burner's attitude towards humans was enough for him to cooperate in combat.

But the Burner took the initiative and agreed: "Tell him that I can cooperate. But the premise is that this war can be ended quickly and I can have a good time burning."

Today I thought I would have time to code the incoming person, but it turned out to be my first day at work

I applied for a meal card, attended induction training (that is, who is allowed in and who is not allowed in, and there are procedures to fill out forms and so on), and was led by others to familiarize myself with various places in the unit, some important people, and someone ten years older than me. My 2019-year-old colleague, who is an acquaintance, took me out for a drink. My boss heard that I had hemorrhoids before, so he drove me to buy a seat cushion.

I’ll update tomorrow. I’ll start writing at eight in the morning, and I’ll be able to write two more points when I get back to the dormitory from get off work at six in the evening.

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