Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 271 I am heat death

The battle went on for a while.

The ground suddenly trembled, and Heat Death saw a giant insect emerging from the ground and devouring many of its kind.

Then the bug was blown to pieces by the same kind that activated the self-destruct program in its belly.

Heat Death paused for a moment of silence for the sacrifice of its kind, and then continued to fight.

The war is getting more and more intense.

Some long-range artillery combat units were deployed on the mountains and fired at the sea of ​​​​insects ahead.

The shells they fire do not cause fragmentation damage but impact damage.

After each shell explodes, a circular shock wave with a radius of one kilometer will be generated. As the shock wave appears and spreads to the limit within a microsecond, organic fragments all over the sky fly into the sky, and then fall like a heavy rain.

Heat Death heard a clanking sound, and then realized that it was the sound of his shell being continuously hit by pieces of organic matter.

Then a strong white wind roared past, and the debris on the ground disappeared.

Heat Death paid attention to the environment and then continued moving forward.

Two minutes later, a similar person next to him suddenly fell into the ground. Heat Silence immediately rushed over and tried to pull it up, and at the same time heard a rustling sound.

The same kind that sank into the ground was immediately divided into many pieces.

When the huge metal body turned into pieces and rolled down the pit, Heat Death saw a thin and thin insect.

The insect's limbs were immediately marked on the HUD in the field of vision, displaying the words "extreme danger".

The bug rushed toward Heat Death.

This ridiculous organic life form is so fragile that you only need to poke it with a finger to make a big hole, but its speed is amazing.

In less than ten microseconds, the five-meter distance between Heat Death and the bug was reduced to face to face.

The limbs of the insect are raised high and about to fall.

At this moment, a movement trajectory appeared in Heat Death's field of vision. It was a movement trajectory predicted by the advanced combat program's analysis of the muscle activity of the organic life form in front of him.

Heat Death stretched out his hand on the movement track and grabbed the insect's neck.

With gentle force, its head separated from its body.

"Too fragile." Heat Death dropped the organism in his hand.

Another strong white wind blew by, and the organism was gone.

But there is not only one enemy.

Hundreds of pairs of green eyes suddenly appeared in the pit, and many insects emerged from them.

Heat Death realized that it was impossible to kill them all before death, and it developed a sense of cooperation, hoping that some agile similar creatures would come over.

When this idea came up, someone really came.

They were ten of the same kind with slender bodies and double-knife arms. They ran over in a flash, chopped all the bugs in front of them into pieces scattered on the ground, and then rushed into the pit to slaughter the remaining bugs inside.


When the ten of his kind walked out of the pit covered in blood, Heat Death thanked them.

However, just like before, these same kind didn't react at all, and ran to kill other thin bugs that emerged from the potholes without even looking at the heat death.

"Okay." Heat Death shrugged helplessly, turned around and continued moving forward.

Combat is cookie cutter.

Follow the advance of the army and shoot down the carapaceous bugs with melta weapons, or call in your agile counterparts to slay the flimsy bugs that emerge from the potholes.

Heat Death didn't pay attention to how many bugs it killed. Only the combat program it started and ran in the background recorded its results.

After advancing for some distance, Heat Death saw a group of taller bugs appearing in front of them. They were covered in carapace.

【Target. 】

[Tyrant Bug and its Guards. 】

Heat Death did not choose to rush over blankly to start the fight, but quietly walked around from the side.

When the tyrant and his guards fought against the approaching iron men, Heat Death suddenly appeared from behind them.

The thick steel arm penetrated the carapace of a guard insect and emerged from the other end of its organic body.

The melta weapon kills another guard behind the Tyrant.

After killing two guys in the way, Heat Death rushed towards the Tyrant.

Although Heat Death definitely rushed with all its energy, its body still moved slowly, but the tyrant was not fast either, and its fully encased carapace severely limited its ability to move.

The tyrant did not run away, but turned around and opened his four arms to Heat Death, each holding a bone knife.

Those bone knives can cut through the Iron Man's shell within five swords.

"You want a duel?" Heat Death threw away the melt weapon and raised his finger at the tyrant.

The tyrant roared and ran straight towards Heat Death, raising his bone knife and slashing hard as he ran.

Heat Death's advanced combat program predicts the Tyrant's trajectory, allowing it to make more direct combat decisions.

The sound of carapace breaking sounded.

The Tyrant's belly was shot through by Heat Death's arm.

Even the Tyranid war beast itself was stunned for a moment. In its senses, it took the initiative to hit the straight punch struck by the iron man in front of it.



Roaring and tearing sounds sounded at the same time, and the tyrant's spine was completely ripped out by Heat Death.

When the nerves separate from the bones of the spine, the life of the tyrant fades away.

"It is a fragile organism after all."

Heat Death held his spine and looked down at the Tyrant's body.

This is the taste of victory, there is no joy, maybe because the sensory equipment is not very advanced...

Before Heat Death could savor its victory, two winged tyrants suddenly swooped down.

Heat Death saw them, but didn't have time to dodge.

The body was torn apart by the limbs of the two tyrants attached to the decomposition force field, leaving only one head rolling to the ground.

The two Tyrants thought this particular Iron Man was dead, but in fact he wasn't.

Heat Death's head lay on the ground to relax for a while, then four slender mechanical legs extended from the bottom of his neck, propped up his head and ran quickly towards other members of the same kind.

Heat Death can still perform missions, just not combat missions. Reconnaissance and infiltration can still be done.

But there is no need for infiltration on the battlefield with Tyranid war beasts.

A biochemical titan stepped over from a distance, crushed Heat Death's head with one foot, and then fought with the approaching giant battle body without even realizing what it had done.


Endless darkness.

Closed senses.

Nothing can be seen.

All sorts of feelings surfaced in Heat Death's mind.

[Conventional combat unit, sub-individual number X8312. 】

[The wake-up program is starting. 】

Heat Death's senses are liberated and it looks around.

In the field of vision is a dark production workshop, where countless similar products are being manufactured by printing devices suspended up and down.

"My name is Heat Death, and I am different from other numbered individuals!"

Heat Death recalled everything he had experienced just now and realized that he had been resurrected after death.

It lowered its head and looked at its body.

This new body is different from the previous one. There are four mechanical arms attached to the back and a small electronic eye behind the head.

In addition, the body is not as bulky as before. The metal shell originally used to protect the body has become an armor-like structure. The defense is slightly weaker, but at least it will not seriously restrict movement.

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