When the Tyranids began to evolve, the master intelligence released detection waves to scan the galaxy.

Some biological battleships began to be eaten by the Zerg themselves. The purpose of this practice was obviously to use the biomass to produce more bugs.

Anyway, those biological battleships cannot withstand the two anti-orbital light spears carried by the giant Iron Man battle body, so they are really of little use.

After the first batch of new types of bugs were produced, the main control intelligence immediately learned of the Zerg's new evolutionary plan and began to formulate an improvement plan for Iron Man based on this evolutionary plan.

Existing resources are still very sufficient.

The atomic structure conversion device in the mothership is converting the stones captured by the nanoworm swarm into metal. In one breath of an organic life form, a batch of iron men can be printed and put into war.

This means that developing improvement plans is not limited by resources.

Considering that the enemy's bugs had the ability to eat metal, the main control intelligence began to adjust the resource production plan.

Use the transmutation device to add a sharper atomic structure to the newly created metal, which can destroy the organism after being eaten by the bugs, and if the Zerg want to use the metal to produce carapace or weapons, they will definitely die in the production process. insect.

The second step is to produce a new type of combat body that is more dexterous and agile. This combat body will have double-blade arms, will be small in size, and will have a combat program that analyzes the enemy's combat skills to counterattack.

This is for those bugs who drop their defenses.

Secondly, arc weapons still need to be fielded, but it is impossible to use all arc weapons.

Enemies also have bugs that are fully covered in carapace, necessitating the production of melta weapons.

The nano-swarm should also be improved, and the organic structure must be reused, so that at least it will not be affected by the bioelectric field of the bugs. Before the Zerg starts a new evolution for the nano-swarm, those bugs wrapped in full carapace will be killed by the swarm. .

These are the improvement plans.

This war of attrition is inevitable, but we just need to know more about the characteristics of the Zerg.

In order to achieve this goal, the main control intelligence believes that it can accept the damage of at least one trillion iron men.

After the improvement plan was finalized, the mothership released the scanning wave again, and this time some abnormalities occurred.

The scanning results showed that a biological warship suddenly appeared on the edge of the galaxy, and the insect swarm on board reacted with subspace energy.

Obviously, the enemy has psionic units.

In order to deal with psychic units and win this war of attrition more quickly, the main control intelligence had to design a decapitation tactical plan.

The decapitation tactic is very simple, just teleport the iron man over and kill the tyrant or psychic unit.

But this requires an iron man who is stronger, better at fighting, capable of collecting more microscopic data, and capable of conducting real-time analysis and decision-making on battles.

The main control intelligence quickly thought of a plan.

Allocate a portion of the computing power to give the Iron Man individual independent intelligence, and then carry out specialized transformations to ultimately create an individual similar to the Zerg Tyrant.


Endless darkness.

Closed senses.

Nothing can be seen.

All sorts of feelings surfaced in Heat Death's mind.

[Conventional combat unit, sub-individual number X8312. 】

[The wake-up program is starting. 】

Heat Death's senses are liberated and it looks around.

In the field of vision is a dark production workshop, where countless similar products are being manufactured by printing devices suspended up and down.

Heat Death lowered his head and looked at his body. His arms and lower body had not yet been printed.

[Enhanced combat program loaded. 】

[Enhanced sensory program loading. 】

[Downloading agreement...Progress: 921/8722]

A stream of information appeared in Heat Death's field of vision. What it saw was no longer pitch black. A HUD panel appeared, which accurately displayed the integrity of its body, a map, and the scan result display...

The body's completeness is only 30%.

When the arm was printed, it was 100 percent complete.

The self-test program is activated, and the result of the self-test program is perfect.

[Combat mission: Kill the Zerg synaptic creatures. 】

Another piece of information appeared in the field of vision, and Heat Death fell off the hanger and landed with a crash.

A drone carrying a melta weapon flew in front of Heat Death.

At this time, another information emerged.

[Conventional combat unit, sub-individual number X8312, perform your mission. 】

Other combat units also woke up one after another. They also detached from the hangers and landed with a crash, and then obtained their weapons from the drones.

"We...what war are we fighting?" Heat Death asked the people next to him.

The eyes of the same kind flashed with red light, and they slowly straightened up and looked forward without any response.

"What's wrong with it?" Heat Death felt that this kind of creature was abnormal, so he asked another of its kind.

The same kind didn't react at all and stared straight ahead.

Heat Death looked around and found that all the similar people here were cold and unresponsive, and then he realized that he was the one who was abnormal.

[Repeat the combat mission: Kill the Zerg synaptic creatures. 】

[Conventional combat unit, sub-individual number X8312, perform your mission. 】

"I am not a numbered individual, I am Heat Death, and I have a name." Heat Death said to the air.

Nothing responded to it.

The 100,000 newly shipped iron men all landed on the ground and were armed. Then the light of the teleportation device lit up, and the next second everyone arrived on the surface of a planet.

There is a war going on here.

A white storm swept across the sky and the ground, and those flying organisms, even if they numbered in the billions, were instantly decomposed to nothing.

Everywhere is the sound of weapons firing, the sound of organisms screaming...

When Heat Death looked at the organisms, they were labeled.

[Tyrani War Beast].

A giant battle body stepped over the head of Heat Death and fired an electric arc at the giant Tyranid war beast crawling towards the opposite side.

The electric arc failed to penetrate the body of the war beast, which was completely covered by the carapace. The war beast roared and waved its arms towards the giant war body.

The arm of the giant battle body attached to the oversized power sword cuts off the arm of the battle beast, and then moves the power sword high to split the battle beast of the same size as itself in two.


The giant battle body roared, and the roar caused the nearby Tyranid war beasts to experience sensory confusion.

Among the regular troops, the heat-death-like iron men were marching forward, firing as they went.

"Are we fighting against organisms?" Heat Death was a little confused and could only participate in the battle in a daze, "I like to do this."

Heat Death quickly walked to the front of the team and opened fire on a warrior bug that was heavily wrapped in a carapace.

The melt weapon instantly vaporizes the samurai bugs.

Heat Death continued to shoot, and it discovered that the advanced combat program it had loaded could lock on many enemies. The weapon in its hand was no different from other similar weapons, but it could hit every enemy accurately.

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