Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 272 Resurrection and Improvement


Heat Death detached from its hanger and landed with a crash.

Six drones flew over and they provided six weapons.

Two power swords, an arc launcher, a melta weapon, a multi-missile launcher, and a bolt pistol.

Heat Death thought for a while, then picked up the power sword and bolt pistol with his left and right hands respectively. The remaining arc and melt weapons, as well as the multi-barreled missile launcher and another power sword were held by the four mechanical arms behind him. .

After being armed, Heat Death was teleported to the battlefield along with others of his kind to join the battle again.

After arriving from the mothership workshop to the battlefield filled with artillery fire in one second, Heat Death stood on a slope to check on the battle situation.

Hundreds of millions of their kind are fighting on the plains.

The number of Tyranid war beasts is in the billions.

Although his own side has not fallen into decline, Heat Death believes that he should not follow the large army to fight as foolishly as before. Even if he has only three heads and six arms, how many enemies can he kill?

Recalling the previous battle with the tyrant.

After the death of the tyrant, the nearby Tyranid war beasts immediately fell into chaos. They were unable to mount an effective defense or even fight back, and were easily slaughtered.

If you want to speed up the war, the most effective way is to carry out decapitation operations and assassinate Tyranid synaptic creatures like Tyranids.

But executing the beheading tactic cannot be done by yourself.

Heat Death realized the importance of unity and cooperation, and it thought it needed the help of six agile iron men.

When this idea appeared, six agile iron men who had accumulated a lot of combat experience rushed over to join Heat Death's team on the battlefield.

"Very good." Heat Death raised his powerful sword and said, "Decapitation operation, start!"

In the mountains of the southern continent of Hades 1, a large swarm of Tyranids was divided and contained in the mountains. They could still contact the large insect swarm, but the large insect swarm was unable to rescue them.

The five tyrants and their guards gathered together, commanding the swarm to fight while constantly testing the Iron Man, trying to find an area where they could break through the siege.

The Hive Mind is paying attention to this besieged swarm.

After several days of fighting, the Hive Mind roughly figured out the characteristics of the enemy, and concluded that it was very dangerous for synaptic individuals to face the enemy alone.

Because Iron Man seems to upload information in real time, when one Iron Man gains experience in battle, the other Iron Man will immediately become much more powerful.

So tyrants must come in groups.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the iron men surrounding the insect swarm gathered around and attacked with arc or melt weapons.

Artillery fire also exploded among the insect swarms.

This insect swarm, whose combat units were mostly knife insects, could not hold out for long before it was surrounded by iron men.

Among the numerous Iron Man combat units, there is one Iron Man that is particularly special. Its model is unique and its fighting method is also unique.

This iron man is exactly heat death.

As Heat Death appears on the battlefield, the rest of the Iron Man troops begin to retreat.

Instead of retreating, they rushed to other battlefields where they were needed more. The five tyrants in front of them had no use for them at all.

"Same as before." Heat Death ordered the six agile iron men who were following him to fight.

The six iron men didn't react at all and rushed directly towards the tyrants.

The Tyranids have also gained experience in the war, and those tyrants know how to deal with agile iron men.

The tyrants always maintained a distance of ten meters from each other and rushed towards the agile iron man.

In just two seconds after the two sides fought, two iron men were cut off, and a tyrant had his arm cut off.

Just as the tyrants attacked the remaining iron men, Heat Death suddenly appeared from behind them. The arm that raised the power sword sprayed out flames as it fell, splitting a tyrant in two with the strong recoil.

The other Tyrant knew what Heat Death was going to do when it appeared, so it waited nearby until Heat Death Slash made its move before attacking.

At this time, Heat Death's back shell opened, and two mechanical arms holding power swords stretched out to fight the tyrant holding four bone knives several times, and finally pierced his head with one sword.

There are three Tyrants left.

They had already killed all the agile iron men and just managed to free their hands.

After a brief pause, the three tyrants pounced on Heat Death from three directions.

The metal shells of Heat Death's limbs opened, revealing a whole row of jet holes.

A dazzling blue light gradually emerged from the jet hole.

A flying tyrant is hovering in the sky.

A blue flash appeared in the deep mountains, and then a ball of light with a diameter of two kilometers emerged. It took two seconds for the explosion to reach the tyrant's ears.

This is all the Hive Mind sees.

The war has been going on for a month.

At this time, another human empire warship appeared on Baal's side, and this warship immediately escaped into unknown space and disappeared without a trace.

The battle between Baal and the Hades Galaxy is going on at the same time, and these iron men from the Hades Galaxy even affect the war on Baal's side.

The Hive Mind feels hatred and disgust here in the Hades Galaxy.

Iron Man is simply a natural enemy.

No matter how perfectly evolved a Zerg individual is, it still needs a physiological system to maintain movement and survival.

But Iron Man doesn't need it, or at least it doesn't seem like it.

This means Iron Man can stuff weapons into any structure of his body, like the Iron Man who just killed five Tyrants.

The smart iron man who carried out decapitation operations everywhere greatly accelerated the process of this war of attrition, but fortunately there was nothing that could be done against him.

The Hive Mind dispatched a cerebrate.

The brainworm suddenly appeared next to Heat Death, releasing psychic fire that melted him.

The Hive Mind knows that this will not kill the Iron Man. The Iron Man will regenerate like many times after being killed, and then have some more weapons and new functions on his body... But it doesn't matter, as long as it can be delayed for a little time. .

After seeing the Cerebrate complete its combat goal, the Hive Mind immediately made it withdraw.

The brainworm that can release psychic powers is the most powerful trump card right now.

After all, those iron men are in the real universe, and they will be affected by spiritual energy. It is very simple to kill them with spiritual energy.

I just don’t know why, but Iron Man doesn’t have individuals similar to synaptic creatures, so he can’t decapitate them.

The war will continue for some time.

The attack on Barr must be accelerated.

Even if tens of thousands of biological warships are decomposed to free up biomass to produce more individuals to attack Baal, it is still worthwhile.

If the fate of the current hive fleet is to perish, then it must die together with Baal.

The Hive Mind made a decision, and the biological battleships in the Hades galaxy began to gather and sail towards Baal's galaxy.

The Hive Fleet does not need to go through the subspace, but can pull the entire fleet to another galaxy with the help of gravity.

I stayed up late playing games last night, and when I thought about going to bed it must have been around three or four in the afternoon. I might as well finish writing and then go to bed.

So I write until now

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