Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 269 Evolution Competition





These concepts emerged from the mind of the Hive Mind, which realized that while this war of attrition would be lost no matter what, it would be lost much faster in a pure duel on the plains.

Those iron warriors are like many war machines that the Zerg have dealt with. They are precise, cold, and reliable, and they always have many predetermined means to deal with new situations.

It's just that Iron Man is more sophisticated, colder, more reliable, and has more means than those war machines.

Due to the inorganic body characteristics of Iron Men, they can use many kinds of fighting methods that look like self-mutilation but are not actually self-mutilation.

But regardless of who's controlling these Iron Men, it's a little too reliant on the characteristics of the Iron Men themselves.

These metal combat bodies are too heavy to use dexterous tactics, which may be their weakness.

After the analysis was completed, the Hive Mind began to use tactics.

A part of the insect swarm separated from the insect sea and followed the terrain of the land plate to attack the flanks of the Iron Man troops.

Those flying war beasts that had swooped down at Iron Man countless times before but to no avail also received new orders, and they began to act as bait to contain Iron Man.

At first the tactics had some effect.

Twenty tyrants led hundreds of millions of insect swarms around the side of the iron men, and then rushed over before they could react.

Just like before, the Iron Man troops did not panic or immediately change their tactics. They continued to advance, but began to release arcs and flammable gases at their companions, and used this method to quickly eliminate a large number of bypassing insect swarms without distinguishing between friend and foe.

However, Iron Man also paid a certain price in casualties. When he was caught off guard, at least 100,000 combat bodies were destroyed by biological weapons. Only a cluster of data streams left the battlefield and returned to the mothership to be reborn.

【clever. 】

The main control intelligence gave a high evaluation, and it had to admit that tactics were something it was not good at.

After all, the Leviathan mothership has only fought twice since its birth at the factory.

One time was to fight the plague zombies.

One time is now against the Tyranids.

There is simply not much information for the main control intelligence to develop tactics.

But as an artificial intelligence, master intelligence also has its advantages.

[Retrieve combat data. 】

[The specified directory category is: Battle of Cadia. 】

[Limited scope: Lord Creed of the Supreme Castle. 】

【data import. 】

Massive amounts of data were imported from the information database into the device where the master intelligence resides. It was like changing a brain for a human being. The master intelligence instantly became a tactical genius.

All these information on commanding the battle come from the Battle of Cadia, from the High Lord Creed who commanded the regular army and the Tyron army in the Battle of Cadia.

When the Tyrone Army received Creed's orders, their power armor collected the order data, and also collected data during subsequent battles. This data was aggregated into a data model that could be used.

The main control intelligence that has called up the model is equivalent to a Creed with a sharper mind. It uses Creed's model to exhaustively enumerate any tactics that the Tyranids may use in the war within three seconds, as well as what it should do. How to hack these tactics.

Although Creed has never dealt with the Zerg, and it is impossible to deal with the Iron Man, its data model can predict how he would fight if he faced the Zerg, and how he would deal with the Iron Man if he were the commander of the Zerg.

Any possible tactics the Zerg could use were exhausted.

Some of the Ironmen in the Ironmen force were mobilized to deal with any tactics that might be implemented by the Zerg in the future.

The Hive Mind saw some changes in the formation of the Iron Men. For example, ten thousand Iron Men were inexplicably deployed four hundred kilometers away to the left of the main force.

There are many similar situations.

And when the Hive Mind was preparing to use new tactics, it found that all the tactics it could use had solutions to the enemy. Those iron men who were inexplicably drawn out made it impossible to apply any of its tactics.

The form of war can only change back to an extremely pure war of attrition.

The Tyranids and Iron Man are like two giants at war. They punch the enemy with one punch and receive another punch themselves. The competition is to see who is more durable and who can stand longer.

This too pure war of attrition even made the Hive Mind feel a little desperate.

Hostile predators are tailor-made natural enemies for all organisms, leaving no biomass behind when they die and preventing scattered biomass from being picked up by organisms during combat.

The enemies we faced before were actually more difficult to deal with than Iron Man because they used decapitation tactics, but that was only difficult from a micro perspective. From a macro perspective, as long as there was enough biomass, they could still be killed by energy consumption.

However, the current battle for the Hive Mind is not about waiting for the result. Although the enemy can restrict the use of tactics and the capture of biomass, it cannot limit the evolution of the insect swarm.

After another thought about calling all synapse sub-individuals, the Hive Mind realized that there were two evolutionary routes in front of it.

First, against another predator's arc weapon evolution, the sub-individual is completely encased in a specialized chitin carapace, which will neutralize the arc.

But there are many problems with choosing such an evolutionary route.

First of all, the fully wrapped sub-individuals cannot observe the outside world, but this is not a big problem. The Tyrant Guards also have no eyes. They rely on the command and mobilization of higher-level synaptic creatures.

Another problem is to evolve the sub-individual into a fully encased chitin carapace, which will greatly increase the consumption of biomass that cannot be replenished. If the enemy's weapons have also evolved, defeat will come earlier. .

The second evolutionary route is to make the sub-individuals evolve to be more agile, lighter, and have biological weapons with more powerful decomposition fields.

Since defense is ineffective, then give up defense. Anyway, whether it is a samurai insect or a tyrant whose chitinous carapace is thicker and covers a larger area, it will shatter as long as it is penetrated by an arc.

However, the second evolutionary route has more problems than the first.

The most fatal problem is that if more agile and lighter individuals can either gain an advantage in a short period of time, or they will be completely in decline and be slaughtered unilaterally.

After a brief thought, since this war was no longer aimed at repelling hostile predators, the Hive Mind chose to try more and choose the best of the two evolutionary routes.

The insect sea on the surface left a small number of individuals to delay the enemy, while the rest retreated towards the digester.

A new kind of bug with almost no chitin carapace protection, but an attack powerful enough to cut off the body of an iron man, began to be reproduced by the queen.

Bugs above the samurai bug have evolved towards being fully covered with chitin carapace.

Taking into account the characteristics of the enemy, the Hive Mind also adds the property of swallowing metal to the resource-grabbing bugs. These metals certainly cannot be used to build a complete war beast, but they can at least be used to produce the carapace of an armed war beast.

The Zerg's tactics also changed accordingly.

The Tyranid war beasts no longer confront the Iron Man on the plains, but dig more underground tunnels so that the war beasts can approach the enemy covertly and gain more survival time before facing arc weapons.

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