Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 268 Iron Man vs. Insect Swarm

The Hive Mind faces two choices.

One, retreat.

Second, keep fighting until you achieve your goal.

In a short period of time, the hive mind carried out the most long-term thinking, and every synaptic creature in the swarm joined in the thinking activity.

In the end, the Hive Mind chose the second option and continued the fight.

The battle on Baal's side has not yet decided the winner. The war between the Hades Galaxy and the Iron Man Battle Body is bound to fail, but sometimes a partial defeat does not mean a complete loss.

Once you are frightened away by the inorganic predators in front of you, and then completely stop Baal, you will be a real failure.

Moreover, even if the battles on the two battlefields of Baal and Hades fail completely, the swarm can still obtain information about the inorganic predators, formulate targeted evolution plans in the following years, and build a targeted worm hive fleet. Deal with them specifically.

In any case, it is not cost-effective to stop in time, and it is always beneficial to continue the fight.

After making the decision, the Hive Mind began to concentrate on directing the war in the Hades galaxy, hoping to detect all information about the enemy before the individual insect swarms were completely exhausted.

So the all-out war between the insect swarm beasts and the iron man warriors began.

All biological warships in the Hades galaxy are heading towards Hades One, and all insect swarm war beasts are mobilizing towards Hades One.

Except for the necessary small insect swarm individuals that forage on other planets, all other biomass is used to create war beasts.

The Leviathan Iron Man Mothership, located in the gap between dimensional space and the real universe, also began to produce more Iron Men.

The main control intelligence also wants to obtain more information about the insect swarm, rather than immediately exterminating all the abominable organisms that have been discovered.

Hades 1's largest continental plate near the North Pole and an entire trench that had been drained of seawater became the battlefield with the fiercest battles.

Iron man combat bodies of various types marched in a long and orderly queue on the ground. Their steps were slow and heavy, and their movements were clumsy, but nothing could stop them for even half a second.

When the Iron Man at the front was fighting against the swarm of insects, it was the arc weapon in Iron Man's hand that fired first at the endless sea of ​​knife insects.

This is a specialized weapon that kills organisms.

It was first developed by Qin Mo. When he was consolidating positions and conducting research in the fortress of the bottom nest, he considered the possibility that the genestealer rebels might attract the insect swarm, so he designed a weapon that could easily kill the insects. .

But in reality, this weapon was only gradually perfected during the construction of the Celestial Engine.

When the Leviathan Iron Man Mothership received many of their weapon blueprints, the arc weapon was called the Celestial Engine Arc Array Youth Edition.

The effect of small arc weapons is not much different from that of arc arrays.

When Iron Man pulled the trigger, a torrent of lightning erupted from the muzzle, and countless arcs of electricity flowed and flashed in the air, penetrating all Tyranid beasts within its killing range.

The pieces of knife bugs were shattered the moment the arc penetrated the body. The visual effect looked like a building block had been hit by a hammer, and various parts exploded instantly.

Just the arc weapon in the hand of an Iron Man can kill thousands of knife bugs in the first second of the battle, and the number of Iron Man is as boundless as the Zerg.

If someone could look down at the continental plate of Hades 1 from orbit, they would see the neatly advancing metal spots clearing out a large black spot in an instant.

The speed at which the Iron Troops advance is not determined by the arc weapon's rate of fire, or the rate at which bugs are killed, but by how quickly they move.

Eighty percent of the massive knife bugs on the Tyranid side were quickly wiped out, and this was something the Hive Mind could predict.

The Iron Man troops continued to advance, their thick metal legs wading through the scattered pieces of flesh.

Those minced meats are also biomass. In this quality war where both sides are competing for resources and engaging in a war of attrition, biomass is an extremely precious resource that cannot be wasted.

The tearing worms, which are specifically responsible for grabbing biomass, quickly crawled out of the sea of ​​​​worms, trying to snatch back the scattered pieces of meat with their small size and fast speed.

At this time, the nanoswarm that had been expelled by the bioelectric field evolved by the insect swarm returned.

A white storm swept across the battlefield, breaking down all the scattered pieces of meat into gradually burning molecules.

For the insect swarm, the resource they rely heavily on, namely biomass, has decreased a bit.

The advancing Iron Man troops gradually entered the range of the long-range war beasts.

There are many types of long-range war beasts, but one characteristic of them is that their huge bodies will definitely be equipped with a biological turret that is about the same size as the body.

Green biological shells exploded between the iron men, and the shrapnel released were not metal fragments but bugs. These small bugs gnawed back and forth on the iron man's body. Although they could not digest the metal in their stomachs, they could gradually penetrate into the iron man's body. body to destroy their circuits.

The main control intelligence in the Iron Man mothership was surprised when it noticed those tiny bugs through Iron Man's sensory devices.

Those bugs are so small that they are no bigger than the hairs of Ape erectus, but they can chew through the metal shell of the Iron Man.

Although these fine golds made using stones and iron as raw materials and using atomic conversion devices are not as hard as natural fine golds, the fact that they can be gnawed by insects still shocks the main control intelligence.

Although the Tyranids are living creatures, their energy utilization efficiency and ability to convert organic matter into attack organs is very high.

The Master Intelligence's assessment of the Tyranids changed.

[Hive mind preys on living things. 】

【delete. Write new data. 】

[Sophisticated biological warfare machine. 】

After storing new data in the database, the master intelligently controls Iron Man to respond.

The Iron Man, who was in the center of the Iron Man army and was not yet within combat range with the Zerg, raised his weapon against his companions and opened fire with arcs. The lightning flashed back and forth between each Iron Man.

All the tiny bugs that were eating the Iron Man were removed.

The Hive Mind observed this situation, and in order to save biomass, it prohibited the long-range war beasts from firing biological ammunition at the enemy, and instead dispatched pure-blood gene stealers to join the battle.

During the brief interval when Iron Man's troops released another arc of electricity and the weapons began to recharge, the pureblood Genestealers crawled out of the underground tunnels and attacked Iron Man.

These tunnels were dug during the previous process of collecting the planet's shallow biomass, and are now being used for tactical purposes.

The Genestealers appeared directly within Iron Man, their claws with biodegradation fields beginning to tear at Iron Man's shell.

The thick body would have a crater every time it was hit, until a genestealer dug through Iron Man's shell with persistence, inserted his claws into Iron Man's body and destroyed the electronic device inside.

The Hive Mind controls every Genestealer, allowing them to focus entirely on attacking without regard to defense.

At the same time, the giant combat bodies in the Iron Man Army were intelligently mobilized by the master controller.

In addition to arc weapons, the giant battle body can also carry many kinds of weapons. There are no incendiary weapons among them, but there are defensive methods.

A gray gas spurted out from the shoulders of the giant battle body and quickly spread across the battlefield. When a spark appeared, all the gene stealers were instantly killed in a sea of ​​fire.

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