Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 267 Iron Will

While the defense battle for Baal was fierce, a fierce war was also going on in the Hades galaxy.

This is not a war between humans and swarms, but between Iron Man and swarms.

The Leviathan Iron Man Mothership is hidden in the dimensional space, and the tens of thousands of insect swarm biological warships in the galaxy have nothing to do with it.

The Hive Mind could only watch as the Iron Man Mothership extracted minerals from planets on the edge of the galaxy, then extracted stones, and finally even the blazing core of the earth was grabbed.

The Hive Mind immediately defined the Iron Mothership as a predator like itself.

A predator far more ravenous than himself.

When the Iron Man Mothership used the captured resources to mass-produce Iron Man troops, the war began.

Hades One was the scene of the first major war between Iron Man and the Swarm.

Since this was their first contact, the master intelligence controlling Iron Man did not want to decide the outcome in the first war, but wanted to test the upper and lower limits of the insect swarm.

Therefore, the main control intelligence believes that the next war will be a quality war-level war of attrition. The two sides will compare who has the highest resource and energy utilization efficiency.

[The first tentative attack begins. 】

[Enable Nano Swarm. 】

The main control intelligence transmitted the information to all the iron men in the mothership. The newly created iron men all stood upright with their hunched bodies, and their eyes lit up with red light.

But these iron troops specializing in ground warfare were not the main force in the first attack. When the order from the main control intelligence spread, a newly developed steel army was quickly dispatched.

On the surface of Hades No. 1, all the active bugs stopped moving and looked at the sky.

A thick white fog is spreading from low-Earth orbit to the surface of the planet.

Everything that appears within the synaptic creature's vision is uploaded to the Hive Mind.

Through visual analysis, the Hive Mind believes that the white mist may be a biochemical gas, but this possibility is doubtful. Reconnaissance is required to determine what the white mist is.

So a flying war beast was driven by the Hive Mind towards the white mist.

The flying war beast got closer and closer to the white mist, until its body was only about ten meters away from the white mist, and it began to decompose.

The flesh and blood on the body gradually fell off, and was decomposed in the process of falling off.

The end result of this flying war beast was to leave only an empty chitin carapace, and it failed to observe what exactly made up the white mist.

However, the sensory information of the war beast before it died allowed the Hive Mind to analyze what the white mist was.

Those are some bugs, bugs that are made of organic matter and resemble biological machines. Their biological principles are not like living things, and their cell structures form a machine-like structure.

To put it simply, they are robotic creatures made of meat.

When the flying war beast approached the white mist, it seemed that the white mist did nothing to it, but in fact, this was not the case. Some bugs that were much smaller than cells had already flown to the war beast and began to devour its cells.

There are only a small number of these bugs at first, but they obtain material and energy in the process of phagocytes and are able to divide and multiply.

One becomes two, two becomes four... When the flying war beast is completely decomposed, the 40 billion bugs are multiplying into 160 billion.

As for why the flying war beasts cannot be seen to be affected in any way... By the time there are enough bugs to appear as white mist in the field of vision, they have multiplied to trillions.

The white mist drifts to the surface of the planet and spreads in all directions along the horizon. All organic matter along the way is eaten up by them and becomes a resource for their proliferation and expansion.

The white mist quickly went from a cloud of gas that looked like fog to a storm, like a giant sandstorm that swept across an entire continent on a desert planet.

The number of biological robot bugs contained in this white storm is too large to be counted.

With the number and devouring efficiency geometrically superimposed, the first continent of Hades 1 quickly turned into a bare stone plain.

The Hive Mind realizes that hostile predators are creating an environment that is extremely unfavorable to themselves. They take the lead in consuming all the organic matter on the planet before the insect swarm, lest those organic matter become resources for the expansion of the insect swarm.

But if the insect swarm would be defeated as a result, they would not be qualified to survive until now.

All the bugs still alive on Hades 1 were ordered to be rushed to the digester. These bugs were turned into resources for expanding the bug colony. A new type of bug was being produced by the queen hiding in the dark.

This is a bug that can devour and digest nanoswarms and is also very small.

When these bugs swept toward the white storm, they and the nanobugs devoured each other.

Standing on the surface of the planet, you can see black and white storms entwining each other.

The main control intelligence quickly responded and replaced the nano-swarms made of organic matter with metal materials. These metallic nano-worms cannot divide and proliferate by swallowing organic matter, but their numbers are still huge and they have special functions.

When the Hive Mind discovered that its Devouring Worms could not eat the new Nanobugs, it chose to let the Queen Breed the Iron Devouring Worms.

The storms between the two sides were still clashing on the surface of the planet. When the iron-eating insects devoured many new nano-worms and then returned to the digestion tank to be turned into biomass, the Hive Mind suddenly realized that something was not right.

There is a special virus in the metal structure of those new nanobugs, which will destroy the genetic material of the insect colony, causing the newly bred bugs to suffer from sclerosis and turn into semi-metals that can be eaten by the new nanobugs.

The Hive Mind responded again and began to destroy the digesters and Zerg individuals contaminated by the virus.

The Tyranids' ability to adapt and adapt surprised the Master Intelligence, and it began to design new, more effective nanoswarms.

The confrontation between the microscopic individuals of both sides lasted for two hours, until everything that could be converted into biomass on Hades 1 was devoured, and the Hive Will was unwilling to waste resources on producing iron-eating insects.

The main control intelligence temporarily won, but compared to winning an evolutionary war, it believed that what was more important was that it gradually understood the evolution and adaptability of the Tyranids.

There are still tens of billions of insect swarms on Hades 1, and the main control intelligence dispatches nano-swarms to devour these insect swarms that have lost the protection of the iron-eating insects.

The new nano-bug swarm cannot eat the flesh and blood of bugs to proliferate, but it has reached a huge scale and has the ability to bite and ignite when it leaves the factory.

As the swarms are swept by the white storm, their bodies are broken down into molecules that burn out quickly.

The Hive Mind adds a cavity organ to all Zerg individuals. The cavity can release bioelectricity and have an EMP-like effect to isolate the invasion of nano-swarms.

After being surprised, the master intelligence dropped Iron Man troops onto the surface.

The Hive Mind sees the Iron Men through the individual's vision.

Iron men all over the mountains and plains.

Even the most ordinary individual has an adamantine shell and an iron man with arc weapons integrated into his arms.

The Hive Mind made a judgment on the Iron Man troops and believed that these metal warriors, both in terms of individual soldier quality and overall quantity, far exceeded the insect swarm on Hades One at this moment, and that they could more efficiently seize resources and carry out wars of attrition. Defeat is inevitable.

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