Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 266 No matter the cost

"I thought our entire Chapter was...those damn High Lord lackeys..."

The Dreadnought Mecha was full of disabled people, and their consciousness was not very clear to begin with. At this time, coupled with the extremely exciting reunion of old people, they spoke intermittently.

Foros still understood what Chiron said. He was scolding the Minotaur Chapter.

It was precisely because the Minotaur Chapter attacked the Lamenters during the Badab War that Chiron was forced to separate from the Chapter.

But when it comes to the Badab War, Foros has mixed feelings. It is really difficult to blame all the mistakes on the Minotaur Chapter.

Moreover, some words were really hard to say directly. Apart from Dante, there was also the judge Bellona among the people present.

But Chiron can say that, because he is a veteran of the Chapter, a veteran who can endure the torture of the Dreadnought, and continues to fight for the Emperor with his broken body for thousands of years.

"I brought him here." Bellona ended her greetings with Dante, walked up to Foros, and looked at Chiron, "I once fought side by side with the Death Watch during some investigative operations, and Chiron had been captured at that time. Thinking he was the only survivor of the Chapter, he joined the Death Watch.”

"She's right," Chiron agreed, "I thought I was the only one alive... Sanguinius bless us, and we are reunited."

Foros and his company commanders saluted Bellona respectfully.

At this time, Foros recalled the battleship that had just appeared in orbit and escaped into the dimensional space.

That battleship obviously belonged to Bellona.

After saluting, Foros asked: "Are you actually willing to use the dimension engine?"

"I'm not that conservative." Bellona said indifferently, "I think if you want to accomplish something, you have to do whatever it takes, no matter the cost."

“The end justifies the means, no matter the cost.”

Bellona repeated it again.

The unscrupulous and unscrupulous words spoken by the inquisitors often mean that they have to help tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people make sacrifice decisions.

Foros didn't agree, but he had a good impression of Bellona who found and brought back Chiron, at least he wouldn't treat her coldly.

"Let's talk alone." Bellona looked at Chiron.

Chiron immediately stepped forward and left with the company commanders.

Only Dante, Foros, and Bellona were left in the meeting hall.

"The purpose of my visit this time is to help Barr repel the swarm of insects." Bellona's voice echoed in the empty hall.

Dante was surprised and didn't know where this judge had the confidence.

All the descendants of angels and nearly 30,000 space warriors are defending Baal. There is no hope of victory yet, but Bellona said that she would help Baal repel the swarm.

But as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. After all, they are here to help. Dante still smiled and nodded to express his gratitude.

"I'm not kidding." Bellona looked at Foros, "I left halfway not only to help you bring Fearless back, but also to bring some goods."

"What cargo?" asked Foros.

"Psykers," Bellona answered. "Two hundred psykers."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mephiston, the chief think tank of the Blood Angels who was hiding in the dark, immediately walked out and scolded Bellona severely: "Two hundred psykers? How dare you do this? Do you know if they are used? , will be able to release billions of... that kind of thing on Baal."

Mephiston was referring to demons, but he didn't say so directly.

"Besides the Chapter Leader, you are the think tank here. You can just say the word devil." Bellona said indifferently, "It is no secret that demons are rampant in the Battle of Cadia."

"Is it a secret? What does it have to do with the fact that the psychics you brought may be used?" Mephiston said.

Bellona wanted to continue to argue, but the words did not come out. After taking a deep breath, she adjusted her emotions and ignored Mephiston.

Then Bellona took out a small glass bottle containing golden liquid from her pocket.

"What is this?" Dante asked.

"It has no name." Bellona shook the liquid inside. "This is a kind of medicine. It is very complicated to say, but in a nutshell, it can give the psyker who swallows it a brief burst."

Mephiston immediately realized that the bottle of medicine was not simple. It was definitely not brewed from a substance in nature. There could only be one source of material.


When looking at the glass bottle, Mephiston's mind pictured many psykers soaked in petri dishes. Their bodies were curled up in a state of unconsciousness, and the muscles of their limbs had degenerated because they had not been out of the petri dish for too long. .

"I will give this drug to the two hundred psykers on my ship, and then deploy them like bombs in the Hades system."

Bellona began to tell her plan.

"Psychics will emit collective psychic screams, and the huge psychic energy released can do many things, just like gunpowder. It all depends on how we use them. It can even close the Eye of Terror."

"The Eye of Terror is now only half its size, but my plan still has room for action."

"What do you think will happen if you do as I say, Master Thinker?"

At the end of the sentence, Bellona looked at Mephiston, the think tank director.

Dante and Foros also looked at Mephiston, expecting his answer.

As a professional, Mephiston responded after thinking for a while: "It may explode a new Eye of Terror in the Hades galaxy, or it may kill all the psykers in the sector, but in any case, the control of the insect swarm is Stuff will be affected by it.”

"It's a bit biased, but it's roughly correct." Bellona nodded.

Dante originally thought it was feasible, but after hearing Mephiston's words, he immediately decided not to do it: "Between the destruction of Baal and the explosion of a new Eye of Terror, I choose the former."

"Master Think Tank is exaggerating. I don't know how the Eye of Terror was formed, but I know that it was definitely a spiritual power as powerful as the God Emperor that caused the Eye of Terror to appear. Only two hundred psykers Can you open another Eye of Terror? With all due respect, your think tank is too confident in psychic powers." Bellona smiled.

Dante looked at Mephiston again, who nodded, and felt that what Bellona said actually made sense.

Now it's Dante's turn to make the decision.

Dante was not a very decisive person. He thought for a long time and finally said slowly: "We can try it a little bit first."

"Okay, I need Chapter Master Foros to assist me." This is exactly what Bellona wants. She firmly believes that she can demonstrate the effect of the psychic plan in her attempt.

Dante did not give orders to Foros, but looked at him.

Foros nodded: "I will assist her and supervise her."

"Give me some time to prepare. When I am ready, you will know how correct today's decision is." Bellona turned and left the meeting hall. Her young apprentice was waiting outside the meeting hall.

Mephiston discovered that the apprentice was a very special psyker.

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