Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 265 Enlightened Judge

With the entire regiment of Lamenters armed with Terminator Armor joining the defense, and the good intentions of Lord Talon, the original defense plan had to be changed.

When formulating a defense plan, Dante asked each sub-group to send a representative to the meeting hall to participate in the formulation of strategy.

This is actually not necessary, because the sub-group completely trusts Dante and is willing to follow his orders, but Dante's approach shows respect for the sub-group. The representatives will not refute any of Dante's decisions in the meeting, and will do so in the meeting. After the meeting, he returned to the warband and announced the importance Dante placed on everyone in formulating his strategy.

New defense plans were quickly drawn up.

Lamenters are evenly distributed on the inner walls of the core area of ​​the fortress, assisting each war group or blood slave unit in defense.

In micro battles, a team of Terminators is enough to significantly reduce the pressure on the defenders.

Since Foros explained in the meeting that there is a teleportation device on his ship, and there are a lot of teleportation protection equipment that can be used, Dante also mobilized elite warriors from each battle group whose combat power is comparable to that of a company commander to form a teleportation decapitation team. Team.

In the next month, the core area resisted the endless sea of ​​insects.

The Weeper's technical sergeants use the telescope that can be linked to the flagship to carry out orbital strikes. They clear an area in the sea of ​​​​worms before the teleportation and decapitation team goes out to fight. Then the teleportation and decapitation team will suddenly appear in front of the tyrant who survived the orbital strike, and will After being decapitated, he was teleported back to the fortress.

Everything seemed to be going well, but everyone in the garrison didn't know when this kind of day would end.

"Not normal."

Another day of fighting against the swarm of insects.

Foros and Karaon and the Weeper Chapter Guards stayed at the end of the tunnel at the bottom of the fortress, clearing out the Genestealers and Licat Assassins who tried to sneak in through the tunnel.

Karan smashed Likart in front of him with a hammer, and repeated what he just said: "It's not normal."

"You mean these Licats?" Foros swung his spear and pierced two Licats one after another. "They seem to be constantly reborn, and they are very smart and can learn."

Froese found himself increasingly struggling to deal with Likart.

At first, he could easily kill them with one spear, then he had to take at least two attacks, and now he had to focus on fighting with Likart before he could find the opportunity to kill them with one blow.

Karaan noticed this too, but he wasn't talking about Likart.

"I mean this war."

"This war is not normal."

Karan was talking as he fought.

"Based on my previous experience, the bugs' attacks should become more and more ferocious and cunning."

"But we have been fighting with them for a month, and their attack at this moment is not much different from the attack a month ago. Even those giant bugs like Titans are rare."

"Something's obviously not right."

What Karan said was listened to by Foros, and the two of them came to the same conclusion without much discussion.

That is what is holding the bugs back, preventing them from investing more troops into Baal, but the bugs still have a special hostility towards Baal and will not give up attacking here.

"I understand what you mean." Foros stopped, "But we will lose if we continue like this. Bugs are endless, but our brothers and mortals are not."

Karan nodded silently, fully agreeing with Foros's pessimistic inference.

Foros continued to fight, and he suddenly recalled Judge Bellona who once wanted to come to Baal with him.

At first, everyone left Cardia together, but Bellona said she had something to do and left again halfway.

Foros still remembered that when he asked Bellona if she wanted to go to Baal, Bellona said that she would definitely go, but it would be a little late.

But now it seems that ships using subspace engines may not be able to pass through the biological fleet of the insect swarm before reaching Baal.

"The battle is over for now, brothers."

The Second Company Commander of the Blood Angels brought his subordinates to Foros and Karan. They came to change shifts.

As before, Foros and Karan handed over the responsibility of defense to the replacements, and then led the exhausted warriors out of the underground.

As the two men walked out of the tunnel together, the sound of anti-aircraft artillery and various bolt weapons firing became increasingly clear.

There is still that large "black fog" in the sky.

The inner wall cannot be seen from this side of the tunnel, but the sound of gunfire and artillery fire from the other side is enough to prove how fierce the battle is on the inner wall.

"Wait a minute." Karan suddenly stopped and pressed Foros's shoulders to tell him to look up to the sky. "Is that your flagship?"

Foros raised his head and saw a battleship in orbit, but it was not like the Storm Lady: "No, my flagship is not that small."

As soon as he finished speaking, the battleship in orbit disappeared instantly.

The blue rift that opened before the battleship disappeared allowed Foros to identify it. It was definitely a ship using a dimensional engine.

"Maybe it's the Tyrone Navy," Foros said excitedly.

He had always hoped that the Tyrone Navy would appear in the galaxy to help Barr rescue the siege, but he only hoped that because the Tyrone Navy had just ended the battle in Cadia, and many crew members suddenly found themselves hearing strange whispers for a long time, they would not It is very likely that he will come to Baal immediately after his vacation to join the war.

As Foros looked out over the empty orbit, a transmission appeared in his helmet.

"Chapter Commander, come to the meeting hall quickly!"

"What's up?"

"Anyway, come here...trust me, you will be happy."

Foros came to the meeting hall in the center of the fortress.

The first thing he saw was Dante, and the white-haired female judge who was being received by Dante, it was Bellona.

Bellona glanced at Foros before continuing her conversation with Dante.

Beside Bellona stood the captains of the Lamenters Chapter.

Just as Foros was about to ask why he was urged to come, his inquiry was interrupted by a thumping sound that echoed in the hall.

Foros looked around and saw a Dreadnought mecha painted in yellow with the logo of the Weeper Chapter.

"Young man!" The fearless mecha made a cold voice, followed by a choking sound like crying, "I...I..."

Foros was stunned for two seconds, and then immediately knelt down on one knee to Wuwei. He was also very excited: "Lord Kailon, you..."

The Dreadnaught named Kyron was the only remaining Dreadnought of the Lamenters Chapter. This Dreadnought disappeared after the original Stormmaiden was blown to pieces by the Minotaur flagship.

Foros thought that Chiron was dead, but he didn't expect to meet him on Baal.

Before and after becoming the Chapter Master, Foros received guidance and teachings from Chiron. Chiron would always tell the story of the Chapter's past when he woke up. He even knew what happened when the Legion split up and became a Chapter.

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