Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 264 Living up to the blood of Sanguinius

"Enough to arm three full battle regiments of Terminator armor and supporting weapons and equipment."

"Enough to arm three full battle regiments of Terminator armor and supporting weapons and equipment."


Foros's words echoed in the empty hall.

Dante sat upright on the throne, and Mephiston beside him widened his eyes.

Karan and the Chapter Masters of the other Chapters whispered.

This news is really shocking.

Terminator armor has always been an extremely scarce piece of equipment, and only a company of elite warriors in each battle group can equip it.

Some less wealthy chapters don't have Terminator Armor at all. It would be nice for the Chapter Leader to have a set of finely crafted power armor.

Just like the Wailers before them.

"Tyron Sector..." Dante searched his mind for all the information he had heard about Talon before, but he just couldn't find the reason why they could have so many Terminator Armors. "How many forging worlds are there in the Tyron Sector? "

"There is no Forge World, but it is very easy for them to produce Terminator Armor." Foros did not go into too much detail about the production process because he didn't know much about it.

The power armor produced in the Tyrone Sector are all unyielding models. The reason is that this set of Terminator Armor was the only one left in the Weeper Chapter.

Perhaps the craftsmanship and technology required to make the Terminator Armor are too complex and difficult, but printing technology is widely used in the Tyrone Star Region, and the Terminator Armor or anything else can be produced as long as there are drawings.

"Does Lord Tyrone have any conditions?" Dante asked.

"There are no conditions." Foros shook his head and glanced at everyone present as he spoke, "Lord Tyron is a generous and ambitious person. He will help any warrior who fights against the enemy of mankind, and we are fighting against the enemy of mankind. enemy."

Most of the people present nodded frequently, feeling that the Lord of Tailong, whom they had never met before, was quite generous.

However, some people believe that the Lord of Tyrone did not give these equipment for free, and will definitely ask for rewards in the future.

Some people even think that these Terminator armors have hidden secrets, and they may suddenly explode when the battle is at its most intense.

After all, Space Marines longing for Terminator Armor weren't the only ones in the chamber.

"We accept the kindness of Lord Tyrone." Dante decided.

The chapter leaders in the meeting hall stopped whispering and all looked at Dante, waiting for him to assign the Terminator A.

Dante still didn't make a decision. He looked up at Murfreeston.

Chief Think Tank Director Murfreeston understood what Dante was thinking at this time, which was how to distribute power armor.

This is a big problem.

Even if the distribution problem is successfully solved, the Terminator Armor cannot be used just by wearing it. The user must go through a period of training.

There is no time to train now.

After thinking about it, Dante announced: "The first company of each battle group and all officers can get the Terminator Armor."

Some people felt uncomfortable hearing this, and some were very happy.

Not all battle groups can equip the elite warriors of the first company with Terminator Armor. If some poor battle groups can have one more company armed to the teeth, their combat effectiveness will be greatly increased.

In addition, Dante's decision-making also proves that he is indeed a good person, at least he will not say anything to make the parent group wear Terminator armor.

But those who have objections believe that Terminator Armor cannot be owned by every regiment. Groups such as Blood Knights and Flesh Tearers that are very prone to blood thirst and black rage must not have Terminator Armor.

Otherwise, when they go crazy and kill their own people on the battlefield, wouldn't it be as easy as chopping melons and vegetables?

"We give up Terminator A."

A company commander stood up.

The color scheme and markings of his armor identify him as belonging to the Flesh Tearers Chapter.

Dante looked at the Flesh Tearer Captain and remained silent.

The Flesh Tearers Chapter is fighting off the swarm on Bawei, and the Captain is enough to represent their entire Chapter. Of course, they can refuse to have Terminator Armor.

And this is in line with the thoughts of most people present.

The Flesh Tearers Chapter can easily fall into blood thirst and black rage, and some sources even claim that in the next few years, more people in the Flesh Tearers Chapter will suffer from blood thirst and black rage than normal people.

If there's any Chapter that can't get the Terminator Armor, it's the Flesh Tearers Chapter.

But Dante issued an unexpected order: "The Flesh Tearers can have fifty sets of power armor, but these power armors will only be sent to the hands of your group leader. He knows who among his warriors is mentally powerful." A determined man.”

The Flesh Tearer Captain nodded, saluted, and stood back.

"That's it." Dante looked at the others, "The first company of each battle group will get Terminator armor, and the remaining armors will be placed in the warehouse and used to replenish battle losses at any time."

There is a treasure house in the Angel Fortress. Dante said that he should put the remaining Terminator armors into the warehouse instead of the treasure house. This shows that he does not want to monopolize those armors. Each war group has the right to enter the warehouse to obtain weapons and ammunition, so naturally Terminator armor lost in battle can be used.

"You are too careful." Mephiston used his psychic powers to convey a message to Dante.

Dante looked at the think tank and smiled helplessly.

Since the beginning of the Baal Defense War, Dante has been carefully recruiting subgroups and maintaining relationships.

Because since the Codex Astartes decreed that the legion was split into war groups, the Blood Angels parent group has lost the command of the sub-groups, and the sub-groups are not obliged to obey the dispatch of the parent group.

Dante used his personality charm and methods to impress the various chapter leaders, but he still had to be careful to maintain this relationship.

"The meeting is over." Dante motioned for everyone to leave.

This meeting is actually not a meeting at all, it is just for everyone to be present to welcome the new Weeper war group.

Other war groups also received the same treatment. When they came to Baal, Dante personally led people to greet them, and then came to the meeting hall to say words of thanks and welcome.

But Dante didn't expect that the Weeper would bring a big gift, and the reception would turn into a meeting.

The Chapter Masters and Chapter Representatives left the council chamber and returned to their fighting stations.

Soon only Foros and Dante were left in the hall.

The reason why Foros didn't leave was because he noticed that Dante looked at him before giving the order, as if he intended to let him stay.

Dante stood up and walked to Foros, who was still frowning.

Three thousand sets of Terminator Armor can provide great help to each battle group in a desperate situation, but this does not mean that each battle group will stop and kill the gods next. Dante still sees no hope of victory.

Dante believes that he must tell Foros the desperate situation he is facing and let him choose whether to stay or go.

This is a choice that belongs exclusively to the Weeper Chapter, not because Dante prefers them, but because he feels that since the Weeper can come, there must be a way to leave.

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius." Foros saw what Dante wanted to say and expressed his attitude before Dante did. "We will live and die with Baal."

Dante looked at Foros silent for a few seconds, then nodded: "Live up to the blood of Sanguinius."

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