Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 254 I don’t believe it

"Ha ha ha ha."

Greyfax suddenly laughed, very happily.

But the atmosphere in the dungeon did not relax, but instead became more solemn.

Kyle sat down and looked at Creed apologetically, who gave Kyle a hard look.

Kyle has never seen Creed glare at him in his life. He has always admitted that although he is much older than Creed and joined the Commando Army earlier than him, he is not as good as Creed in any aspect. .

Being hot-blooded on the battlefield can lead to fear of life and death, but being hot-blooded elsewhere is not a good thing.

"Don't be too resistant to this conversation." Greyfax suddenly raised his hand and patted the servo skull floating next to it. The light emitted from the eye holes of the skull dissipated and turned towards the wall.

Creed knew that the recording function of the servo skull was turned off. There was only one reason why Greyfax did this, and that was that she did not want the subsequent conversation to be recorded.

"Let's talk about something private." Greyfax leaned back on his chair. "Ask whatever you want, as long as my answer can relieve your hostility towards me."

"Why does the Tribunal keep targeting the Tyrone Sector?" Creed immediately asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

This conversation was aimed at the Tyrone Sector, and all of Greyfax's previous questions were to obtain more information about the Tyrone Sector.

Creed was very confused. If you don't want to use the dimension engine, then don't use it. Why target the Tyrones?

"Because we have enough reasons to suspect that the Tyrones are heretics." Greyfax said.

"You're talking nonsense." Creed shook his head.

"Don't worry, listen to me." Greyfax began to tell.

The experiences of the Inquisitors sent to the Tyrone sector before by the Inquisition were told by Greyfax, and Greyfax's own experiences on the Celestial Engine were also told.

Especially a man named Gray whose skin has gone and only a steel skeleton is left, and there are more people like him in the Tyrone sector.

Greyfax expressed her guess again. She thought Gray was a kind of iron man.

This is not nonsense, but Greyfax has seen a similar iron man before.

In addition, Greyfax also shared the intelligence he had collected from other colleagues in the galaxy. Some inquisitors who knew the Tyrones well claimed that there were only a few operators in the Tyrone battleships.

It is known that Imperial Navy ships are equipped with cogitator array wetware and require tens of thousands of crew members. Why can Tyrone ships only need a few people to operate them? Isn't this the reason why hate intelligence is used?

Greyfax talked for a long time, telling Creed all of his and the Inquisition's suspicions about the Tyrone Sector, hoping that Creed would use his brain to think about whether these hostility and targeting were unreasonable.

"But... but the Tyrones really helped defend Cadia. The Cadians fought side by side with the Tyrones. If they were really heretics, they would have launched an attack long ago. Can Cadia still stand? Creed asked.

"Alas..." Greyfax sighed, raised his heel and knocked on the table in front of Kyle, "Get out."

Kyle glanced at Creed worriedly, and then turned to leave the dungeon when the castle master nodded and ordered him.

Once Creed and Greyfax were alone in the dungeon, the latter began to tell a secret story.

"Have you ever heard of the Thousand Sons? The story of a group of traitors."

"The Thousand Sons were a Legion of Astartes who fought for humanity, but in the end they were bewitched and turned traitors."

"The Thousand Sons can drive elves. Those weird and disgusting-looking elves are like their slaves. They even clean guns and do housework for them. Can you imagine it?"

"But these elves played a huge role in the fall of the Thousand Sons. Only in later generations did we know what elves they were. They were psychic creatures! Just like the blue-skinned monsters you Cadians saw in the war. almost!"

"Suppose, I mean suppose, suppose that you Cadians are the Thousand Sons and the Tyrones are elves, in this case..."

Greyfax did not continue, but Creed understood what the inquisitor meant.

Even if the Tailong people are heretics, they will not write the word "heresy" on their faces. They will show their teeth and claws everywhere and loudly proclaim that they are heretics and that they will kill the false emperor. Instead, they will lie dormant and show their friendly side, and wait until the critical moment to jump out from behind. Stab.

It's the same thing as the Voskani rebellion.

"So Lord Lord, do you understand the seriousness of the matter?" Greyfax frowned and asked, "You are not a fool, you don't really think that a group of bumpkins from remote star areas can develop teleportation in just a few years. Technology and Iron Planet, right?”

"..." Creed said nothing, just smoking a cigar.

But Greyfax felt that Creed understood, so he asked him: "I wonder if what I said so much can make the Lord of the Castle realize his return?"

Creed was silent for another two minutes, and finally shook his head, "I don't believe it."

Greyfax stood up and left the dungeon, then kicked the door shut with a bang.

The next second the door was opened again, Greyfax came in and took away Creed's belt full of cigars, and kicked the door shut when he left.

Greyfax left the cell and went to the lounge next door, which was a place for interrogators to rest. It was just that the light was a little darker, but it was not as gloomy as the dungeon.

When Greyfax opened the door to the lounge and walked in, all the Inquisitors in the galaxy were waiting for her.

The atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

"You can't bring the castle owner into the dungeon for interrogation. This is absolutely inappropriate." An inquisitor stood up and said.

Most of the judges present stood up and expressed their positions and attitudes.

Not only these people, but even Greyfax thinks that putting Creed in the dungeon is absolutely excessive, but she needs to keep Creed absolutely isolated from the Tyrones to prevent the castle master from being bewitched by the Tyrones. Have to resist interrogation even more.

"Do you know the impact this will have if word spreads about it?" said the opponent. "The Cadian people will be eager to eat you alive."

"Then don't let this matter spread." Greyfax sat on the chair, picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine.

"Okay, crazy enough." The objector left the lounge, followed by other inquisitors who also opposed Greyfax.

Most of them left, only one stayed.

That was a new inquisitor who looked very young.

Greyfax also didn't have much trust in his colleagues, so he ignored him until he spoke.

"I know what you are doing. The Tyrone Galaxy is an absolute heresy, and what we have to do is to obtain enough evidence to at least convince the vast majority of the people in the Tribunal that it is necessary to eliminate the Tyrone Galaxy."

Hearing this, Greyfax said nothing.

The young judge continued: "I think you are right to start with the castle owner. We must try our best to avoid direct conflict with the Tyrone people, and we must not let them find a reason to initiate a conflict. Otherwise, the higher-ups will consider the situation and then Order the investigation to be cancelled, and the investigation into the Tyrone Sector will come to nothing."

Greyfax finally looked at the young man in front of him, praised and admired him very much, and said: "I authorize you to investigate this matter with me."

"Thank you. This is my file. Please take a look at it." The young judge held a piece of parchment in his hands.

Inquisitors need to know each other's ins and outs when cooperating. The other party's direct presentation of the files showed that he was very sensible and wise, and Greyfax was even more satisfied.

Greyfax quickly read the file and found that the inquisitor only looked young, but was actually middle-aged.

In addition, he has a father who is a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but Greyfax does not think there is any problem with this. After all, those fanatical lunatics who transform themselves into machines in the Adeptus Mechanicus do not talk about the relationship between father and son, and there is no such thing in the file. It states that the two broke off their relationship thirty years ago.

"Thank you for allowing me to participate in the investigation." The young judge saluted respectfully again, "My name is Chuck."

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