Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 255 Slippery Chuck

After a while.

Chuck, who had just announced that he was going to investigate the Tyrone star sector with Greyfax, was now standing in front of Qin Mo, the target of their investigation.

Qin Mo looked at Chuck and recalled that this guy was part of the first wave of Inquisitors who arrived in the Tyrone Galaxy.

The current ruler of the forge world of Agrippina, Sage Vic, is the father of this inquisitor.


Qin Mo noticed that Chuck was no longer an apprentice, he was now a veritable judge.

Both the father and son who were related to the Tyrone Star Region received direct or indirect benefits.

"As I said, Lord Tyrone." Chuck just recounted the conversation between him and Greyfax, and then talked about Creed's current situation, "That bitch is targeting you, the Lord of the Castle is just The means she used to obtain information detrimental to the Tyrone sector."

Qin Mo listened to all Chuck's words quietly and asked him with a smile: "Does that bitch know that you said she is a bitch?"

"No, of course I don't know." Chuck smiled awkwardly, "If she knew, she would definitely step on me hard with her high heels."

"Why do I see you acting like this, as if you really want her to know?" Qin Mo asked with a smile.

"No, no, no, where did you see that?" Chuck shook his head quickly.

After a few jokes, Qin Mo became serious and began to think about what to do next.

Ever since the Inquisition sent the first wave of Inquisitors to investigate the Tyrone Sector, the two sides have maintained a strange balance.

The Inquisition is really hostile to the Tyrone Sector, but it doesn't want to break out immediately. When the Tyrone Sector shows its tough side, the other party will compromise.

The reason for this delicate balance is actually very simple, because in the eyes of the Inquisition, the Tyrone Sector is really heretical and a bit outrageous.

Ordinary heretics can fight at will, but heretics with celestial engines and large-scale navy cannot fight at will. When they cannot ensure the annihilation of the Tyrone sector, they can only maintain balance first.

This balance will only be broken in one situation, and that is when the empire withdraws from the current crises and can throw huge amounts of manpower and material resources into a war zone.

The balance cannot be broken yet, and the Inquisition will try its best to prevent its own people from actively breaking the balance.

After thinking for a while, Qin Mo looked at Chuck: "I have an idea, but I don't know if you dare."

"I'm already here, so don't ask if you dare." Chuck said helplessly.

In Chuck's opinion, the Tyrone Sector is undoubtedly a heresy, otherwise what else could it be? If possible, I really don’t want to come over and get involved in Tai Lung’s affairs.

Chuck did not come to Cardia voluntarily. His father Vic thought that the Inquisition would still find trouble with Qin Mo, so he asked him to come and interfere.

Chuck severed ties with his father very early, but due to personality and some psychological factors as well as unrealistic extravagant hopes, he always pinched his nose to carry out Vic's orders.

"You can take a transport plane to approach my fleet, and then ask the captain of any warship to hand over a person for you to interrogate." Qin Mo said his thoughts, "No one will really be handed over to you, but the matter will be handed over to you." It’s getting bigger.”

"I'm going to your naval fleet." Chuck stood up and saluted, "But please tell Admiral Adam not to open fire when he sees the transport plane painted with the crow logo, or really blow me up. With me Based on previous experience, you Tyrone people can do this kind of thing.”

Qin Mo nodded repeatedly.

Chuck then left with peace of mind, but turned back after not taking a few steps.

"One more thing is that Master Horst has come to the galaxy a long time ago. I don't know the specific reason. I don't know which world he is in. He is always elusive... He asked me to provide it before Some intel on Blackstone," Chuck said.

Qin Mo nodded: "Isn't that better?"

ten minutes later.

Greyfax, who was preparing to start the second round of interrogation of Creed, received a message.

Tyron naval warships in the system turned their weapons on the Inquisition ships because an Inquisitor ran to their fleet and demanded that they hand over a man.

Greyfax had no reaction when she heard the news. She instantly accepted the reality and realized that it must be the guy named Chuck who did it because the other Inquisitors were not willing to get involved now.

The only thing that surprised Greyfax was Chuck's light-speed defection and light-speed betrayal. The whole process was smooth and smooth. It was obviously not the first time that he had done this kind of thing and he had already planned it.

But these difficulties were not enough to stop Greyfax from conducting the investigation. What really made her not want to continue was the person who suddenly appeared in front of her.


The elusive and legendary Inquisitor has been on Cadia, conducting a secret investigation.

"It's over," Horst said.

"Just because they pointed naval guns at us, we were so frightened that we quickly stopped investigating. So the Inquisition has now become a weak department that can be intimidated by others?" Greyfax laughed in anger.

"Don't be angry, you understand the real reason." Horst said, "We know they are heretics, and they also know they are heretics, but there is nothing we can do at this stage."

Greyfax nodded. She did understand the truth, but she just couldn't help but want to say something.

"Tailon's power is unprecedented. We have to adopt a more special way to treat them, and we also have to carefully consider whether they are enemies. This is why the investigation of the Tyron sector must be suspended." Huo Huo Ste continued to persuade.

Greyfax listened quietly and realized that Horst was not very wary of the Tyrone sector, and even felt that whether they were enemies or not should be carefully considered.

This also made Greyfax think that the Tyrone forces were indeed very special, and even the entire empire could not have a unified opinion on them.

Some people think that the Tailong people are all heretics, some are just sitting on the fence, and some want to gain some benefits... If there is a relatively unified opinion, they will definitely not be so passive.

"Didn't Lord Tyrone do this just to let the castle master out? I will ask the castle master out of the dungeon right now." Greyfax felt that this was a long-term battle, so he compromised temporarily.

"No, wait five days." Horst shook his head. "No matter whether the castle master can let you get more information about Tailong, you should never put him in the dungeon. This is very inappropriate. But since you If you do that, let’s wait five days first.”

Greyfax nodded.

"The next thing has nothing to do with you. I need you to help me investigate the Black Stone." Horst said the business, "I observed those black balls running around under the Black Stone Obelisk. The reason why the Eye of Terror was contained Related to that, we have to figure out how the obelisk works."

After saying this, Horst took the first step without waiting for Greyfax's consent.

The former can only catch up quickly.

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