Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 253 Interrogation

After handing the order to Qin Mo, Creed calmly stood up and followed Sergeant Kyle out of the office, heading to the place where the inquisitor wanted to have a private conversation with him.

Qin Mo stared at Creed's back and watched him leave. To be honest, he didn't think it was surprising that Creed was taken away. In addition, almost everyone on Cadia had seen demons. The inquisitors should be worried about how to deal with the Cadian and Tyrone people. Extreme headache.

"Empire, human empire." Qin Mo murmured, looking out the window.

The black market obelisk reduced the Eye of Terror by half, and the sky in Cadia no longer looked so purple and disgusting, which made Qin Mo feel a little better.

But only slightly better.

What bothered Qin Mo later was the empire.

The Empire is simply a standard villain. Heroes don't get the treatment they deserve. The Inquisition is rampant and hammers this and that... If there was no Chaos in this universe, Qin Mo would not hesitate to label the Empire as an enemy and would destroy it. The Empire as the top priority.

But there is no reason why the empire is so bad. The general environment is too bad.

Qin Mo also understood that no matter how rampant and disgusting the Inquisition was, it was still an extremely necessary institution, because without the Inquisition's control, all kinds of monsters and ghosts would bloom all over the empire.

In the court, there are extreme lunatics like Karamazov, and there are practical people like Eisenhorn and Horst. The latter has really dealt with disasters that could destroy tens of billions of people one after another. Although Eisenhorn Horst and their methods are sometimes very extreme and bad.

This is what is called a necessary evil.

In this universe, due to the pervasive corrosion of Chaos, rationality and gentleness have become super luxuries that only exist in dreams. In this era, only people in the Tyrone Sector are worthy of possessing this "luxury".

It's not because the Tyrone people are more noble, special or rare than the people in other parts of the empire, it's just because the Tyrone galaxy has a Star God and a Star God fragment, which can make the material structure within the Tyrone star sector more stable and harder to be spiritualized. It can be dyed, that's all.

Humans have struggled in the darkness for too long, like an abused kitten whose fur explodes at the slightest movement or new thing.

The Inquisition is still necessary for most of the Imperium, but that doesn't mean everyone has to put up with their misdeeds.

At least Creed didn't deserve this unreasonable disaster.

After thinking about this, Qin Mo established communication with the top brass of Tailong's army and contacted Gray and Adam at the same time.

"The celestial engine has been repaired. We can leave Cadia and return to Taillon at any time." Gray thought Qin Mo was looking for him to give instructions about returning to Taillon.

"No, we can't go back so soon." Qin Mo shook his head, "If we stay in Cadia for a few more days, the Cadian people will definitely hold a celebration party, and we can't miss it."

"Yes." Gray responded.

"Do Navy personnel attend the celebration party?" Adam asked.

Qin Mo did not respond immediately, but thought for a moment, and then shook his head: "No, you all stay on the battleship to ensure that as soon as my order is conveyed to you, the navy can immediately enter the battle."

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

In a gloomy dungeon in Miraak Bastion, Greyfax sat opposite Creed and Kyle, staring at a document in his hand and reading.

I don't know if Greyfax was too busy or if he just had this habit, but she was tapping the desk between the three of them with the heel of her boot.

This desk was placed in the dungeon for interrogating prisoners who knows how many years ago. The tabletop was covered in mold and exuded a stinky smell.

Greyfax has been reinstated.

Due to the subspace storm, disappearing from the universe for a while is really not a big deal. Greyfax even learned from another Inquisitor that the report of her disappearance was not reported to the higher-ups of the Inquisition until half a year ago.

"Where are the ancient Space Marines with you?" Creed took out a cigar and asked while lighting it.

"Next door," said Greyfax.

"As expected." Creed nodded calmly and took a deep puff of his cigar.

Greyfax observed Creed and saw that he had passed his lungs. He immediately believed based on experience that this guy must be a tough guy if he had not undergone mechanical transformation.

"You said you wanted to talk to me alone, why should you let him stay here?" Creed said and glanced at Kyle.

Greyfax smiled and asked, "I just want him to stay here, don't you?"

Creed did not respond. He knew that Greyfax was using this behavior to show his power, which in turn formed a kind of psychological oppression.

No matter what attitude Greyfax showed next, whether it was contempt or arrogance, these attitudes were just part of her interrogation methods. This experienced inquisitor probably did not have a real character.

"Let me ask you an answer." Greyfax put his legs on the table and leaned back, "Why did you issue the order to expel Inquisitor Bellona during the war?"

"Because this crazy bitch is here to cause trouble. I will kick out any crazy bitch who comes to cause trouble. If this were wartime, you would be treated the same as her." Creed replied.

"Why did the Tyrone people come to support Cadia? The Tyrone star region is obviously far away from Cadia." Greyfax asked again.

"Because the Tyrones are human beings, it's as simple as that. Even if they don't take action, there's nothing to blame. At least they won't go around looking for trouble to embarrass themselves." Creed answered again.

"During the war you signed the scanning permission document, remember? It was the document that allowed Tyrone ships or void structures to scan Cadia." Greyfax asked again.

"Of course, this is to find psykers on Cadia who may be used by the enemy. Cadia and the Imperial Navy do not have such powerful scanning capabilities." Creed replied.

Greyfax stopped asking questions and took out a document with a meaningful smile and placed it in front of Creed.

This is Creed's file. It shows that he once encountered a storm and wandered to the Tyrone sector for a while, but there is no record of what happened.

"This file..." Creed looked at Greyfax, blew out a puff of smoke at her, and tapped the table with the hand holding the cigar, "Who gave you permission to access it?"

"I wanted to check, so I checked. Is there any problem?" Greyfax asked.

Kyle on the side could no longer bear Greyfax's rudeness to the Lord of the Castle. He stood up angrily, but suppressed his anger when he spoke: "Since you are so curious about the Tyrone people, why don't you get the Lord of Tyrone?" Are you interrogating him here? Are you just willing to beat around the bush or are you bullying the weak and afraid of the strong? Is it because when you interrogate the castle master, the castle master will put the overall situation first. Does the Lord of Tailong really know how to take lasers when interrogating him? "

After hearing what Kyle said, Creed's expression suddenly changed.

Greyfax still had a smile on his face and asked lightly: "Why can't I interrogate the so-called Lord of Tyrone? Why would I eat lasers if I interrogated him? Isn't the Tyrone sector part of the empire? Lord of Tyrone belongs to the empire. Enemy? Do you know something?"

"Shut up." Creed rolled his eyes at Kyle, "The Tyrones have nothing to do with this conversation, why are you mentioning them?"

From three o'clock in the morning to now

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