Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 252 Applause and praise?

Flames erupted from the tentacle-covered psychic door, burning those tentacles that were forcibly materialized due to the activation of the obelisk.

When Qin Mo saw what the Glory Road had done, he felt a little distressed and angry.

As the first battleship of the Tyrone Navy, the Path of Glory is more than just a cruiser.

Since Qin Mo knew that some things in the Warhammer universe had symbolic meanings and would be in trouble if lost, he specially designed a reinforced hull for the Path of Glory and ensured that the bridge would not be destroyed at any time.

If the bridge is not destroyed, the battleship is not completely sunk, but even if the bridge is still there, it has been dragged into the subspace, which is not much different from being destroyed.

In addition, Saiin, the captain of the Path of Glory, was one of the crew members who followed Adam in driving the first cruiser. Qin Mo felt uncomfortable when he thought that even if he survived by chance, he would have to be tortured in the subspace.

Is it worth exchanging the Path of Glory and the Vengeful Spirit for one? Of course it’s worth it, but some things have nothing to do with whether it’s worth it or not…

The battle in space continues.

Some important ships of the Chaos Fleet were dragged into the subspace, and the remaining ships were either left in place and destroyed. Finally, the tentacles began to dismantle the Terminus that formed the gate. After dragging some important parts into the subspace, the entire door collapsed instantly and became Pieces of flesh and blood floating in space.

Due to the suppression of spiritual energy, these flesh and blood do not look as weird as usual. They are affected by the laws of physics and freeze and shrink in space.

"The war is over?" Creed raised his head and asked Qin Mo.

"It's over." Qin Mo nodded and took back his power.

The Thirteenth Black Crusade was over, for both Chaos and the Imperium.

The Chaos side does not call the Black Crusade the xxth Black Crusade. From their perspective, this is not an expedition again and again, but an eternal war that will last for countless years.

But this war has to come to an end for the Chaos side.

"Great." Creed breathed a sigh of relief and took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo took it and looked at it carefully and found that it was an information summary document written by the Imperial Navy to Creed.

With the Talon Navy responsible for the defense of the Cadian Gate, the Imperial Navy was able to divert its forces to fight elsewhere in the Segmentum Obscurus, and many worlds that had been about to be captured were held.

In addition, the document also stated that Imperial Admiral Quallen hoped that Creed could serve as a middleman to organize a meeting between him and Qin Mo to discuss the purchase of the particle light spear.

"If Quallen is willing to install a dimensional engine on the ship, I can give him a particle light spear for free." Qin Mo returned the file to Creed.

Creed took the file, puffed on his cigar and shook his head silently. He didn't think the dimensional engine could be promoted.

After another two minutes of silence, Creed slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, frowned and said: "Your dimensional engine will turn Navigators and Astropaths into waste. Any person or force related to Astropaths and Navigators will not It will allow your dimension engine to be promoted.”

"I'm not an admiral, but I can figure out how to replace Navigators and Astropaths in the time it takes a puff of a cigar."

"Installing a dimensional engine on a small, fast ship and letting it travel back and forth in the galaxy to deliver messages. Even this stupid method is more stable than using an astropath to deliver messages. Not to mention the navigator, which does not require the use of avatars. How can a space engine use a navigator?"

"Since the Great Crusade led by the God-Emperor, the entire empire has relied heavily on astropaths and navigators for inter-galactic navigation and communication. Ten thousand years have passed, and one can only imagine what the astropaths and navigators have become."

Creed spoke very directly, directly identifying the threats of Navigators and Astropaths, and also hinting that if Qin Mo wanted to forcefully promote the Dimension Engine, the consequences would be dire.

But Qin Mo knows these things better than Creed.

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't listen to what he said, Creed stopped talking and suddenly laughed out loud after taking a long puff of his cigar.

Smiles are rare on the face of the Supreme Castle Lord.

"I can't believe it." Creed shook his head with a smile. "A White Shield Egg wandered to the Tyrone Galaxy and met a legion commander. Then the White Shield Egg made an agreement with the legion commander, saying that he would fight against the Cadia crisis during the crisis. The legion commander wants to lend a helping hand...what fate..."

"To be honest, I think the reason that made you wander to the Tyrone Galaxy in the first place was not just the storm..." Qin Mo said thoughtfully.

Creed nodded with emotion, he felt the same way.

In fact, Creed didn't even think he could become the Lord of the High Castle when the Voskani rebelled, and he didn't know why Qin Mo sent Klein to him. Only later did he understand what his fate was.

"Kadia is guarded. From now on, you will be the greatest Lord of the Supreme Castle in history." Qin Mo said, "If you don't accept the life extension transformation, you will probably be a box when I see you again."

"Indeed. I was a young man when you last saw me, wouldn't I be middle-aged now?"

"I'll give you a gift when I leave Cardia."

"what gift?"

"A machine that can make cigars out of thin air an infinite number of times, and this cigar contains nanobots, which will ensure you are healthy and live as long as possible."

"Then please ask Lord Tyrone to give me another iron lung."


Qin Mo and Creed were talking and laughing.

As he spoke, the smile on Creed's face suddenly disappeared. He was smoking a cigar with a solemn expression, not knowing what he was thinking in his head.

After a long silence, Creed suddenly spoke: "I hope you can do one thing for me before leaving Cardia. That is to see Sein become the new castle master before leaving. If he is not the new castle master, please You find a way to make him the castle master."

"what are you saying?"

Creed's thinking was so fast that even Qin Mo couldn't understand it.

In addition, Qin Mo knew that Sein was Creed's enemy. He followed Creed's command during the Volscani Iron Cavalry rebellion, but he was never convinced by Creed. Why should Sein be the new castle master?

"Sein's commanding ability is very poor, but he knows how to stabilize the situation in Cadia after the war. If I am gone, then the best person for the castle master is him." Creed said.

"Wait... you're not here anymore? Why... oh..." Qin Mo wanted to ask why Creed was not here, but suddenly he realized.

Some of the things Creed did in this war were not in line with the rules. Coupled with some other factors, Creed is likely to face a review after the war.

In the Empire, heroes do not necessarily receive applause and praise.

"Lord of the Castle." Kyle suddenly walked into the office. His face didn't look good, and he walked hesitantly in front of Creed.

"What's the matter?" Creed had already roughly guessed it, but he still asked.

"Those judges hope to talk to you." Kyle said helplessly, and then glanced at Qin Mo next to him, "Talk alone."

"I know." Creed agreed without hesitation, and then quickly wrote an order to ensure that the Tyrone people could leave Cadia.

As long as Creed's title of Lord of the High Castle has not been taken, the Tyrones can leave the Cadian Gate defense zone unimpeded.

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