Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 251 For Tai Lung

Tyrone Navy, inside the ship Path of Glory.

The captain named Sain watched everything on the battlefield from a macro perspective.

The Path of Glory was firing at the Vengeful Spirit, and the Vengeful Spirit's void shields intercepted every shot.

There wouldn't be much time to bombard the Spirit of Vengeance, because a tentacle had already wrapped around the ancient battleship and began to drag it toward the flesh door.

"The cruiser's firepower is not enough after all. It is estimated that it will take another seven minutes to break the void shield!" the weapons officer reported loudly.

Sain had already anticipated this report, and the auxiliary thinking AI linked to his brain had already reached a conclusion in advance.

It would be nice to have a battleship nearby.

However, the Tyrone Lord battleship had already entered the dimensional space due to the violent subspace energy reaction and left the battlefield.

Sain suddenly felt a little strange.

When the vortex appeared on the battlefield, the Lord of Tyrone and a large number of other warships all evacuated urgently, except for the Path of Glory.

Since the last time the Lord of Tyrone left the battlefield in an emergency, everyone in the fleet knew that there was an emergency protocol in the battleship, which would activate the protocol and leave the battle when a strong subspace energy reaction was detected.

Doesn’t the Path of Glory have this agreement?

Sain began to check all the protocols on the battleship, and finally found the defense protocol with the highest priority.

There is still an agreement, but the battleship just did not implement it...

After thinking hard for a while, Sain suddenly recalled what he heard from an Imperial Navy ship when the Tyron Navy and the Imperial Navy fought side by side in the Obscure Star Field.

Some ancient or special symbolic battleships will be born out of self-consciousness. The people of the Mechanicus call this self-consciousness the machine soul.

Machine spirits occasionally disobey orders or do amazing things due to the influence of the God-Emperor.

If the Path of Glory had been another ship in Tyron's fleet, Thain would not have recalled hearing this anecdote.

The battleship he is on is not ancient, but it has symbolic meaning.

The Path of Glory is the first warship of the Tyron Navy. After it was born from the orbital dock, it was used to deal with the three warships of the rebellious Governor. When the Path of Glory sank the enemy ship and took control of the orbit of Tyron II, news reached the nest. Everyone cheered for this event.

After being assigned to be the captain of this battleship, Sain also discovered that this battleship was a bit strange. For example, when everyone was sleeping at night, they would hear the battleship playing exciting music...

When you leave the cabin and walk inside the battleship, you will see the phantom of a veteran wearing armor.

"Report! The enemy ship is about to leave the battlefield!"

A report pulled Sain out of his thoughts, and he immediately looked ahead.

Half of the Vengeful Spirit has been pulled through the door. If something is not done, the battleship will leave safely.

"We're the only ones around it, we gotta do something!"

one of the crew shouted.

"We can't let it escape. The Vengeful Spirit is the flagship. As long as it exists, it means that the enemy's fleet still exists. This time it was Cadia that was attacked, and the next time it may be the Tyrone sector!"

"Think of a way! Captain!"


Saiin listened to the shouts of his subordinates and calmly issued an order: "Charge the dimension engine."

The crew thought the captain wanted to evacuate, but the crew member responsible for controlling the engine hesitated and did not immediately execute the order.

"I said charge the dimension engine!" Sain suddenly appeared in the sight of the crewman controlling the engine, barking at him and repeating the order.

The crew immediately complied.

The Dimension Engine begins to charge.

In the space created by the battleship's command device, which can be controlled by the captain at will, all the crew members were pulled in front of the captain.

"We are unlikely to annihilate the enemy's fleet." Saiin said to the crew, "but we can find a way to kill the enemy's flagship, making it impossible for their flagship to appear in the next war."

The crew listened quietly and nodded in agreement.

"Do you still remember what the people from the Navy Department said when we came out to help the Cadians fight?" Sain suddenly asked.

The crew reminisced.

In fact, the Tyrone Navy did not really want to leave the Tyrone Star Sector and come to the Obscure Star Territory to fight. The Admiralty told everyone why it wanted to fight a war that had nothing to do with the Tyrone Star Sector.

A war is burning in the Cadian Gate Defense Zone, and it will spread until the war burns across the entire galaxy, and no force of any race or culture can stay away.

When the Cadian Gate defense zone is destroyed, the Tyrone sector will be isolated in darkness. No matter what kind of crisis the sector suffers, the sky and the earth will not respond.

The Tyrone Navy doesn't know why the Cadian Gate was destroyed and the Tyrone Sector would be isolated in the darkness. The Cadian Gate is obviously far away from the Tyrone Sector...

But these words were only repeated by people from the Admiralty. The original words were spoken by the Lord of Tyrone. No Tyrone person, whether stupid or smart, would question the words of the Lord of Tyrone.

The Tyrone Navy has no special feelings for Creed or Cadia, nor does it have any feelings for the grand concept of the Empire. In the opinion of each crew member, there is only one reason for participating in this war:

To prevent the newly peaceful Tyrone sector from being drawn into the war.

"We should do something to kill the enemy's flagship. This is what we should do." Saiin continued, "Maybe the war will still burn to Tyrone, maybe the enemy's stinking fleet will enter the star area and spray everywhere like before. manure……"

"But we can at least ensure that the enemy's flagship cannot appear in the Tyrone sector."

"that's enough."

After saying that, Sain was silent for a few seconds and then issued the second order: "Set the target point of the dimensional voyage on the enemy's flagship."

The crew immediately took action and set the dimensional navigation target point on the Vengeful Spirit as Sain said.

"Enable the self-destruct protocol and set the self-destruct time to three seconds later." Sain continued to order.

A holographic image popped up in front of Sain.

The self-destruct protocol has been activated by the warship itself.

At the same time, the dimensional engine was fully charged, and the Path of Glory disappeared from the galaxy and entered the dimensional space.

Everything in Sain's field of vision turned into lines, just like before.

Everyone on the battleship can predict that when the things in the field of vision change from lines to colorful, the Path of Glory will appear inside the Vengeful Spirit and then self-destruct.

"For the Lord of Tailong! For the fifty-five world of Tailong!"

In the roar of Sain, the Path of Glory separated from the dimensional space and merged with the Spirit of Vengeance.

At this time, the Vengeful Spirit had been dragged into the subspace. After the people on the bridge learned that the warship had safely entered the subspace, and that an enemy ship was stuck inside the ship's hull, their moods fluctuated like a roller coaster.

The crew of the Vengeful Spirit were swallowed up by the explosion before they could do anything.

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