Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 250 Great Evacuation

The Storm Lady flagship escaped into the dimensional space and disappeared.

Every ship in the galaxy, friendly or enemy, noticed that the Storm Daughter had left, but no one cared about it.

The Chaos Fleet left the Titan legions and mortal servants on the celestial engine and fled quickly with the Space Marines. They deliberately did not let the Space Marines board the transport ship, but squeezed into the three battleships.

This time it was not the cruiser that was used as a decoy to attract firepower, but the transport ship.

Since the Chaos fleet had been besieged in the orbit of the Celestial Engine before, they were still besieged as they retreated, with one transport ship being sunk every minute.

In the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit, an Eternal War veteran who was temporarily transferred to command the Black Legion fleet held Abaddon's body, feeling painful and embarrassed as he watched the warmaster whose body was bleeding profusely and whose life and death were unknown.

Two hours ago, an ax appeared from nowhere and chopped down the enemy's iron planet until it was paralyzed. This was the reason why the landing battle could begin.

But doesn’t the Warmaster know that the enemy’s navy still has an overwhelming advantage?

Regardless of whether the Iron Planet has not been captured now, even if it is captured, how will it face the siege of the Tyron Navy?

The veteran holding Abaddon frowned and thought hard.


"Please tell me, what should I do..."

The veteran begged Abaddon in a low voice, but Abaddon showed no response.

The wound on Abaddon's body can be seen from the front to the back. This kind of injury has never been seen before. The wizards and pharmacists who came to check before said that the Warmaster was not completely dead, but his vitality was very weak, and this was extremely weak. The vitality is still passing by with time.

When the veteran was helpless, Abaddon's eyelids trembled twice, his remaining arm trembled slightly, and he tapped the floor of the bridge with a trembling finger.

The veteran was stunned for a moment, and quickly took Abaddon's hand, thinking that the war commander wanted to explain something to him.

But Abaddon said nothing, just drew circles on the veteran's hand with his fingers.

It is extremely difficult for Abaddon to draw circles with his fingers now, but he still insists on drawing, painting intermittently, and in the end he just draws on the veteran's hand.

"Circle..." The veteran thought for a moment and suddenly realized what the Warmaster meant, "Vortex torpedo! Vortex torpedo!"

There are also vortex torpedoes on the Vengeful Spirit, and there are many of them, twenty-five in total.

Abaddon had previously given Typhons one and said it was the last vortex torpedo, but both the speaker and the listener knew that after the eternal war against Cadia began, what everyone said Only fifty percent of all words are true.

"I'm going to activate the vortex torpedo." The veteran stood up immediately, dipped his sword in the blood flowing from Abaddon's wound, and then walked towards the ammunition depot with the sword held high.

The whirlpool torpedoes stored in the ammunition depot are guarded, and the guards are people who only take orders from Abaddon. They don't care who the top leaders of the Black Legion choose to preside over the situation, they only care whether the orders they receive are from Abaddon. .

When the veteran walked into the ammunition depot with his blood-stained sword held high, all the guards looked at the veteran.

The Watchers are also veterans of long battles.

"The Warmaster has..." The veteran planned to explain the situation to the watchers, but the watchers didn't listen at all and took action immediately.

The vortex torpedoes are loaded into the torpedo launcher, and instead of being fired out all at once, one is fired every five minutes.

Abaddon knew that whether he could capture the Iron Planet or not, he would have to face the siege of the Tyron navy, and he also figured out a way to disperse the Tyron navy.

The vortex torpedo emerged from the Vengeful Spirit's only intact torpedo launcher and flew straight ahead.

The torpedoes rushed past every ship in the Chaos Fleet, flying towards the Talon ship blocking the fleet's evacuation path.

The torpedo exploded, and a purple vortex appeared on the battlefield. The moment the purple vortex appeared, the Tyrone ship initiated the highest-priority protocol on its own, allowing the ship to urgently enter the dimensional space to avoid being sucked into the subspace.

Because the Blackstone Obelisk is activated, the vortex created by the vortex torpedo is very small, but it still has the effect of killing any ship instantly.

The vortex began to move around in the galaxy. Qin Mo, who was just about to intervene in the pursuit battle, could only take out his hand to deal with the vortex torpedo first to limit the movement trajectory of the vortex.

The vortex began to move towards the Chaos Fleet.

Qin Mo cannot directly control the vortex itself, but he can control the space in which the vortex is located, twisting the trajectory of the vortex to make it move in the opposite direction.

But there is a subspace god who is also paying attention to this pursuit battle. It can directly control the vortex itself, so it drives the vortex to fly rapidly towards the Tyrone fleet.

Qin Mo can only distort the space near the vortex, making the distance between the vortex and everything around it infinitely long, making it look like it has stopped.

Another vortex torpedo was launched, but before it could create a vortex on the battlefield, Qin Mo distorted its flight trajectory and was thrown directly into the vortex created previously.

Qin Mo fought against the evil god who interfered with the battle until the vortex disappeared.

Qin Mo withdrew his hand and immediately exerted influence on the Chaos Fleet. These ships have been located in the Eye of Terror or subspace for a long time and have been soaked with spiritual energy. They are no longer even part of the material universe. Qin Mo cannot directly control the ships to decompose them. .

But just like containing a vortex, as long as these psychic gadgets appear in the physical universe, there are always ways to interfere with them.

Qin Mo moved every ship of the Chaos Fleet back to the celestial engine, making all his efforts from the beginning of the evacuation in vain.

But just as the Chaos fleet was about to be shattered by the Tyron Navy's light spears, the whirlpool torpedoes on the Terminus exploded.

The gods of the Warp harnessed the psionic energy released from the Vortex, which was laughably scant but still usable under the Obelisk's suppression, and the Terminus was disintegrated and transformed into a portal to the Warp.

Qin Mo originally wanted to increase the power of the black stone obelisk to the extreme so that the galaxy could no longer be infiltrated by spiritual energy, but he thought that the souls of his own people in the galaxy would also be expelled, so he did not do so.

"You want to enter the door, okay." Qin Mo began to distort the space around the Chaos Fleet, making these warships obviously sailing at full speed but could not sail more than one meter even for half a day, and could not get close to the door that the Terminus had turned into.

The bodies of the psykers and wizards in the Chaos Fleet exploded. They could have released a huge amount of psionic energy at the end of their lives, but the psionic energy they could release now was like a drop of water. This weak psionic energy could still be used.

Tentacles covered with pustules sprouted from the door, and there were even some blue feathers attached to the tentacles.

The warship began to be entangled in tentacles and pulled into the warp.

After doing this, the dark gods looked away from the galaxy.

With the Blackstone Obelisk open, the tentacled door is all the Dark Gods can do with their noses in hand and their best efforts.

If this doesn't make the servants leave, then let them die here.

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