Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 249 Go to Baal

The Lamenters Chapter Master teleported from the Celestial Engine to the Cadian High Command.

Creed is already working on the aftermath, broadcasting to the people of Cadia about the coming victory.

Qin Mo stood aside, staring at the empty place, seeming to be studying something complicated.

When Foros came to the two of them, Qin Mocai shifted his gaze to him in a daze and said: "Go to Baal."

"Barr?" Foros trembled.

Baal is the homeworld of the Blood Angels Chapter and home to all the descendants of the ninth Primarch Sanguinius. The Lamenters born from the founding of the Damned are also among the descendants of Sanguinius.

Although the entire Weeper Chapter have never seen Baal with their own eyes, they still consider Baal their home.

"I also want to go back...but..." Foros hesitated, feeling very complicated.

It is not without reason that the Lamenters Chapter was poor and looked down upon in the past. Ultimately, it should be prejudice.

The Cursed Founding of the Army, also known as the Twenty-first Founding of the Army, happened in the 991st year of the thirty-fifth millennium. The details of this founding of the army have been covered up by countless legends. Even Foros I just know that most of the battle groups in the Cursed Founding Army have fallen into darkness.

Most people in the Empire are prejudiced against the Lamenters. The reason is that the Lamenters, like those warbands who fell into darkness, were born from the cursed founding.

Foros didn't know what the other brother chapters who were also the descendants of Sanguinius thought of the Lamenters as a whole, but there was a high probability that they would not let the Lamenters get close to Baal.

This is why Foros has mixed feelings.

I want to go back, but I am afraid of being kicked out, and I am afraid that I will desecrate the sacred Baal.

"All descendants of angels have genetic defects, which are blood thirst and black rage." Qin Mo said.

Foros nodded in agreement.

Blood thirst will make the angel children become extremely bloodthirsty, and eventually lose their humanity completely. The black rage will make the descendants of angels go crazy, and even feel the anger and pain that the genetic father had ten thousand years ago.

Foros recalled that he once rescued a planet in the Badab sector. The people there were afraid of the Weeper Chapter because they had heard a terrible thing: the winged Chapter on the logo would drink the locals. Human blood, especially the blood of women and children.

"But you Lamenters are rarely affected by Blood Thirst and Black Rage. Your mother group and brother war groups should be quite interested in you." Qin Mo added.

Foros thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

It’s not that the Lamenters warband doesn’t have Black Rage and Blood Thirst, it’s just that the symptoms of Black Rage and Blood Thirst are very rare. If the descendants of other angels want to be immune to the effects of Black Rage and Blood Thirst, they will indeed fight against the Lamenters. The group is more interested.

"You guys are not going to Baal to show off your face and look familiar. You are going to fight. I saw a large group of insects attacking your home planet. You have to go and help your brothers to relieve the siege." Qin Mo drafted an order and Leave it to Foros.

Foros saw that this was an order to allocate supplies. The Lamenters can now set off for the Tyrone galaxy and receive more military supplies from the Tyrone One, including but not limited to a large number of Terminator power armor, plasma weapons, and melta. arms.

The quantity of these military supplies was enough to arm three Weeper battle groups, but Qin Mo did not say how these military supplies would be distributed, or whether he would distribute them to others or keep them for himself.

"Thank you." Foros accepted the order and saluted Qin Mo.

Foros was sincerely grateful to Qin Mo, because since the war group met the Lord of Taillon, it had more equipment and more personnel, and even got a new flagship, but the war group had never been forced to do anything by the Lord of Taillon. thing.

"You will have to make a shining debut after arriving in Baal." Qin Mo joked, "When your brother war group is in crisis, there will be a loud bang in the sky and the Weeper will make a shining appearance."

Foros smiled and nodded vigorously: "Of course."


Both Fros and Qin Mo were silent for a moment. They wanted to say a lot but didn't know where to start.

In the end, Fros hesitated for a few seconds and said, "The next time we meet, it may be more than ten or even twenty years later."

"That's natural." Qin Mo nodded.

Baal is being invaded by the Tyranid Zerg. The overwhelming number of Zerg will take more than ten years to fight, plus the aftermath... It will be good if the news of Baal being defended or not defended can reach Tyrone twenty years later.

The Milky Way is too big and time passes too fast.

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius." Foros saluted, turned and left.

Qin Mo stared at Foros's back and watched him leave, then sent a communication command to the Tyrone Galaxy.

According to the original process, Cadia will be destroyed, the Eye of Terror will become a great rift that cuts off the Milky Way, and the Tyranids attacking Baal at the moment the great rift opens will be temporarily out of control under the influence of psychic energy, and then Baal will be defended. .

Now that Cadia is defended and the Eye of Terror has been reduced by half, the Lamenters and Blood Angels can only fight the Zerg in Barna.

Qin Mo was not sure whether this war would be won, but he did what he could.

In addition to sending the top-equipped Lamenters battle group back to Baal, Qin Mo also prepared another thing, which was the Leviathan loaded with countless iron men.

Leviathan will fight the Tyranids, learning and improving during the war.

As for how Leviathan will improve itself, there's no telling.

Inside the Storm Lady flagship.

Foros and all the Chapter members teleported back to the bridge, where Tessa was already waiting for them.

"Where is our next destination, Chapter Commander?" The girl saluted to Foros and asked enthusiastically.

"Go to Baal in the Extreme Star Territory, which is the home planet of all angel descendants." Foros ordered.

"Yes!" Tessa immediately went to set the destination and prepare to start the dimensional voyage.

Since Foros had told Tessa about the Weeper Chapter before, Tessa not only knew where the Extreme Starfield was, but also where Baal was. Without asking too much, the route to Baal was set. .

The Dimension Engine begins to charge.

"Chapter Commander, an Inquisitor wants to board the ship to see you." The First Company Commander entered the bridge and reported to Foros.

Foros had a bad impression of the Inquisition, but considering that everyone had fought side by side in Cadia, he agreed.

Soon the ships of the Inquisition docked next to the flagship of the Lady of the Storm.

A small transport plane took the Inquisitor from her ship inside the Stormmaiden, and Foros met the Inquisitor.

A female inquisitor with short white hair, scars on her face and a mole.

"Bellona." The Inquisitor stood with his hands behind his back and introduced himself in a neither humble nor condescending manner. Then he hurriedly revealed his intention before Foros asked, "I have a method that can help all the descendants of Sanguinius to guard Baal. This method is very simple. It’s easy, you just need to take me there.”

"..." Foros remained silent and did not respond.

"I know you long-suffering Astartes don't want to believe in the Inquisition, but why not try?" Bellona said with a smile, "If I succeed, Baal will be guarded, if I fail , you should continue to defend Baal with your own strength, there is no harm in trying."

After hesitating for a while, Foros nodded silently.

I spent a long time with the factory today, and it turned out to be because of something missing from the warehouse. Fortunately, I figured it out.

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