"I don't want to waste my time crushing an ant."

"If you're not tired of living yet, it's still too late to pretend you didn't see me."

Thorax held the ceramite fragment tightly, but he was not afraid of the mortal in front of him. He really didn't want to waste time killing an ant on the way to escape.

"I want to duel with a Space Marine." The mortal said, pulling out the power sword from behind and approaching Thorax, who was far taller and stronger than himself.

Thorax was a little confused.

Duel with Space Marines...are mortals so brave these days?

The mortal's courage inspired Thorax to fight, and he decided to grant the mortal a glorious death.

So Thorax walked towards the mortal and said as he walked: "Since you want to duel, then we should tell each other our names so that we can die in peace."


"Groot, very well. My name is Thorax, and you are one of the few lucky enough to know my real name."

The two leaned close to each other as they spoke.

As Grote walked, he gave the order to remove his power armor through the brain-computer interface, and the power armor on his body gradually began to fall off.

Seeing this, Thorax stopped and kindly reminded the mortal in front of him: "Do you think I don't have the ability to fight back now? Do you want to kill me without wearing power armor, holding my head?" To spread the story of your unarmored slaying of Thorax the Oathbreaker?"

Groat remained silent and continued to approach Thorax.

Thorax continued: "I advise you not to do this, otherwise you will pay with your life for your arrogance."

"I just want to have a pure battle before I die. I haven't fought with the enemy hand-to-hand for ten years." Groat stopped and stood sideways with the power sword in both hands. "This battle will only involve two people. As a result, I will be killed by you, or we will die together."

Grote became excited, and he felt that every cell in his body was beating.

Hand-to-hand combat was his favorite thing, and he suppressed his hobby for a whole decade, not wanting to immerse himself in combat and become as crazy as his dead brother.

There is no need to repress now.

Groot wanted nothing more than to fight to the death with the Space Marine before him.

"You...wait...this..." Thorax didn't know what to say, because from the moment he was born to this moment, he had never seen a person who could survive in the war but chose to come. A normal person who wants to die...if he doesn't have the Butcher's Nails, he's considered a normal person.

Thorax didn't plan to say anything more and rushed towards Groat.

Groat stood there, biding his time, waiting for a moment when Thorax could kill him and he could kill Thorax.

Thorax's muscular body moved like a tank, swinging the power sword as he filled Groat's entire field of vision.

However, Thorax's dexterity was astonishing, and he easily dodged the sword's edge.

How could a two-meter-four tall man wearing heavy ceramic armor be so agile? When this question came to Grote's mind, his left shoulder had already been pierced by ceramite fragments.

Thorax's hand holding the fragment moved downward, and at the same time he grabbed Groat's left arm and exerted slight force, and the entire arm was torn off.

Thorax was just about to ridicule the ignorance and stupidity of this mortal when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the incoming sword edge from the corner of his eye, and immediately jumped back to dodge.

Groat swung his sword with one arm and still missed. He was surprised by Thorax's reaction speed and realized the gap between himself and the superhuman warrior.

The opponent was missing an arm, his armor was damaged, and there were wounds all over his body, but his movements were still agile and his reactions were quick.

"Now we are all missing arms." Thorax shook the severed arm aside.

Groat said nothing, standing sideways with the power sword in one hand.

Thorax did not rush to attack but observed Groot and found that this guy was a little strange now.

Grote's expression was excited, his body was trembling slightly, and he seemed to have no fear or pain.

This is a very strange thing.

Although the Blood God continues to pay attention to the battlefield on the Iron Planet, it is too bizarre for this mortal to have such courage and fighting spirit.

In order to prevent this mortal from being blessed, Thorax decided to end the battle quickly.

Grote saw the opponent suddenly rushing toward him, with the ceramic shards in his hands already aimed at his chest, so he chose to move forward to meet him.

The flesh, flesh and bones were instantly pierced by the ceramic fragments, and the severe pain was then transmitted to the brain. Grote was easily impaled, but his behavior was no different from seeking death and he also won a chance.

As shards of ceramite pierced the bones, the power sword in Groot's hand plunged into Thorax's chest.

"You ant!"

While he was yelling and yelling furiously, Groat was picked up and pushed against the wall by Thorax. Before he could react, he was punched in the chin, and his entire jaw was shattered.

Then the chest, the shoulders... Thorax punched Groat to vent his anger, and a part of the mortal body was dented with every punch.

After punching for more than a dozen times, Thorax didn't stop until he confirmed that Groat was no longer breathing, turned around and left.

"Conqueror! Conqueror!"

"Here is conquest... sizzle..."

Thorax breathed a sigh of relief when he heard words instead of noise, and immediately ordered: "Take me away!"

The Conqueror received the order and immediately prepared to teleport Thorax out of the Iron Planet.

But before he was about to leave, Thorax suddenly felt something protecting his leg. When he lowered his head and looked, he realized that Groot had been beaten and had no human shape.

"Alas." Thorax was a little helpless, but instead of stepping down, he stretched out his hand, "Follow me, and I will transform you into a space warrior. You can gain more power, and you will no longer have to curb your instincts. , and become a warrior favored by the Blood God."

"Blood...god? Fuck you...blood god...I don't want to become a murderer..." Groat responded weakly.

Thorax stared at Groat for a second, then kicked Groat three meters away with a gentle kick.

But before Groat's body rolled and hit the wall, a glowing blue sphere rolled out of him.

"Blood God, please don't let this be a teleportation beacon." Thorax looked disgusted, "I've really had enough."

The light on the blue sphere suddenly disappeared.

The entire passage was instantly engulfed in flames and shrapnel, and the deafening explosion could be heard a kilometer away.

There is no longer a passage lined with drones on both sides of the wall under the storage platform, and the explosion has changed the terrain here.

Grote lay in a pile of metal fragments, gradually regaining consciousness, and then surprised that he was less than four meters away from the explosion point but was not killed.

Groat is not happy after discovering that he is alive, but instead is angry and disappointed.

For those who seek death, the rest of their lives will be sad.

Grote lay there and took a few breaths, then crawled forward to look for his weapon, but he couldn't crawl after climbing two meters. He felt like he was tied to something.

Grote turned around and touched, and found a rope that was pressed under the metal fragments. He then followed the rope and felt all the way into his abdominal cavity.

"The throne..."

"Why can't I just die in the explosion!"

Although he is not dead now, he is about to die. After wailing, Grote turned over with one arm and lay flat on his back, quietly waiting for death to come.

"Warp energy detected."

"Warp energy detected."


A beep sounded from the power armor that was crushed into metal fragments.

Grote opened his eyes and looked upward, his vision blurred.

Until a moment later, a golden light appeared in the field of vision, and three women with wings appeared in the light. Two of them were circling and flying in the air, and one of them slowly fell from the air.

Concepts such as holiness and beauty came to Grote's mind, and he found that his injuries were gradually recovering, and even the broken arm and broken lower body were recovering.

Although he had been told since childhood that Space Marines were the Emperor's angels, Grote felt that the three women in front of him were angels on both a conceptual and visual level.

The angel alighted beside Grote and examined his flesh with a divine gaze.

There was an explosion directly above. This explosion attracted the angel's attention. She looked up, flapped her wings and flew into the sky.

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