Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 247 Eighteen Swords

"I can't get a hold of that bastard who put the nails in!"

"He should have been killed!"

Typhons's roar reached Abaddon's ears. Abaddon, who was fighting Gray, quickly retreated and thought for a moment.

There were violent vibrations and explosions just now under the platform, and Thorax rolled down the pipe.

I originally wanted Thorax to roll up immediately and continue fighting, but now it seems that he is most likely dead.

"Your lord is dead, avenge him!" Abaddon raised his magic sword to block the oncoming chainsword, and at the same time shouted at the men of the Oathbreaker warband.

The people in the Oathbreaker warband couldn't contact Thorax. They believed that the Warmaster was right and Thorax was dead.

Driven mad by hatred, the Oathbreakers began to launch suicidal attacks on nearby enemies, driving their weapons deep into their bodies and decapitating their enemies' heads.

The Space Marines of the original World Eaters Legion are masters of close combat. This desperate attack allows them to take away at least one enemy before death.

Seeing the people of the Oathbreaker warband working so hard, Abaddon felt that Thorax's death was not a bad thing, and he could focus more on dealing with the Iron Skeleton in front of him.

"Look at what you look like. Are you still human?" Abaddon swung his magic sword and pierced Gray's chest. He deliberately avoided the location of the fusion reactor.

Since Gray now looks like an Iron Skull, his fusion reactor is clearly visible between his ribs.

Gray didn't respond and silently struck back with his sword, but Abaddon realized that Gray was going to fight back before the chain sword was swung. He retreated quickly and easily avoided the blade, scorning Gray.

But the latter's speed suddenly became faster, leaving afterimages of his body as he moved.

Abaddon watched Gray approaching him, and when he was about to use his skills to protect his vitals, he saw a flash of light emitting from Gray's chest.

After getting closer, Gray activated the self-destruct function of the fusion reactor.

The sword absorbed most of the blast, but Abaddon himself was blown away by the impact.

Just now, Gray not only activated the self-destruct function of the reactor, but also activated bullet time.

This was the second time that bullet time was turned on in a short period of time. Gray's nervous system went into overload. He felt like he was in the Tyrone Nest, accompanying Qin Mo to assassinate the rebel clan leader.

But the next second it turned into fighting on Tyrone 2, assassinating the general who rebelled against the governor.

"It's only a matter of time before Tyrone Two is recovered," Gray said, raising his chainsword.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Abaddon stood up and looked at Gray's body.

A large hole was blown out of the iron skeleton's chest. The metal skeleton was partially dissolved by the heat generated by the reactor, but more heat energy was absorbed and discharged by a circular device in the abdominal cavity. Steam was released from every gap in the metal skeleton.

The missing bones in the big hole in the body are being rebuilt rapidly. Some densely packed small black substances are crawling around on the sufficient bones. Several ribs are being reorganized every second.

Abaddon believes that Gray is a sophisticated killing machine. His condition will not deteriorate as the battle progresses, and even if he is seriously injured, he will quickly return to his full strength.

Reflect on yourself. Although most of the heat and destructive power generated by the explosion was absorbed by the magic sword, Gray's shattered metal bones had an effect similar to grenade fragments, embedding a large number of bone fragments all over his body.

If you continue fighting like this, you will lose sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Abaddon decided to chop off Gray's head in the next fight. Even though it was conceivable that the iron skeleton in front of him would not die like a flesh and blood body without his head, he still had to try.

Abaddon holds the magic sword in one hand and kills Gray at the fastest speed in his life.

Gray, who was not very conscious, still thought he was on the Tyrone 2 and had forgotten that he had just started bullet time for the second time. His head sent another command to his spine to start bullet time through the biological processor.

But this command was interrupted by Gray on his own initiative mid-transmission because he thought of a better way to fight.

Gray raised his arm and used the magnetic field to control a power sword that fell on the ground and throw it at Abaddon.

Abaddon has seen this trick of throwing things and hitting people countless times, and he has at least a hundred ways to avoid it.

After elegantly avoiding the thrown sword with a side move, Abaddon was about to ridicule Gray for being like a child in fighting, but suddenly he felt a pain in his lower back, and then a shining golden sword came out of his waist. .

Abaddon trembled and lowered his head to glance at the sword, then turned back with difficulty to look behind him, and saw a woman with wings and shining golden light.

Gray then rushed forward and swung his chainsword.

Unable to dodge, Abaddon decisively transmitted an order to the Vengeful Spirit, and then used his body to meet the slashing chainsword.

The saw teeth cut through armor and tore flesh.

The long sword was pulled out from the waist, and then inserted into another part.

Gray and the angel who suddenly joined the battle kept attacking, and in less than two seconds, they stabbed Abaddon eighteen times, each one hitting his vitals.

Just before the nineteenth attack from the Angel was about to hit, Abaddon's body was teleported back to the Vengeful Spirit.

Gray looked at the chain sword in his hand. This chain sword, stained with the blood of the Warmaster, only had half of it left in the previous battle, otherwise it would have been able to cut Abaddon in two anyway.

The strange thing is that theoretically it is impossible for the saw teeth of this half-chain sword to rotate normally, but it is rotating normally.

Gray looked at the angel who was cooperating with him in the battle. When he opened his mouth to ask the angel's name, the identity of the angel was revealed to him before he asked.

The angel is a living saint named Celestine who has fought from ancient times to the present day.

Celestine glanced at the other people fighting nearby. Abaddon and Thorax were no longer present, leaving Typhons alone to command the battle. There was no need for him to stay here.

So Celestine flew into the sky, penetrated the metal layer above and reached the ground, joining the large-scale war on the surface.

Gray found a safe place and prepared to pull out the iron claw embedded in his body holding the last fusion reactor. However, he sadly found that the iron claw had been welded to the waist bones by the nanorobots that repaired the injury. After seeing Qin Mo had never thought of taking it out before.

Gray can only continue fighting other enemies while wearing the Iron Claw.

The battle continues on and off the satellite.

The war on Cadia is coming to an end, and Creed focuses his attention on the satellite, observing the war through holographic images and making appropriate decisions.

I successfully earned gold coins for two months by lining up in the factory in one day. I plan to stay at home for a month and then go out to find a job. I can make more this month.

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