Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 245 Little Fearless

On the chaotic battlefield, Abaddon and Gray were fighting. Only two minutes had passed since the confrontation between the two platforms.

When Gray turned into a flaming iron skeleton and pounced on Abaddon, Thorax tried to swing his chain ax to chop Sven, but when he made the move, he suddenly felt severe pain in his waist and could not use the strength. He was knocked unconscious by Sven. An ax chop on the shoulder.

Thorax immediately retreated and reached out his hand to touch his waist. Only when he saw the blood on his hand did he realize that he had just been stabbed.

I don’t know who did it.

The wound was probably caused by a chainsword.

The majestic fighting spirit brought by the Butcher's Nail caused Thorax to ignore the wound, and he did not discover the wound until he used all his strength to attack the Wolf Lord Sven.

Thorax realized that the reason why he found this wound was not because the fighting spirit brought by the Butcher's Nail disappeared, but because the wound had become more and more serious, and even developed to the point that it affected his own fighting.

When Thorax felt the pain, the Wolf Lord swung his ax to chop Thorax again. He no longer thought about cutting off Thorax's head directly, but planned to cut off Thorax's only remaining arm.

The Wolf Lord in its prime state was almost invincible in close combat. Thorax struggled to block and retreat, and at the same time figured out a way to kill the Wolf Lord.

"Look what you have become, a bunch of werewolves and a bunch of beasts." Thorax's eyes moved back and forth between Swin and his men twenty times in one second. "You are simply a bunch of naturalized empires." of beastmen."

These two words made Sven furious, and he continued to swing his ax at Thorax.

"Do you know what a beastman is? It's a hybrid between humans and beasts. It's also said to be a hybrid between humans and demons... Anyway, it's just like you guys."

"I've seen werewolves, and they look no different from you now."

Thorax continued to use words to provoke Sven, although this caused him to be slashed with several bone-deep wounds by Sven, but this was exactly what he wanted.

When the chain ax was cut off by the axe, Thorax quickly retreated three meters away, expecting Sven to rush towards him, and expecting the Space Wolves Space Marines to howl around Sven's body. .

Sven rushed towards Thorax, but he did not charge with all his strength, but still kept a little caution to prevent Thorax from playing tricks.

"Come here, werewolf." Thorax continued to challenge.

Sven raised his ax high and sped up, but just as he was about to approach Thorax, a huge figure ran past him.

In Sven's eyes, Thorax seemed to have been hit by a high-speed Leman Russ tank. His body curled up and took off, spanning most of the battlefield and falling into the circular hole on the right edge of the platform.

Swain looked at the "tank" and thought it was a small Dreadnought at first sight. After careful examination, he discovered that it was not a Dreadnought, but an Ogryn wearing power armor.

There were five other Ogryns in power armor on the battlefield, and they rampaged around the battlefield, making the situation even more chaotic.

The Ogryns couldn't tell which Space Marine was the enemy, so they went on a rampage. Even if their bolters penetrated their power armor, they could only dig out a piece of flesh and could not stop them.

Swain discovered that the Weeper were familiar with these armor-piercing Ogryns, and they used them in battle.

Frosge, who was fighting Typhons, blocked the falling scythe and kicked the executioner master who was charging towards him with his ax raised high. Then the unfortunate executioner master was knocked away and smashed against the wall by Ogryn who was running towards him.

What was even more unlucky was that the wall that the executioner hit was also on the route of Ogryn's running, and he was hit hard by Oglin.

After a muffled sound, blood and flesh spurted out from the crushed power armor, like a small fountain.

"Don't let those little Dreadnoughts hit you!" Sven reminded his men, and then went to save one of his favorite wolf cubs with an ax in hand.

"Didn't anyone notice the guy who got knocked away?"

Groat fought on the edge of the battlefield with the mortal servants of the Forsworn Warband, firing and shouting in all directions, as well as shouting over the comms channel.

Gray, who was fighting Abaddon, heard the shouts, but he only turned back to confirm that Groat was okay and continued to focus on fighting Abaddon.

The surrounding friendly Space Marines are also focused on their own battles.

Seeing that there was no one around him, Groat no longer thought about the enemy who was knocked into the hole by Ogryn.

But on second thought, Grote felt something was wrong.

Before the battle began, while the two sides were waiting for the platform to dock, Grote saw the knocked-away Space Marine standing behind the enemy commander, standing side by side with the green Space Marine, which showed that his status was not low.

After thinking about this, Grote decisively ran towards the circular pit and jumped into it.

Thorax rolled a long distance in the pipe, and immediately looked around to observe the environment after coming out.

Here is a wide, straight corridor, with transport drones placed on both sides of the corridor. Some of these drones are transporting ore, and some are still sleeping.

This was a safe environment. Thorax relaxed his guard and squatted against the wall, taking a few breaths.

Thorax didn't need medical equipment to know where his body was injured.

The wound on his waist was continuing to bleed, and the wounds caused by the chain sword could not heal on their own in a short period of time. In contrast, the several wounds made by Sven were deep enough to show the bones, but the impact on the entire body was not great and could be tolerated.

The most serious injuries were internal injuries. His ribs and spine were damaged when he was knocked away just now. Thorax could even feel a large bone fragment stuck between his internal organs.

The armor was damaged in the impact just now, and a ceramic shard pierced his chest as it rose and fell deeper with his breathing. Every breath was extremely painful.

"I shouldn't have come to this damn place."

"Fuck the Warmaster, fuck Cadia!"

Thorax stretched out his hand to clasp the groove on the wall, and walked slowly forward leaning against the wall, trying to call the Conqueror as he walked.

"Zizi... this is... Zizi... the Conqueror..."

Thorax's first attempt to call was successful, but just as he was about to let the Conqueror teleport him back, the communication channel was filled with noise again.

Thorax remembered that after he came to the iron planet, his communication device had been working sometimes and not working. He didn't know what the hell was going on.

"It's hard, isn't it?"

A voice sounded from behind Thorax. He immediately pulled out the ceramic shard from his chest and held it in his hand, turning to look in the direction of the voice.

Thorax was relieved to see that the person standing outside the pipe was not a space warrior, but a mortal wearing power armor.

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