Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 244 Suspected Heresy

More and more people noticed the sudden appearance of Space Marines.

The Space Marines were burning with flames, blocking the front of the Chaos Space Marines. They were not afraid of the incoming firepower and instinctively stood sideways to fight back.

These Space Marines did not emerge from the cracks in dimensional space, nor did they appear with a bright light deployed by subspace teleportation technology. Instead, they appeared on the battlefield out of thin air, like ghosts that floated nearby and manifested themselves.

One of the Space Marines charged forward faster than Gray, running and shooting, opening a path straight to Abaddon.

Gray's gravity shield was always on. When he passed by the flaming Space Marines, he wanted to turn off the gravity shield to avoid accidental injury, but he found that another flaming Space Marine ran past him and was not affected by the gravity shield at all. accidental injury.

The running Space Marine rushed towards a Black Legion lieutenant who was trying to stop Gray, knocking the lieutenant's power sword away with his flaming bolter.

Gray didn't dwell on where these suddenly appearing Space Marines came from, he focused on more important things.

Abaddon was ten meters directly ahead, very close.

Gray turns on bullet time.

The biological processor releases electrical signals through the biochemical spine, and Gray's senses are accelerated a hundred times. The objective flow of time is still normal, but in Gray's subjective feelings everything has slowed down.

The trajectories of explosive bombs flying in the air can be clearly seen.

"Thor... La... Ke..." Swingall roared out Thorax's name, and at the same time struck Thorax with the ax, and Thorax retreated to avoid the attack of the wolf lord.

Gray changed his route and ran behind Thorax, stabbed him, and then continued running towards Abaddon.

Also attacking Abaddon was Thrall. This Eldar warrior was faster than the others, but he was still not faster than the explosive bomb. There was a explosive bomb in his path, but he had not yet reacted.

Gray ran up to Thrall again and knocked him away, then continued running towards Abaddon, past the Space Marines of the Black Legion, past Abaddon's chosen, and finally came to Abaddon.

Just when Gray was about to press on Abaddon, Gray suddenly noticed that the sword with the twisted and painful face suddenly lit up.

The gravity shield expires after two microseconds.

The Warmaster was waiting, swinging his magic sword.

The sky-high braid swung powerfully with the War Commander's movements, and the hair was flying in the air.

Gray easily avoided the edge of the magic sword and slashed at Abaddon's neck with the chain sword in both hands.

But before the chainsword's teeth could touch Abaddon, Gray's bioprocessor signaled an injury.

Gray's sword-wielding arm was deflected by the attack, only cutting off Abaddon's arm.

Bullet time ends and everything returns to normal.

"You ant!" Abaddon, who was missing an arm, was extremely angry and slashed Gray with his magic sword.

Gray raised his chain sword and tried to block the sword, but the magic sword easily cut through the chain sword's body.

Finally, when he was about to be split into two by the magic sword, Gray teleported to the other side of the battlefield.

"How..." Gray lowered his head and saw Abaddon's arm stuck on his chest. This arm was equipped with a weapon called the Claw of Horus, which could easily penetrate the adamantine ribs and grasp a fusion reactor. .

The biological processor replays and analyzes the previous battle.

The gravity shield restarted in less than a microsecond after being turned off, but it did not crush Abaddon to death. The reason is not yet clear... Anyway, it was detected that the magic sword released psychic energy.

Abaddon did not expect to use the magic sword to kill Gray, who was quickly approaching him. It was just a cover. He waved the sword and punched Gray on the way to attack.

After the analysis, the bioprocessor's combat system rated Abaddon as the enemy with the greatest combat skills and experience among all Gray's enemies.

"It's really powerful." Gray put away the broken chain sword and used the shotgun laser to smash the arm left on the chest.

The Claw of Horus still remained in Gray's body, but he felt no pain, and there was no time to remove the Claw.

Gray looked up at Abaddon, and Abaddon looked at him.

The fight just now made Gray realize that he was not as good as Abaddon in terms of combat experience. Even if he turned on bullet time, he would only cut off one of his arms, nothing more.

Gray realized that he had no combat experience. If he wanted to complete the beheading operation, he would have to pay a price. Forget about successfully beheading and escaping alive. The final result may be to die together...

It doesn't matter.

In Gray's view, some things have to pay a price. For example, in order to be able to deal with powerful opponents with rich combat experience, the guards have to give up their lives and accept the transformation into killing machines.

If Abaddon could be killed by paying the price of his life, then Gray would pay that price.

"Come again." Abaddon raised his magic sword and pointed it at Gray.

Abaddon's chosen ones have gathered around the Warmaster. They are the lieutenants with the best equipment and fighting skills. They will ensure that Gray cannot approach the Warmaster a second time.

Gray stood up and activated his jetpack, rushing towards Abaddon at great speed.

The lieutenants also rushed towards Gray.

Praetorians are not as tall as Space Marines, but as such they are more agile and have nothing to stand in their way as they move across the battlefield.

"Cover him!" Foros pulled out the power spear from the corpse and prepared to lead a team closer to Gray to rush to Gray's side.

But Gray glanced at Flowers while advancing. This was not the first time that the two fought side by side. Flowers quickly understood what Gray meant.

Six Lamenters wearing Terminator armor gathered around Foros. They were led by the Chapter Master in a circle and approached Gray from another direction.

Gray was quickly intercepted by Abaddon's chosen ones, and he escaped from his power armor as he continued forward.

The Praetorian Power Armor is like a living thing. Even if there is no operator inside, it can still continue to fight, just like the clone of the Praetorian.

While advancing with the power armor, Gray took out the fusion reactor near the spine of his abdomen and threw it forward.

The fusion reactor exploded the moment it hit the ground, and the flames engulfed everything within a ten-meter radius. The armor and bodies of Abaddon's chosen ones were burned to ashes, and Gray and his power armor were also engulfed in flames.

After the flames dissipated, the guard's power armor was still moving forward side by side with its master, and it began to clear the way for his master.

Gray was not dead. When he rushed out of the flames, the bionic skin all over his body was burning, and a large area of ​​metal skeleton was exposed on his body. He looked like a burning iron skeleton running forward.

Gray was just one part of the battlefield, the entire vast platform was now filled with battle.

The ghosts of space warriors who are covered in flames, the werewolves who tear the flesh of their enemies, the weepers who are famous for being extremely poor but are all wearing Terminators at this time, and the iron skeleton who rushes towards Abaddon at all costs, and the weepers who are not controlled by anyone. Powered armor that fights like a human being.

Everything on the battlefield was seen by the judge Greyfax.

"What kind of monsters are these..."

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