Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 241 Stealth Plug-in

ten minutes later.

Gray and his team rode the piston structure in the celestial engine satellite to the depths of the satellite, which is near the master control device.

The visor of the guard's power armor has always displayed the whereabouts of Abaddon and others, and they have also arrived near the master control device.

The two sides can meet each other as long as they turn around an intersection.

Gray stopped and projected the image displayed on his visor onto the wall so that others in the team could see the image.

Captain Gaius raised his hand to make a tactical gesture, and his men immediately stopped and hid. The strong and huge body moved without making a sound, and was soon hidden in the shadows behind the wall.

Greyfax drew out her rapier and one-handed crossbow, and loaded a bolt into the one-handed crossbow. She did not intend to use arrows now.

Grote and his guards activated the rapid self-inspection program, which quickly checked the power armor and weapons to ensure that they would not fall off in the future.

"This is for you." Gray suddenly handed the Gravity Scepter to Groat.

Grote was puzzled: "Why did you give this to me?"

"Just take it." Gray put the scepter into Grote's arms, and then took out the chain sword.

This chain sword is the one Qin Mo once used in the bottom nest.

At first, the chainsword was given to Yaoen by Qin Mo during the Tailong 2 landing battle. Then Yaoen realized that he had no special effect using the chainsword, so he asked Qin Mo if he could transfer the chainsword to Gray. After receiving permission, Gray became the new owner of the chainsword.

After using the chain sword for a while, Gray discovered that it did have a special effect, that is, the person holding the sword was more likely to gain the trust of others.

"We ambush them here." Gray whispered, "Help me contain them, and then I will rush out and chop off their commander's head."

Gaius and Greyfax both recalled Gray's performance just now and thought that he could indeed do it, so they agreed.

"Can't this thing generate a gravity field that can crush people?" Grote raised his scepter, "Why can't we just crush the enemy's commander?"

"Now is not the time to explain." Gray didn't elaborate to Grote. Anyway, he just didn't think it was feasible.

The Gravity Scepter does not instantly apply gravity enough to crush all objects to the target area, but gradually increases the gravity. The gravity will be raised to the limit in less than half a second, but no matter how fast this process is, it still takes time.

Anyone who has faced gravity weapons before will easily detect the change in gravity and avoid it.

"Enable the stealth plug-in and prepare for battle." Grote ordered the guards.

All members of the guard complied, and then gradually disappeared from the sight of others.

"Invisibility plug-in...How come I didn't know you had this thing in your power armor?" Gray asked in surprise.

A voice came from the blank space in his sight: "You were still in Agrippina when the invisible plug-in was developed."

"It's true that I haven't been back for several years." Gray nodded and climbed directly along the wall to the top of a hundred meters high to hide.

"I really don't want to stay in this damn place for a second."

"This place is too huge and twisted. I feel like an ant scurrying around in the fortress. I can't even tell the direction."

Thorax grumbled as he walked, grumbling all the way.

Every complaint was a challenge to Abaddon's patience, and the arm wearing the Claw of Horus clenched and creaked.

But Abaddon still held back, because he knew that Thorax just wanted to hear him scold him to get out, so that Thorax could leave directly.

"Keep complaining." Abaddon turned to stare at Thorax. "For the sake of helping me fight, I am happy to listen to your nonsense."

"Ha." Thorax stopped talking and became silent.

The group moved on.

A total of two hundred Chaos Space Marines walked in front of or behind Abaddon. The total number was much smaller than before. This was because some of them were sent out to scout and search for a more direct route to their destination.

"Why hasn't the reconnaissance team you sent out before come back?" Typhons asked suddenly.

"Maybe we can't be contacted. This place is like a maze, and there is strong electromagnetic interference. Communication is good and bad." Abaddon said, looking back at an adjutant.

The adjutant was constantly testing the communication, and when the communication was temporarily restored, he would contact people scattered elsewhere.

Since the communication was still interrupted, the adjutant shook his head at Abaddon.

"We can't rule out the possibility that they are dead." Abaddon looked away, then looked at a group of Terminators, motioning for them to go ahead.

A total of six people in the Black Legion Terminator team are all wearing Terminator power armor. If they are suddenly attacked, they can withstand the attack for a period of time and fight back.

"I only found two vortex missiles before, and one of them was returned to you. You have to use this vortex missile when you evacuate." Abaddon has already begun planning to evacuate after destroying the celestial engine.

The current fleet certainly cannot compete head-on with the Tyrone Navy, and may not even be able to reach Mandeville Point. If they want to evacuate, they must make good use of vortex missiles.

"I know." Typhons nodded.

Abaddon wanted to tell him something more, but the sudden collision made him swallow his words.

Everyone heard the collision, which was two muffled sounds, very slight muffled sounds, as if something was walking.

But nothing could be seen in sight.

The experience gained in countless battles over the past ten thousand years has made everyone realize that there is a high probability that there is an invisible enemy appearing nearby.

No matter whether there is an invisible enemy or not, you have to deal with it, otherwise it will be too late to regret it when you are attacked.

The Black Legion Terminator team immediately stopped and fired directly forward, while the others spread out to find bunkers and prepare for battle.

Two sparks flickered in the blank space directly in front of the passage, and then a large amount of blood spurted out. A man holding a scepter and wearing power armor was hit by the attack, and his body gradually appeared.

Abaddon saw the man suddenly teleport away just as he was about to be hit by more bolters. He was about to give the order to pursue when he suddenly heard the crunching sound of the armor of everyone in the Terminator team.

Abaddon immediately realized that the enemy had gravity weapons, but when he opened his mouth to warn, the Terminator team was crushed.

Then eighteen Space Marines ducked out from the end of the passage, stood sideways and opened fire.

The moment they saw them, Abaddon, Typhons, and Thorax were all surprised, because the armor worn by those Space Marines was the MK3 type power armor from 10,000 years ago. This model was already used in the 41st year before Antiques among antiques.

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