Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 242 A complicated person

There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides in the passage. There was no bunker inside the flat passage. The Space Marines could only use their strongest shoulder armor to resist the fire.

Groat was wounded, with an arm and a leg shattered by a blast, but he also managed to use the Gravity Scepter to annihilate a squad of enemy Terminators.

It was the first aid device integrated into the power armor that saved Groat's life. It not only activated emergency teleportation to send Groat behind the wall after being hit, but also inserted a steel needle into his spine, injecting anesthesia and Sedatives were administered, and the severed limb was rapidly cooled to stop bleeding.

The medic immediately rushed to Groat's side, placed a teleportation beacon, and used the teleported surgical tools and bionic prosthetics to treat his injuries.

Looking at Grote lying unconscious on the ground, Gray was in a daze for a few seconds. He felt that he had tricked Grote.

If he hadn't given him the Gravity Scepter, or if he could have stopped him when he rushed out, Groat would not have been seriously injured.

Gray looked towards the end of the passage, turning from trance to anger, roaring and throwing a beacon.

The beacon flickered in the dimly lit passage, looking like a bullet, and Abaddon immediately reached out to grab the beacon with his clawed hand.

The beacon flashes in the Claw of Horus and is connected to the biological processor in Gray's brain. Anywhere within the circular area of ​​​​50 meters in diameter of the beacon can be a transmission point.

The next second Gray appeared above Abaddon and swung his chainsword.

Because Gray appeared so suddenly, Abaddon had already seen Gray but was too late to resist the attack. Thorax, who was standing behind him, swung his chain ax and struck Gray.

Gray suddenly disappeared when he was about to be hit by the chain axe, and was teleported behind Thorax again. The moment his body separated from the dimensional space, he drew his sword and cut off Thorax's right shoulder and arm together.

"Bastard!" Thorax was inspired by the Butcher's Nail to fight, and kept swinging the chain ax at Gray, but Gray disappeared into the dimension space again.

"Retreat!" Abaddon kept waving the magic sword. Even though there were no enemies around him, he still attacked, trying to use such a simple and plain method to deal with powerful enemies who could teleport.

Thorax ignored the Warmaster's orders, panting and looking for the enemy, and even wanted to rush to the end of the tunnel to fight with the enemy.

As a member of the original World Eater Legion, Thorax also has the Butcher's Nail on his head. Although the Butcher's Nail has a weak effect on him, it is effective after all.

Thorax's men were also inspired to fight. They knocked away the Black Legion Space Marines at the front and rushed to the end of the passage with explosive bombs.

"Listen to the Warmaster!" Typhons hit Thorax on the head with the scythe handle, which really woke him up a lot.

Thorax roared an order to his men who were rushing forward, ordering them to roll back immediately and retreat.

Abaddon and his party quickly left the passage and rushed to a very vast area.

After the firefight ended, Gray teleported directly and appeared in front of Grote. He scanned his old friend's injuries and confirmed that he would not die.

Grote was also awake, leaning in the arms of Ogryn named Lute. His only remaining arm was in poor condition. Three fingers might have been amputated by bomb fragments. This hand was clutching tightly. Gravity Scepter.

"I shouldn't have given you this scepter." Gray reached out and grabbed the blood-stained scepter. He originally wanted to give Groot a fighting chance against the Space Marines, so that he could at least protect himself in the most critical moment.

However, Grote rushed out before the firefight and took the initiative to attack with the gravity scepter. This was simply suicide.

"Hahaha..." Grote smiled with satisfaction, "Did you see it, I killed six Terminators, six Terminators! Hahaha!"

Gaius on the side stepped forward and pulled Gray aside, whispering: "This friend of yours is not mentally healthy and has self-destructive tendencies."

Gray strongly agreed with this: "How could a mentally healthy person give up his job of repairing logistics machinery and choose to continue to join the army?"

After saying this, Gray felt regretful. He thought that ten years had passed and Groat would at least be different from when he was seeking death on the Tyrone 2. However, it turned out that Groat had not changed much.

Greyfax observed Groat and felt that this guy seemed to be corrupted and was not normal at all.

"Take our captain back to the planet." Gray ordered Grote's guard captain: "Your mission is over."

"I can continue to fight." Grote, who had just changed into a prosthetic body, immediately refused Gray's order.

Gaius turned and looked down at Grote: "If he is your commander, then you must obey him, soldier."

"I agree with letting him stay and continue fighting." Greyfax suddenly expressed his stance.

"Go back immediately." Gray insisted on letting Grote leave, and even raised the shotgun laser on his arm to aim at him. "I order you to leave. You know the consequences of disobeying orders."

Grote looked at Gray indifferently, leaned against the wall slowly, and took a deep breath: "Just beat me to death."

Seeing that he couldn't scare Grote, Gray put his hand down and said in a pleading tone: "Get out of here, please."

Grote shook his head slowly: "They are all dead."

"What?" Gray frowned slightly.

"The 44th Regiment was reorganized before the attack on Tailong No. 2 ten years ago, and it is gone again today, ten years later."

Grote murmured as if in a daze, clutching his hair in pain with both hands, looking very painful.

"I thought the battle on Cadia was already the most intense, but the battle on the Celestial Engine refreshed my understanding."

"We teleported out, and as the body gradually took shape, I saw the Titan on the opposite side firing at the Glory of Agrippina. The volcano cannon roared, and the sound when it fired was really like a volcano erupting."

"The Titan was hit when it fired, its body tilted, and the volcano cannon hit our side..."

After hearing this, Gray realized that Grote was talking about the almost complete destruction of the 44th Regiment.

Because they were hit by stray bullets during the Titan battle, only the guards and the regiment leader were left in the 44th regiment, and even more than half of the guards were dead.

Gray also realizes that this incident has brought Groat to the edge of collapse.

"This is the real war." Gaius said as he recalled, "Your equipment is very sophisticated, but it is meaningless in a high-intensity war. In the war ten thousand years ago, my brothers and I were like this Soldiers are just casualties that increase with the passage of time in a war. The difference between us and ordinary people is that more or less people die in one second."

Gaius paused and continued: "A warrior as powerful as the original body cannot deal with the Titans alone, and war machines like the Titans will still be annihilated in a more intense war. Hasn't anyone told you? Titan Graveyard story?”

After speaking, Gaius reached out to pick up Grote and patted his shoulder: "If you are not ready to sacrifice, then you should find a weapons factory to hammer screws instead of commanding a regiment. "

"He has been prepared to sacrifice for a long time." Gray did not want Gaius to think that Grote was a coward, so he reminded him.

In Gray's eyes, Grote is a twisted and contradictory person.

Grote likes fighting and killing, and is always ready to die with his enemies, but he is also a sentimental and gentle person.

During the Underhive War in Tyron's Hive, Groat was the Praetorian Guard who responded to the most requests for help.

Gray still remembered that every time he and he responded to the call for help and ended the battle, Grote would stand on the battlefield and look at the corpse blankly, saying: "If I can come here faster and kill all the enemies faster, he will You can leave the nest and return to your family after the war, instead of lying in a bomb crater with missing arms and legs."

The Ogryn named Lute has a very good relationship with Grote. Being able to gain the trust of the Ogryns shows that he is not a cold and cruel guy.

"I just want to end it quickly. I'm tired." Grote limped toward the end of the passage.

"End of what?" Gray asked.

"Everything," Grote responded. He gradually adapted to the new prosthetic leg and no longer limped.

Gray was a little angry and helpless, and finally stopped stopping Grote and took him with him to pursue the enemy.

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