Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 240 The so-called truth

The two sides who met by chance in the "maze" ended their hostility and exchanged information with each other.

Gray informed Grayfax of the situation so far in the Battle of Cadia, and by the way, also informed her of the current time point, as well as the matters in the Tyrone sector.

Greyfax told what happened to him.

"I saw a silver, rickety figure. It looked like it was made of iron."

"Then I was frozen, and the feeling afterwards was that I slept for a long time, and when I opened my eyes again, I was here."

Greyfax explained, then looked at the Space Marines behind him: "They are the same as me, except they are older."

Gray looked at the Space Marines wearing ancient armor. The armor on these superhuman warriors was all blue.

After obtaining information from Gray, even these superhuman warriors found it difficult to accept the reality immediately.

"Is it already the nine hundred and ninety-ninth year of the forty-first millennium?"

"More than ten thousand years have passed...how is this possible? What happened to us?"

The Space Marines were in a daze for a while, and then their company commander reacted and asked Gray: "We are the soldiers of the Thirteenth Legion. Is our Legion okay? Does Ultramar still exist?"

"It's a war group, right?" Gray asked, "Astartes should all belong to a war group, there is no such thing as a legion."

Greyfax interrupted: "Yes, the war group was split from the legion."

"Anyway, the legion is definitely gone. The war groups that the legion was split into are still there, and Ultramar should still exist." Gray said very vaguely, because he didn't know the specific situation.

The Tyrone Sector is too far away from Ultramar, and no one has ever visited it.

However, Gray recalled that when he paid attention to the Battle of Cadia, he saw some Space Marines with blue armor participating in the battle. Ultramar must still exist and be prosperous.

"How is our genetic father doing?" the company commander asked again.

How could Gray know who the genetic father was? It was Greyfax who answered this question: "You don't even know that the original gene of the Thirteenth Legion was seriously injured? He must be lying in the stasis field now, sleeping like you. a thousand years."

"Aren't you from ten thousand years ago?" Grote, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"Of course I'm not." Greyfax shook his head.

"You must have been imprisoned by something instead of sleeping. You were released by that thing when you woke up now." Gray speculated.

Greyfax turned his head to look at the Space Marines, recalled the Iron Skeleton he had seen, and immediately nodded in approval.

After exchanging information, Gray took out something that looked like a grenade, but this thing was not a grenade but a new type of teleportation protection device, used to generate a large-scale teleportation barrier.

"I can teleport you to Cadia, and you will have time to slow down and adapt to this era." Gray projected the images of Abaddon and others, "Or you can stay and go kill with me. Commander-in-Chief of the Enemy Army.”

"We want to stay and fight the traitors." The ten thousand-year-old veterans of the Thirteenth Legion decided to stay without hesitation.

Gray looked at Greyfax again.

The latter also decided to stay: "It is also my duty to eliminate the traitors."

Greyfax left an excellent impression on Gray through these words, but Gray did not know that Greyfax's real intention was to stay and observe the Tyrone people.

The Inquisitor has one judgment about the Tyrones, including Gray: they are a group of heretics who use unknown and uncensored technology.

The Tyrones did fight so that Cadia could continue to stand, but among the many heretics Greyfax had tried were many who were willing to give their all to humanity and the Imperium, and then went astray.

"Do you have a way to deal with witchcraft?" Gray suddenly asked, "There are many enemies who are good at using witchcraft. You are the judge, so you should have a way to counter it."

"There is no such thing as witchcraft." Greyfax said a reply that surprised Gray.

The Space Marine Captain on the side echoed: "There is no witchcraft in the universe, there are only phenomena that cannot be explained by science for the time being. But as long as science and technology continue to improve, we will one day be able to explain all strange phenomena."

The company commander's subordinates also offered words of advice.

"Keep in mind the emperor's teachings, stay rational, advocate science, and put an end to ignorance."

"How can you people in the 41st millennium say the word witchcraft? Even if the Tyrone star region is too remote and remote, ten thousand years have passed. Has the truth not spread to you yet?"

"Captain Gaius is right, there is no witchcraft at all, there are only things that we cannot explain scientifically yet."


Gray and Grote looked at each other, both of them confused.

The Tyrone sector is a sector where even the priests of the state religion will be infected with the plague of unbelief. The power of the state religion is not strong in the sector, but this does not mean that the people of Tyrone are all rational and scientific, so the teachings of the Space Marines are in Gray and others It sounds incredible.

"The Emperor is not a god?" Groat asked.

"Of course not, why do you think the Emperor is a god?" The company commander named Gaius was surprised. He pondered for a few seconds and then suddenly asked: "Have there been any guys who like tattoos on their faces who have been to your sector? ?”

Grote was shocked. He couldn't believe that the God-Emperor's angel would deny that the God-Emperor was a god.

Gaius was also greatly shocked. He couldn't believe that after 10,000 years, there were still people who thought the Emperor was a god. Could it be that the Imperial truth promoted by the Emperor had not spread to the entire human race after 10,000 years?

"In fact, we have always believed in science." Gray patted Grote, suggesting that he end the topic quickly.

Grote felt strange, but he also knew that now was not the time to argue: "Yes, we have always believed in science, otherwise how could we Tyrone people build a celestial engine."

After hearing this, Gaius looked around and suddenly said happily: "What I saw are the purest scientific creations. It seems that there are only a few people in your Tyrone star region who have not yet escaped from ignorance."

"Yes." Gray nodded in agreement, then walked ahead to lead the way.

Groot and his guards immediately followed, with Greyfax walking in the middle of the group. The Space Marines habitually formed tactical formations, scattered at the front and rear of the group.

"My company and I will go to the Tyrone sector after the war." Gaius said as he walked. "We will be teachers in your school for a period of time to thoroughly popularize the Empire's truth to you."

Gray agreed helplessly: "That's great."

Greyfax on the side said nothing, feeling equally helpless. She also believed in the Imperial Truth, but she fell into slumber later than these Space Marines, knowing that except for some Space Marines and a few mortals, most people in the entire Empire did not believe in the Imperial Truth.

Brothers, let's take care of it for a few days. It will take at least three or four days before I can update as hard as before.

It is better not to regret this hemorrhoid. I could still sit before, but now I feel uncomfortable lying on my side or with my head up. I can only lie on my stomach. Every time I take the car to the hospital to get medicine, it feels like torture. The doctor said that I have recovered well and will take good care of myself for a few days. The pain should go away if you sit and walk less.

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