The crowd continued to go deeper into the ground. With the assistance of power armor, they advanced at an alarming speed, and soon reached a kilometer underground.

The terrain here is a bit strange, it looks like a maze.

Groat's power armor releases a scanning wave, which detects the nearby terrain and generates a three-dimensional model displayed in the visor.

After looking at the model, Grote realized that he was actually in the fire control device of the weapons array.

This fire control device has a very large processor, and the maze is on the processor, just like a circuit.

After advancing for a while, a gunshot was suddenly heard from the corner ahead, and everyone immediately leaned against the wall at the corner.

Both the standard model and the Guard type power armor release scanning waves.

The scan results showed that there was a group of people fighting in the straight passage behind the corner in front. The intelligent system in the power armor compared the clothing and weapons of those people with the information in the database, and finally judged that some of them were friendly forces, and the other part were friendly forces. enemy.

"One female Inquisitor, eighteen Space Marines, these are friendly forces." Gray conveyed the message through the communication channel, "The enemy is fifty Space Marines."

"Judge? Why is there a judge here?" Grote was shocked. He had long expected to encounter enemies, but he just didn't expect that there would be an Inquisitor under the satellite's surface.

The only reason that can explain the appearance of this inquisitor here is that she has been lurking here a long time ago. She was discovered when the enemy penetrated deep into the underground of the satellite, and was then involved in the battle.

"Damn the Inquisition." Grote gritted his teeth, "Kill them all."

Gray shook his head, "We have to help them."

The relationship between the Inquisition and the Tyrone Sector has always been very bad. Although he did not know why the Inquisitor appeared in the satellite, Gray still planned to do a favor and ease the tense relationship between the Inquisition and the Tyrone Sector.

In addition, Gray did not think that the Inquisitor was lurking here, because no matter whether the celestial engine was normal or damaged, no creature on the celestial engine could escape surveillance.

"You are a guard, I have to listen to you." Grote nodded helplessly, "Come on."

"let's go……"

Grote's voice sounded very drawn out to Gray because he turned on bullet time.

Gray quickly burst out of the wall and ran around the corner.

Eighteen Space Marines were protecting the Inquisitor while engaging the enemy.

These were models of Space Marine power armor that Gray had never seen before, and they looked ancient.

The female inquisitor was holding a one-handed crossbow and was shooting at the Chaos Space Marines at the end of the passage between the shoulder armors of the Space Marines.

Gray weaved between the slow-flying arrows and bolters, and finally rushed to the side of the fifty Chaos Space Marines, killing five enemies in succession before the bullet time expired.

In the eyes of others, time did not slow down. They saw a figure suddenly join the battle and kill five Chaos Space Marines across a distance of hundreds of meters, and all this was completed in an instant.

"Concentrated fire!" The Chaos Space Marines reacted and fired at Gray who was out of bullet time. All these bombs were intercepted by Gray's activated gravity shield.

Gray stood there facing the enemy's attack, took out a beacon from his backpack and threw it on the ground.

A rift opened up behind the Chaos Space Marines, and Groot and his guards emerged from the dimension and attacked.

"Lute is going to kill the big one!" Ogryn named Lute roared and charged forward, scattering the formation of Chaos Space Marines.

The Inquisitor and the Space Marines protecting her joined the fight.

The battle ends when the last enemy's helmet is pierced by a crossbow bolt.

The female inquisitor walked up to the corpse, raised her right leg wearing a high-heeled boot and stepped on the head of the corpse, leaned down and pulled out the arrow.

After putting away the arrow, the Inquisitor turned his head to look at Gray.

Gray also looked at the Inquisitor.

This female judge is armed with a one-handed crossbow and a rapier. These two weapons are not ordinary cold weapons. They may have a power field attached. Even a thin-looking rapier can easily penetrate power armor.

"Who are you?" asked the judge.

"Tyrone Army." Gray only said these four words without explaining his identity.

"Tyron's Army?" The female inquisitor was very confused, raising a one-handed crossbow and pointing it at Gray's head, "Where am I? Why am I here? Also, why don't I remember that there is a unit called Tyron's Army in the Astra Militarum? ?I order you to answer my questions."

This question confused Gray.

The female inquisitor in front of me didn't even know where she was, so why did she appear on the celestial engine?

Besides, how could anyone in this galaxy not know that there is an ally like Tyron Army...

After thinking for a while, Gray answered the female inquisitor's question: "You are on the celestial engine near Cadia. I don't know why you are here. The Tyron Army does not belong to the Astra Militarum, but to the Tyron Sector. force."

"Not part of the Astra Militarum?" The female inquisitor seemed to have heard something extremely offensive, her eyes were extremely cold, and her index finger was already on the trigger of the one-handed crossbow.

The Space Marines behind the Inquisitor raised their bolters and aimed at Groot and the others behind Gray.

"Don't... aim at... Lute's captain!" Lute roared angrily, and his huge body rushed towards the Space Marines.

"Come back!" Grote yelled and called Lute back.

If the two sides really wanted to fight, Lute would definitely die if he rushed over.

Lute actually listened to Grote's words and ran back the same way as soon as he was stopped.

The Inquisitor looked at Ogryn in power armor, and recalled the scene where these people were suddenly teleported to fight behind the enemy. She had only one feeling, and that was that it was all too heretical.

"Put down the one-handed crossbow for me." Gray glanced at the gravity scepter in his hand, "I don't want to kill anymore...I don't want to kill the inquisitor, but if I have to do it, no one will know that you died here."

The Inquisitor thought for a moment, recalling the scene where Gray killed five Space Marines in an instant, and then realized that he would really die quietly.

It's not worth it.

"I thought you were enemies." The Inquisitor put away his one-handed crossbow and rapier, and pointed at the Space Marines behind him, "These people and I suddenly appeared here. It feels... like we have slept for a long time. I woke up and appeared here."

The Space Marines also wanted to know why they were here. They immediately nodded in agreement, and one of the Space Marines said, "Can you please tell me if Terra has been rescued?"

Gray didn't believe what the judge said and thought she was talking nonsense, but he didn't expose it immediately: "These questions are not important for the time being. Can you tell me your name, madam."

"Greyfax," the Inquisitor answered.

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