Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 238 Heat Dissipation Channel

"This iron planet is being burned by the fire of war I brought!"

Abaddon was located far away from the front line, standing on a huge square building called a cooling warehouse, with a clear view of the entire battlefield.

Looking at the armies of both sides fighting on the Metal Plain, a sense of pride arose in Abaddon's heart.

This war started when the fleet was suddenly attacked by an arc on the Iron Planet and had to evacuate. It has been fighting until now, and finally the war has been brought to the Iron Planet.

Abaddon doesn't think he is a victorious general, but he thinks he is definitely a person who gets up wherever he falls.

"We still have two iron planets to burn, so we have to hurry up." Typhons said something to ruin the atmosphere, turned around and walked back.

"Don't be too proud. The enemy also has Titan legions." Thorax also turned around and followed Typhons.

Abaddon was very dissatisfied with these two people, but he had to admit that they were right. The most important task now was not to watch the war or participate in the war, but to immediately find a way to paralyze the iron planet that everyone was on.

In order to carry out this strategy, Typhons found his wizard and asked him to create an auspicious omen.

This augury, which is covered with pustules and tentacles and looks like a living creature, is one of the treasures of Typhons. It has magical abilities. You only need to speak your target to the meat horn on the augury, and the augury will A route will automatically be displayed.

"I'm going to paralyze this iron planet, destroy its power system or make it stop spinning and collapse on its own." Typhons said to the auspicious instrument.

The whiskers on the oriole swung in a circle, and then a light spot and the route to that light spot were displayed on the screen of the mechanical structure.

Typhonus and Thorax immediately set out with the Warmaster.

Except for Thorax, who only brought twenty elite warriors, Abaddon and Typhons not only brought hundreds of elite warriors with thousands of years of veterans, but also brought all their lieutenants.

The group of people was guided into the cooling warehouse, quickly moved forward in the cooling warehouse, and found a passage leading to the underground of the satellite.

"Didn't you notice that there are no guards on this iron planet?" Thorax asked as he walked.

"If you exclude those who are fighting on the surface, there are indeed no guards on the Iron Planet," Abaddon said.

Typhons on the side didn't interrupt. He was concentrating on the oracle and leading the way.

"The situation is favorable to us," Abaddon continued. "While the enemy focuses their attention on the surface, we can quietly destroy this iron planet and then move on to the next iron planet... Or we can Do something simpler and more straightforward.”

Thorax looked at Abaddon: "Something simple and direct?"

"Find a way to make this iron planet hit Cadia." Abaddon said, looking back at the entourage behind him. At the center of a team of more than two hundred Space Marines, two Black Mechanicus personnel were being guarded. Keep moving forward.

"Just let the Iron Planet work for you," Thorax said.

"Wouldn't that be better?" Abaddon smiled and nodded.

"It's a beautiful thought."

Gray looked away from the surveillance image projected by his visor.

What Abaddon and his party didn't know was that they had never been "quiet".

The Celestial Engine's satellite structure is littered with recorders, which can be found in everything from walls to floors to mechanical structures.

Abaddon is being monitored by a surveillance network, and his whereabouts are unilaterally transparent to Gray.

"Since you know the whereabouts of that guy, why didn't you just run over and kill him before?"

The person who asked this question was Grote.

Grote is now the commander of the 44th Regiment.

Just five minutes ago, Creed had detached the Tyron Army's 44th Regiment from Cadia and dropped it into the ongoing war on the Celestial Engine satellite structure.

While being transported from Cadia to the vicinity of the satellite battlefield, some stray bullets fell on the transmission point of the 44th Regiment.

Stray bullets from the battle between Titans on both sides.

Hell cannons, volcano cannons, missiles and so on.

The 44th Regiment lost nine thousand men, leaving only Groat and his hundred-man guard alive, and then they were besieged by the Chaos Space Marines...

Gray happened to be on a beheading mission when he encountered Groot who was fighting hard and rescued him and his guards.

Grote now accompanies Gray on a mission to behead the enemy commander.

"The enemy commander was just next to his Titan Legion. Do I have to rush all the way to the Titan Legion and then kill the enemy commander under various concentrated fire attacks?" Gray was very helpless, "Are you serious?"

Grote grinned: "I thought the transformed guards were omnipotent."

Gray reluctantly got up and rushed towards the target location.

"Move." Grote ordered his guards, leading them to follow Gray.

The path everyone was heading forward looked similar to a corridor, but it was not a corridor, but a pipe with heat dissipation holes used to discharge heat energy to the weapon array.

When the weapon array fires, heat energy will be extracted into the pipe and then released along the heat dissipation holes.

Groat looked to his left as he walked in the pipe. He could see the ground at neck level through the heat vents and the battle going on above his head.

The Ohm Messiah Blade Legion had just destroyed two enemy warlord-class Titans. These divine machines and the troops at their feet had just advanced the battle line to the position above Groot's head.

Grote soon saw a giant object fly overhead and hit the ground with a deafening roar.

Then a second giant object flew overhead and hit the ground again.

When Groat moved closer to the heat vent and glanced upward, he recognized that the two giant objects were the legs of the Warmaster-class Titan.

The god's machine named Agrippina's Glory advanced forward. It looked like a moving mountain, which shot out huge beams of light as it moved.

More Titans passed over Groat's head. A minute later, a Baneblade tank of the Astra Militarum armored force passed above. Because of its speed, it slammed into the head of a Reaver-class Titan. On the energy shield.

"For the throne! For Cardia!"

"For the Ohm Messiah."

A large group of skitarii and Cadian infantry ran howling from above, and then the roar suddenly stopped as they seemed to be hit by the knight's missile.

Grote was surprised. The war was going on above them. There was only a metal floor of less than half a meter blocking the artillery fire and the inside of the pipeline, but the artillery fire couldn't get in, and even the vibrations couldn't be transmitted inside.

After walking for a while, Gray led everyone to a corner that went deep into the ground.

Gray said something as he led the group into the corner, but his words were drowned out by the sound of the Titan's whistle, and the others heard nothing.

I just came back from the hospital and am writing with all my might

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