Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 229 Studying the Black Stone

"I understand." The stone man also agreed to let the army face the devil.

It can directly use the computing power of a huge master control device like a mountain to deduce the future, or it can let the situation develop and witness the results before returning to the past. But even without these auxiliary means, the stone man can understand that Carlos can please Tzeentch. The consequences are unbearable.

"The Celestial Engine does not need to be involved in the battle on the ground. The Tyrone Navy will be responsible for supporting the ground forces in orbit." Qin Mo was about to leave Creed's office, but he had to arrange some things before leaving.

When Qin Mo raised his hand, an image was implanted in Creed's mind.

The coming psykers, the command of Tyron's Army, and the Blackstone Obelisk on Cadia, the Thirteenth Regiment of Tyron's specialized anti-psyker force, and the Soulless Praetorian Guard named Yaun, To'ok Psykers will suddenly appear on the plains, and these psykers will unleash demons on Cadia...

The key point is that the psyker appeared and the celestial engine returned to the past when the situation was irreversible. This cycle has continued for more than a dozen times.

Creed learned the details of each reincarnation through the pictures in his mind.

Only then did he realize that the metal planet floating in the universe was not only a terrifying war machine, but also had the ability to go back in time.

But Creed didn't feel too surprised. From the beginning of Trek to the Tyrone Galaxy to now, he had seen too many magical technological creations, and he was already a little numb.

Creed then just took a minute to digest the large amount of information he had received, and then make arrangements for the upcoming battle.

The regular troops on the Toyoko Plain were ordered to evacuate to the edge of the plain, and then the Titan Legion and the Mechanicum's hundreds of aircraft stationed outside the plain were dispatched...

After issuing a series of orders, Creed looked up at Qin Mo and opened his mouth to ask something, but for a moment he didn't know what to ask.

Creed had too many questions in his mind.

Why would a psyker appear in Cadia an hour later, and how could a psyker unleash a demon...and what about the demon?

In the end, all these questions were suppressed by Creed. He understood that the most important thing at the moment was not seeking knowledge but fighting.

"Protect yourself." Qin Mo gave one final instruction before disappearing in front of Creed.

Qin Mo distorted his coordinates and teleported himself under an array of black stone obelisks.

This is a place similar to a master control room. The Cadian people don't even know that there is such a place under the array of black stone obelisks.

The first person to come here should have been Belisarius Caul, but because the Thirteenth Black Expedition deviated from the original development trajectory, now Qin Mo can only study these black creations himself.

Qin Mo is not just doing something temporary. He had plans to study the black stone before coming to Cadia. During the time when Cadia was bombed by the Chaos Fleet, he ordered the master intelligence to build it for data collection. logistics machinery.

These logistics machines were produced, and they were automatically released after the celestial engine arrived in the Cadia system.

One hundred logistics machines immediately went to the vicinity of the Black Stone Obelisk to collect data after landing on Cadia.

As of today, the logistics machines have not collected enough data, and they still need some time.

"You can go to Mars and ask the Void Dragon about how to use the black stone. Do you want me to teleport Ms. Vanessa to your location?" asked the stone man in the celestial engine.

The reason why the Stone Man asked this was because there was some information about the Black Stone in its database. The information showed that the Black Stone technology was developed by the Void Dragon, and a fragment of the Void Dragon was being imprisoned on Mars.

If you want to quickly learn how to use black stones, the simplest and most direct way is to go to Mars and ask.

But the prerequisite for going to Mars is to find someone who can speak at the top of the empire to get permission, and Vanessa is this person.

"There's not much feasibility." Qin Mo rejected it directly.

In Qin Mo's opinion, the Void Dragon that was once defeated by the Emperor and imprisoned in Mars was just a fragment, and it might not even know what it was.

[Data collection progress: 90%. 】

A logistics machine sent progress information to Qin Mo.

The reason why these data-collecting logistics machines can give progress is because what they do is itself quantifiable. They are not directly studying the use of the black stone obelisk, but detecting the material composition of the black stone obelisk. Basic information such as physical properties.

While waiting, Qin Mo looked at the data that had been collected.

Blackstone is a product of the physical universe, there is no doubt about it, it is a mineral in its own right.

What puzzles Qin Mo is that he cannot directly analyze and manipulate the black stone.

Qin Mo can directly sense and manipulate minerals such as iron and copper, and can also analyze the properties of these minerals. Otherwise, he would not be able to rub the orbital dock when he was in the bottom nest.

The feeling of the black stone to Qin Mo is hazy and unknown... But this is not a big problem. As long as the black stone is not a subspace thing, it can be used. It just requires one more step of research.

[Data collection completed. 】

[A list of black stone material components is being generated...A list of energy reactions is being generated...]

A series of information was input into Qin Mo's brain, and he immediately started researching ways to use the black stone.

When the black stone is no longer obscure and unknown to Qin Mo, it only takes less than three hours to study the use of the black stone.

Northern Toyoko Plain.

The Astra Militarum have established a defensive perimeter.

Twenty regiments of the Cadian Assault Army and five regiments of the Mordian Iron Guard were deployed on the defense line. They did not need to build their own fortifications because a large number of logistics machinery was being deployed to Cadia through torpedoes. The transmission device rushed to the battlefield and printed out the fortifications in a way that made the soldiers feel incredible.

The area between the northern part of the Toyoko Plain and Milak Bastion is still a plain, and there are no terrain advantages available here.

Logistics machinery prints fortresses that can accommodate 5,000 people on the flat ground, building one every one kilometer.

The gaps between each two forts were filled by a dense group of bunkers, and a large number of mines and barbed wire were placed in front of the fortifications.

The layout of the defense lines in the four directions of the Toyoko Plain is the same as that in the north, except that the south, where the terrain is the worst, is assisted by the Titan Legion.

The Tyrone Army does not deploy defenses on any line of defense, because Creed believes that the correct way to use the Tyrone Army, which has the advantage of teleportation, is not to place it on the defense line.

In addition to the troops already on the defense line, those participating in the defensive battle also included the Battle Sisters and Space Marines who were rushing to the defense line. These people were reinforcements that had been transported to Cadia by Tyrone cargo ships.

Twenty percent of the total force is expected to be deployed across the plains.

The reason why Creed did not put all his troops on the plains was simple.

Those psykers who transport demons do not have to appear on the Toyoko Plain. Since the first wave of attacks can start on the plain, why can't it start directly near Miraak Bastion or even in the center?

But Creed decided to set up defenses on the Toyoko Plain instead of dividing the troops on the plain into various bastions.

The reason is that in the information shown in Creed's mind before Qin Mo left, the enemy tried to release more psykers into the Toyoko Plain in every reincarnation.

There must be a reason for this.

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