Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 230 Carlos’ trump card

Half an hour later.

The psykers appeared in the heart of the Toyoko Plains at exactly 9:09 AM, a thousand psykers appearing at the same time.

The flesh of the psykers began to twist and combine into fleshy structures that looked like doors, from which the first daemon emerged.

This time they were not facing the one hundred and one soulless men of the Thirteenth Regiment, but the Celestial Engine.

After the rotation came to a stop facing the satellite structure facing the Toyoko Plain, a row of light spear launchers on it opened fire on the psykers on the ground.

The giant beam of light fell in the center of the Toyoko Plain. The door made of the flesh and blood of the psykers and the demons that had just emerged were instantly banished back to the subspace. Only a giant pit with a diameter of one kilometer was left in the center of the plain, and the echo in the deep. The remaining psychic energy in the pit.

The temperature dropped sharply, psychic energy gathered, and a psychic door was opened instantly. Carlos, the great demon of Tzeentch, appeared in the center of the pit with a mortal psyker.

The second light spear has fallen. When Carlos raised his head, he could see the crimson beam penetrating the atmosphere. However, it was not worried about being exiled by this beam, nor did it use psychic spells to resist the attack. It was just looking nearby. thing.

One coordinate, one mark.

Carlos found the mark and tapped the ground with the Staff of Tomorrow, and the psyker next to him instantly grew crystals.

The blue crystals spread around the psyker until they covered the entire pit, forming a strange area made of crystals.

It all happened extremely quickly, as the spears of light fired from the celestial engines fell and were refracted back by the crystals.

The satellite structure of the celestial engine was hit by his own attack. Fortunately, the stone man did not want to blow up Cadia, so he did not fire with all his strength. The light spear only caused the energy shield carried by the satellite structure to flash in a small range.

Carlos stood at the center of the crystal area, looking at the past and the future as psykers one after another appeared in the crystal area and turned into doors.

In the past, Kalos stood on the battlefield of the Crystal Demon Realm. The Lord of Change it served briefly withdrew his eyes from the eternal battle, glanced at the battlefield and then looked into the depths of the subspace.

The Eye of Terror and the rift in the system empowered the Lord of Change to interfere, marking Cadia and a psyker soul projection.

In the future, the crystal area spread out by the mark has become a forbidden area for mortals. No attacks or mortals can enter here. Countless demons emerge from the crystal area to attack the defense lines around the plain, or are teleported to other places to attack the bastion.

The book of destiny on the Stick of Tomorrow flipped rapidly, and everything that was about to happen appeared on the page.

Even the slightest actions of a mortal soldier are written on the page, but the Book of Destiny opens blank after thirty minutes, followed by a recording of unclear meaning.

[There was a dead man in the Tyrone Galaxy. He and his wife died of starvation. A businessman sold their ashes. His ashes were made into torpedoes and launched by the Eternal in a battle. 】

The Book of Destiny continues to turn pages, and the next page says that the crystal area will be dispelled, and Carlos will escape because of his slight distrust of his master.

"I trust my master 100%!"

"Escape? What caused it?"

Carlos's two heads once again said opposite things. It couldn't figure out why there were gaps in the Book of Destiny, and whether the idea of ​​a dead man's ashes being made into a torpedo was too far gone?

But Carlos absolutely believed 100% in the Book of Destiny.

It was precisely because the Book of Destiny stated that this invasion would not be restarted by rogue means by the enemy that Carlos used the mark.

Carlos, who was puzzled, chose to wait and see.

Milak Bastion, inside the Cadian High Command.

A logistics machine is flying out of the command center. It just printed an image that allows Creed to have an overview of the whole situation.

Those present were not just Cadian senior officials, but also the generals of the Mordian Iron Guard, the Sisters of the Battle Sisters, the Wolf Lord Sven Bloodhowl, other Space Marine chapter leaders and think tanks, and the Praetorian Guard named Yaoen. …There are even Inquisitors.

All the great men of Cadia gathered together.

The holographic image quickly displays the entire battlefield situation in everyone's sight.

On the Toyoko Plain, demons swept through the defense lines in four directions like a flood.

Those little pink demons approached the defense line under the cover of other demons, and then spit out flames to burn the soldiers inside the fortifications. The soldiers who were burned to death did not even have ashes left, and the remaining soldiers took their positions and continued to fight.

Creed didn't need to explain the situation. Everyone present could realize that the tug-of-war on the Toyoko Plains could last for several days.

However, it is not just the enemies that appear on the Toyoko Plain. As time goes by, more and more locations with subspace energy reactions are marked on the images, which shows that "doors" have also been opened in other places. Fortunately, the celestial engine can erase them.

Everyone watching the battle had mixed reactions, Creed and the Space Marines were a little surprised.

The inquisitor and the nuns had complicated expressions. They looked at each other from time to time, and then showed helplessness on their faces.

Some people know and try to hide the existence of demons.

Some people don't know that demons exist, and if they knew they would be wiped out.

"My lord," a judge said with a smile, "before you let everyone come here, why don't you find a private place to talk to us first?"

“If you have any ideas about strategy you can just say it, we don’t need to go to a private place to talk about it,” Creed said.

Creed was stunned. He knew that if demons had spread enough to invade Cadia directly but most people in the empire did not know the existence of demons, then some information must have been concealed by some forces.

Concealment methods include but are not limited to cleaning up evidence and erasing witnesses.

"Haha, you are right." The judge smiled awkwardly and turned to look at the nun who had fought against demons.

The head nun raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"That area cannot be attacked." Creed reached out to the holographic image to operate it, but the crystal area on the plain was automatically displayed without him having to operate it.

At this time, every place in the crystal area was crowded with doors made of twisted flesh, and countless demons poured out of them every minute.

Creed looked at Yao En: "Based on your experience, can you dispel this place?"

Yaoen stood in the corner of the room, and he was immediately looked at with hatred by everyone.

"It should be possible, probably." Yaoen looked at the scene of demons squeezing demons on the video, feeling somewhat lacking in confidence.

From Yaoen's point of view, it would be easy for him to kill the guards alone, but the problem is that he alone cannot dispel the crystal area.

In addition, the people of the Thirteenth Regiment are 100% capable, but the crystal area cannot be attacked and cannot be teleported. If they kill all the way, how many people can survive to the crystal area is a question.

"I'm with you." Swain frowned and said, "We will help you, but if you, a guy who smells like wolf shit, dares to run away..."

"Be prepared and ask for any help you need." Creed interrupted Sven, "Be careful not to lose your life. I don't want to wait for your governor to come back and find that I am missing a capable person and a large group of untouchable people. .”

Yaoen nodded, then took out a small teleportation protection device from his jetpack and handed it to Swain.

Swain did not take the protective device and turned away after leaving a sentence: "We will use the airdrop pod."

I went to have my dressing changed today. I waited for a long time in the hospital. I am writing late.

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