"I advise you not to."

"Don't use melee combat against it, as there is a small chance it will hit you with its scepter."

Qin Mo knew Carlos, the ever-changing demon king Tzeentch quite well.

Carlos's fate is closely related to a thing called the Well of Eternity in Tzeentch's palace. The Well of Eternity contains all the knowledge of the past and the future. Tzeentch is very interested in this thing.

But the Well of Eternity was not created by Tzeentch. Even Tzeentch, one of the Four Gods of Chaos, didn’t know much about the Well of Eternity, so he sent a few demons down to test the depth. In the end, only Carlos came back, and it became Got two heads.

The scepter in Carlos's hand is called the Staff of Tomorrow. It was used to stir the Well of Eternity. The scepter itself was very powerful, but it became even more powerful after being used to stir the water in the Well of Eternity. It was used to stir the water in the Well of Eternity. The person hit will keep changing.

In addition to the Stick of Tomorrow, there is also the Book of Destiny. This book will record past and future events, and its contents will be rewritten due to changes in various factors.

Yao En didn't know these things. He was a warrior, not a scholar. He only needed to know what the demon in front of him was and what method he should use to kill it.

"I'll kill it with a shoulder cannon." Everything in Yaoen's field of vision quickly shrank and locked onto Carlos, who was standing one kilometer away.

But then an error occurred in the locking system, showing that Carlos was ten kilometers away, and then showing that it was right in front of him, and that he could only use manual shooting mode.

"Destroying Carlos is your mission, but it is not your current mission." Qin Mo suddenly stopped Yao En, "Everyone in the Thirteenth Regiment is dead. Let's load the file and start over."

Yao En didn't understand the meaning of reloading, so he nodded in a daze, and then asked: "What should I do next?"

"Just do something, anyway, this is not the first time or the second time."

The stone man in the celestial engine received an order to return to an hour ago.

The stone man detects the energy fluctuations spilling out of the dimensional space just like the first time, and then inputs the power of the Star God through the medium to fine-tune the dimensional space, thereby allowing the secret room in the mezzanine to return to the past.

This was not the first time he had done something like this, it had been repeated twelve times in a row before.

When he returned to the past for the second time, the first psyker appeared not at the locations 332 and 111, but directly north of the Toyoko Plain.

Then the Thirteenth Regiment was teleported and killed.

Then ten psykers appeared, scattered across Cadia, opening psionic portals and releasing the demon.

The Stones went back and started their third interception.

In the third interception, the Thirteenth Regiment was scattered across Cadia, killing the ten psykers.

Then a hundred psykers appeared, and this time things got out of control again.

The Stones went back in time for their fourth interception.

It feels like something is playing a game with itself, and both sides are constantly testing.

After the tenth attempt, the first psyker that appeared on Cadia was fixed at positions 332 and 311. The enemy seemed to realize that no matter where they placed the first psyker, the result would be They would all be killed by those who teleported there, so we simply stopped adjusting the locations where psykers appeared and just increased the number of psykers.

The stone man can guess what the opponent's strategy is: to continuously increase the number of psykers until he cannot change the outcome even if he teleports back to the past, and must accept that an army of demons will inevitably appear on Cadia.

This is why in his twelfth attempt just now, Yaoen saw an overwhelming number of psykers appearing on the plains.

"Strange." The stone man expressed his emotions in words for the first time.

It all seemed strange to the stone man.

The meteors in the previous prophecy represented the psykers that would appear on Cadia, but the problem was that the material universe was still our home field, and the enemy certainly could not add psykers to the material universe out of thin air.

So the question is, where did the many psykers that appeared in the last test come from?

After thinking about it, the stone man thought that the psykers might have been transferred. They might be anywhere in the galaxy, and then they were dragged into the subspace by some unusually powerful force, traveling through the subspace without the concept of time and distance. " Fly” to Cadia.

If it weren't for the existence of rifts in the galaxy, the enemy would most likely not be able to continuously transport psykers to Cadia. Because every time the psyker flew out of the rift.

Thinking along this line of thinking, the stone man believes that there are only two ways to prevent psykers from being sent to Cadia.

First, go back to the time point a hundred or even a thousand years ago and kill all the psykers in the galaxy. This way the enemy will be unable to transport psykers to Cadia later.

Second, close the rift in the galaxy.

After calculation, Shiren believed that the second method was more feasible, because the possibility that the enemy could mobilize psykers on the timeline was not ruled out, and killing all the psykers at a certain time point was unlikely to be effective.

The stone man's series of thoughts and judgments were transmitted to Qin Mo's metal body, and then communication was established so that Qin Mo could learn about the current situation and make a final judgment.

"It is indeed not feasible to kill all the psychics." Qin Mo first ruled out the first method provided by the stone man, "It is more realistic to close the rift."

There is only one way to close the rift, and that is to use the black stone obelisk on Cadia, but Qin Mo doesn't know how to use this thing at all.

The Black Stone Obelisk was indeed built with the help of the Star Gods, but not all Star Gods would use the Black Stone Obelisk. Probably only the Void Dragon would use it.

Every star god has things he can and can't do. For example, the Burner has a way to enter the webway.

Perhaps the caster had learned how to use the black stone from the Void Dragon, and it was even possible that it had played a role in the construction of the black stone, but Qin Mo had no memory of the caster in his mind.

"I must study the black stone." Qin Mo made a decision, and then ordered the stone man, "Continue to try to intercept the psyker, I need time."

The stone man calculated and responded: "Don't worry. Although every attempt cannot be successfully intercepted, this is the material universe, and I can delay time by constantly going back to the past."

"Forget it." Qin Mo didn't think this method of traveling back and forth was feasible.

Kalos has the Book of Destiny, and it may have seen the consequences of the stone man's decision to go back in time before it was made, but it still uses the tactic of adding fuel to the pile of psykers in every attempt. numbers, rather than just throwing thousands of psykers on Cadia at the start.

Every time the Stone Man goes back to the past, it will bring about changes. Tzeentch actually prefers change to conspiracy.

Qin Mo felt that Carlos was trying to please Tzeentch by cooperating with the Stone Man to induce changes. If this cycle continued and the consequences would be disastrous, Tzeentch might take action himself.

While the Eye of Terror still exists in the galaxy and a rift has been opened, Tzeentch will definitely bring a small subspace shock to Cadia.

"Are we going to let mortals fight demons... The database data shows that the Tribunal will kill anyone who knows the existence of demons." The stone man asked.

"Both the Cadian people and we must make a choice." Qin Mo said, "Whether to choose to fight the demon, or to let Carlos and you continue to trigger a series of changes to please its master."

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