Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 227 People like us

While the Tyrone Army and the Cadian Assault Army on the Toyoko Plain quickly evacuated, the Thirteenth Regiment had been quickly assembled and sent to the guard point.

"Highest alert!"

"There will definitely be actual combat next, so be prepared for me!"

Yaoen patrolled and shouted among his one hundred subordinates, and every soulless soldier in the Thirteenth Regiment listened quietly.

The advanced teleportation protection devices in these soldiers' power armor vibrated slightly. These advanced teleportation protection devices are always in a state of activation. When the teleportation against the Thirteenth Regiment begins, the protection devices will activate themselves.

The reason why the Thirteenth Regiment wears advanced protection devices is that they are originally a force used to deal with demons and deal with supernatural events. They have to compete with demons for teleportation speed.

In the material universe and subspace, it's not just the Tyrones who are great at teleportation.

"Why were we the only ones teleported here?" A soldier glanced at the coordinates in his visor. 332,111. Biometric scanners indicate no friendly forces nearby.

If there is a battle next, it is better to have friendly forces to assist. This is what the soldier thought.

When the soldier asked, he immediately attracted the attention of others. Everyone was surprised by this question, because no matter which world a soulless person grew up in, they would have been warned not to ask too many questions.

The reason may be because the soulless are hated by others and no one wants to say a word to them, or it may be because some things just cannot be known to too many people.

"Because there are some things that only we can handle, such as cleaning up those abominable creatures in the subspace." Yaoen did not reprimand the soldiers, but answered frankly.

When he received the order from Qin Mo, he could already predict what would happen next. There might be demons appearing, or it might be psychic anomalies... Deploying the Thirteenth Regiment here first shows that Qin Mo still hopes The hidden dangers that may arise next will be quickly solved by the Thirteenth Regiment instead of being exposed to normal people.

After hearing Yaoen's answer, the soldiers all became serious and used their brains to adjust the functions of the power armor to maximize energy output to the weapon system.

"Ask more."

When everyone was preparing for the battle, Yao En suddenly said three words in the communication channel.

"You can ask more questions, but don't talk too much." Yao En said as he walked to the front of the line. "The privilege of people like us is to know more."

The soldiers nodded thoughtfully.

Yao En stood at the front of the team. The shoulder cannon of the Guards Power Armor entered sentry mode, and the cannon body rotated to ensure that it could attack nearby enemies in any direction.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the Thirteenth Regiment and Yao En waited for about fifty minutes.

Yaoen waited in silence until the biological processor in his brain sent out a piece of data from the guard's power armor detection device - the subspace energy was rising sharply.

A second later, a man with shining eyes suddenly appeared in the space twenty meters above the heads of the Thirteenth Regiment. This man looked very crazy and howled that he couldn't control himself.

The talents of the thirteen regiments of soulless ones restrained the uninvited guest's psychic powers, and he soon fell from the sky and broke his spine, suffering from severe discomfort and vomiting and diarrhea.

"I thought he would die suddenly." Yaoen held the chain sword given by Qin Mo and stepped forward to kill the incapacitated psyker. "It seems that this guy has a high level of psionic talent."

A psyker who can stay awake in front of the Thirteenth Regiment must be extraordinary, but this does not mean that he is difficult to deal with. It is just a matter of one sword, not even the shoulder cannon.

After killing the psyker who suddenly appeared, Yao En did not relax his vigilance and continued to wait.

The next second, a hundred psykers suddenly appeared in the sky. Each psyker was connected by light visible to the naked eye. They formed a special psychic field, which barely resisted the attacks brought by the soulless ones. Intense discomfort.

But these people couldn't last long, and were killed by the Thirteenth Regiment and Yao En within three seconds.

"Keep coming." Yaoen said to himself, looking at the sky.

The next second, psykers appeared again, this time in numbers that could cover the sky. Standing on the plain, you couldn't see the sky, you could only see a large number of psykers crowded together, and their bodies were constantly merging and twisting.

In front of psykers of this magnitude, the thirteen regiments of more than a hundred soulless people have little impact. The psykers floating in the sky used their spiritual energy to condense a door in the blink of an eye, and the tide of demons Rushed out of the door, drowning the Thirteenth Regiment and Yao En.

During the battle with the demons, the soulless ones were instantly annihilated by a sea of ​​blue fire caused by a psionic spell. Only Yaoen dodged the spell the moment the sea of ​​​​fire burned and turned his attention to the guy who released the psionic spell.

Yaoen saw a two-headed birdman holding a scepter with a book on it.

The birdman's two heads quickly turned to scan the surrounding environment, and its eyes directly passed over Yaoen's body, not seeing him at all.

Yaoen jumped up, and when he landed, he held the chain sword in both hands and slashed out, directly cutting off the left side of the birdman's head.

"One of my heads was chopped off!" said the head that fell to the ground.

"I seemed to be attacked by something, but I dodged the attack." Birdman said with his head still on his neck.

Things related to demons are always so confusing, so Yao En is not surprised, nor is he curious why one of the birdmen tells the truth and the other lies.

It turns out that the birdman didn't know whether it had a head chopped off. It didn't know what method it used to move a kilometer away in an instant.

When Yaoen was about to chase him, he was surrounded by demons that could not be seen to the end. Little pink and blue monsters were jumping towards him, and there were also ferocious demons with bird-like shapes mixed in among the little monsters. .

"The two-headed demon you saw is named Carlos."

Qin Mo's voice sounded in the communication channel, and at the same time, the chain sword in Yao En's hand was attached with a layer of flame.

The power of the Star God is being input into the weapon by the medium worn by Yao En.

Yaoen calmly looked at the demons swarming towards him, and then inserted the chain sword into the ground.

The 360-degree sea of ​​​​fire swept all around, burning all the demons approaching Yaoen. From space, it looked like the entire center of the Toyoko Plain was on fire.

"One of Carlos's heads tells the truth, the other tells lies, one can only see the future and the other can only see the past."

"It cannot see the present, so it cannot see you, because you are dead in the past and in the future."

Listening to Qin Mo's words, Yaoen suddenly recalled his experience of dealing with demons on Tailong 2, and also recalled that Qin Mo had given himself a title:

Carlos the Slayer.

"If it can't see me, then I'll give it a hundred knives and it won't know what happened?" Yaoen was eager to give it a try.

Sorry guys, I was too optimistic yesterday when I said I could write four or five chapters.

My chest hurts so much when I'm lying on my stomach while typing. It's better to press the keyboard with my arms stretched out than to use my mobile phone to code. Maybe it's because I've been resting on my stomach for the past few days and I'm very sleepy when typing.

This broken hemorrhoid has caused me so much trouble that my coding plan has been disrupted. It’s even more uncomfortable than Calvin’s. I have a plot in my mind, but I’m slow to code it. Plus, it’s so painful, messy, and uncomfortable to tear it apart. I have been writing this chapter since twelve o'clock until now. The more I write, the more I hold my breath and drop the keyboard.

What makes me even more suffocated is that my dad said that I got hemorrhoids because I sat typing all day long at work. I thought that it had only been less than two months since I started writing this book. How could I get hemorrhoids just because of this? I also said that I sat there during duty rotation.

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