Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 214 Crack Characteristics

"We made mistakes from the beginning."

"A grave and fatal mistake."

Typhus said and looked at Abaddon, who was obviously placing the blame on Abaddon.

Before Typhons could continue speaking, Abaddon's lieutenants had already cast hostile eyes on him.

However, Abaddon showed no reaction and was still in a trance. The vague memories in his mind were bothering the Black Legion Warmaster.

Typhons turned a blind eye to the looks of Abaddon's lieutenants and continued: "In fact, we shouldn't trust that wizard of unknown origin. In the battles in the past few years, he kept pointing fingers and asked us to do this. They will ask us to do that, and sometimes they will even ask our men to die."

"And what was the result of what this wizard did?"

"Open a rift, it's that simple."

Typhonse's words reminded Abaddon's lieutenants of the situation a few years ago.

The sorcerer was brought before the Warmaster by the Huron men. No one knew what the sorcerer said. Then the Warmaster accepted the sorcerer and was willing to carry out his every request.

Typhons was not Abaddon's subordinate but an ally. He had no need to listen to Abaddon's arrangements, but Abaddon said that as long as the ceremony was successful, the war would be won.

"Then what did we do?" Typhons continued, "We rushed to Cadia in a swarm, knowing nothing about the enemy. When we were preparing for a fleet battle, the enemy used a strange weapon. Destroy our fleet."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader of the Red Pirate Fleet also looked at Abaddon, obviously dissatisfied with him.

If we dig deeper, it was indeed the rush of everyone to Cardia that led to the current situation.

Faced with these accusations, Abaddon did not defend or reprimand, but said a very indifferent sentence: "You can go, take your fleet with you. After you suffered such a huge loss, although you have nothing to gain, No catch but at least you can just walk away.”

"..." Typhons was silent.

From a rational perspective, considering that the Plague Fleet has already suffered heavy losses, it is best not to participate in the next war regardless of whether it goes well or not.

But if you just give up, all the previous losses will be in vain.

Typhons decided to see what Abaddon's plan was next. If he could come up with a reliable strategy, he would continue to fight. If not, he would leave immediately.

"Instead of arguing about who should take the blame, we should continue to discuss strategy." Abaddon stood up from the throne and walked to the porthole, looking at the fleet outside.

This fleet was no longer a qualified fleet. The frigates were all destroyed, and the remaining cruisers were relatively dilapidated. The battleships were in pretty good condition, with only the Vengeful Spirit damaged.

The two black stone fortresses are not in the fleet.

Abaddon thought it was possible that they had not escaped into the warp through the rift.

"You said the ritual was useless, but I think it's just the opposite." Abaddon turned to look at Typhons, "If there were no rift, then we would be completely defeated now, and there would be no possibility of turning defeat into victory."

"What's the use even if the rift still exists?" Typhons asked.

"The rift is our advantage, and we can find ways to expand this advantage." Abaddon tempted Typhons to think carefully, "What will happen if we gradually destroy the galaxies near Cadia?"

Typhonse thought about it carefully and suddenly understood what Abaddon's purpose was.

Celestial objects in the universe contain the Warp, which is why using the Warp Drive involves traveling to the Mandeville Point in the system.

If the star systems near Cadia were destroyed, the veil between the physical universe and the Warp would be weakened and the rifts summoned by the ritual would widen, which would bring many benefits.

For example, the Blackstone Fortress that uses warp energy will become stronger.

However, although Typhons understood Abaddon's purpose, he could not agree: "Theoretically it is possible, but have you ever thought about how we destroy the galaxy? We not only have to destroy planets but also destroy stars, and we have to use the fastest speed We must do these things at the fastest speed, because if it takes too long, we will be teleported by the Tyron Navy."


"The distance between galaxies is very far. It is very likely that even if we destroy many galaxies, the effect will not reach Cadia."

After raising all the questions, Typhons waited for Abaddon's answer, and at the same time made a decision in his mind whether he should leave or stay to see whether Abaddon's answer was reliable.

Abaddon thought for a moment and said, "The wizard who performed the ritual once told me something."

"Can you stop mentioning that bastard all the time?" Typhons's patience has been exhausted.

Abaddon ignored Typhons and continued: "If the size of the rift summoned by the ritual is only large enough to pass a few battleships, then there is no need to set up ritual nodes everywhere in the entire Hazy Star Field. The rift can cover a maximum diameter of 300 light In the area of ​​​​years, each missing celestial body in the surrounding galaxy will increase the size of the crack."

Hearing this, Typhons thought of the infinite possibilities.

It is a fantasy to expand the size of the rift to cover three hundred light years, but even if it is only the size of a planet, it is enough. At that time, demons can be summoned directly within the enemy ship through rituals.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Typhons became increasingly dissatisfied with Abaddon. This guy was always hiding something.

"If I can predict that the enemy's iron planet will only take a few days to reach Cadia, if I can predict that the two black stone fortresses cannot even contain the iron planet... I will definitely make full preparations." Barton said helplessly.

Typhons was silent for a moment and nodded.

"The most important thing now is whether Blackstone Fortress can come back. If they can't come back, then we will break up immediately." Abaddon said and looked out the window.

Everyone in the bridge was waiting anxiously. After all, whether Blackstone Fortress could come back would determine whether they could turn defeat into victory.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The collateral damage suffered by the Vengeful Spirit has been completely contained, and the crew has begun trying to repair some minor damage that is not serious.

At this moment, a fluctuation appeared in the space directly in front of the fleet, and then a black building in the shape of an eight-pointed star suddenly appeared, which was the Black Stone Fortress.

The Blackstone Fortress had just passed through the rift and entered the subspace at an extremely fast speed.

Following the Blackstone Fortress into the subspace was a spear of light. This spear of light flew across the surface of the fortress, hitting the Vengeful Spirit closest to the Blackstone Fortress, and penetrated the two propellers at the rear of the ship.

Abaddon, who was on the bridge, heard the news that the Vengeful Spirit had suffered a disaster, and felt like someone had stabbed his healing heart.

"Contact the garrison in Blackstone Fortress and ask them to drive over." Abaddon ordered.

An adjutant immediately set out to contact the Blackstone Fortress crew, but no matter how he called, he received no response.

Abaddon guessed that there might be enemies in the Blackstone Fortress. He did not want the only hope of the Blackstone Fortress to be destroyed, so he issued a second order to the adjutant: "I will personally lead a company of people into the Blackstone Fortress."

Sorry guys, yesterday I finished typing and had dinner before going to bed at one o'clock. When I woke up, it was already afternoon...

I'll go to bed early today and get up early tomorrow to code

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